Homeliness, Pest Control
The poison for the cockroach. The best remedy for cockroaches
Over the years, people have been trying to get rid of unusually enduring insects that can survive in the most unfavorable conditions. Cockroaches became an unusually serious problem, which faced modern mankind.
At the same time, many people do not even suspect the danger that such unwanted "tenants" can present, capable of withstanding even the most severe frosts and heat. That's why you should know what these insects are dangerous for a person, and also what are the main methods of fighting them and what is the poison for a cockroach.
Harm of cockroaches
Although many believe that the main danger is the spoilage of food and finishing materials by cockroaches, the harm that they can inflict on a person is more serious. Scientists have proven that these insects can be the bearer of over fifty different microbes that pose a threat to human health. Among such infections are not only intestinal, but also tuberculosis, hepatitis and many others.
Speaking about the harm of cockroaches, it can also be mentioned that these insects are able to bite a person, and also get into the ears, which is especially dangerous if the house is inhabited by small children.
What is the danger?
Cockroaches are constantly looking for food. In doing so, they climb on kitchen tables, microwave ovens, refrigerators, as well as garbage containers, entrances. In addition, on the feet of these insects, eggs of worms can be transferred, which, when ingested, freely enter the human body.
Among other things, particles of chitin are constantly separated from insect bodies, remaining virtually everywhere where cockroaches run. When mixed with dust, these particles often cause different allergic reactions and other undesirable diseases. That is why when you first discover such insects at home, you should immediately start active methods of combating them, which will be discussed in this article.
Recipes from cockroaches
There are several proven means against cockroaches that can be cooked at home.
The most popular of the substances for fighting them is boric acid. Even when a small amount of this drug is introduced into the insect organism, the strongest intoxication occurs. If the cockroach absorbs a large dose of boric acid, it will develop paralysis of the muscles and an imminent death will occur. Nevertheless, cockroaches do not eat boric acid in pure form, so it should be added to the foods most attractive to them.
An excellent tool is an egg with boric acid from cockroaches, reviews confirm the effectiveness of this mixture. To prepare a poison based on boric acid, you need to add about thirty-five grams of this substance to one yolk of the boiled egg. After mixing these ingredients, a gum of a dough-like structure will form, from which small balls will be rolled and placed in places where insects gather.
You can also mix boric acid with flour and sugar in the same proportions. Add water to this mixture to make a dough-like gruel. It should also make small balls and arrange them in places where cockroaches are most often collected.
You can also make homemade traps for cockroaches. To do this, a few sheets of adhesive tape should be pasted on the cardboard sheet with an adhesive side up. A few drops of honey are applied to the center of the carton. Insects that will certainly want to eat such a sweetness will stick to the scotch, which will allow them to reduce their numbers somewhat.
The tool "Global"
Sometimes homemade products do not provide the expected effect, and cockroaches still do not leave the house or apartment. In this case, you can try to use ready-made poison, which is produced by many different manufacturers.
One of the most popular methods of fighting harmful insects is the gel of German production "Global" from cockroaches. You can buy it at any specialized outlet. It is characterized by great efficiency, ease of use, and safety for pets and humans. The active substance of this gel is chlorpyrifos, which belongs to the number of modern contact insecticides of a wide spectrum of action. The main task of the gel "Global" is the complete destruction of pests.
After contact with the gel, the cockroach is poisoned with chlorpyrifos, but does not die, but transfers it to places where a large concentration of insects is noted. Thus, infection of the entire population occurs. It is enough that the active substance brought several individuals of cockroaches, and the house or apartment will be completely cleared of these insects.
Meshenka "Mashenka"
You can use the well-known chalk. "Mashenka" is a poison for a cockroach, which has been used for many years in the fight against these insects. The insecticidal effect is provided by two components - deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin. Both substances enter the pyrethroid group of poisons of the contact kind of action. They are toxic to humans and all warm-blooded animals, so special care should be taken when using this remedy.
The poisoning effect of chalk is manifested when first contact with an insect. When a cockroach crosses a strip drawn with chalk, the active substances fall onto the outer shell and penetrate into the deep layers of the cockroach tissues. This leads to the destruction of impulses going to the muscles from the nerve nodes, which causes paralysis and the death of insects.
It should be remembered that, unlike aerosols, "Masha" from cockroaches acts after some time. Therefore, insects manage to carry the particles of poison on their paws to the places of their accumulation and infect a large number of brethren. As a rule, the visible effect after the application of "Mashenka" chalk comes on the 4th-5th day after use, when the number of insects significantly decreases, and on the surfaces the bodies of the dead individuals are increasingly encountered.
"Combat" from cockroaches
Another known effective poison for the cockroach and other insects, such as moth, ants and others, is the Kombat series.
A wide range of insecticides "Henkel", produced under this brand, includes gels, aerosols and traps from cockroaches. The choice of the means largely depends on the number of insects, as well as the area that needs to be cleared from them. At the same time, you can buy such funds not only in specialized stores, but also in supermarkets or in ordinary markets.
Glue traps
A separate kind of struggle are traps from cockroaches. They differ not only in the companies-producers, but also in the principle of action.
The simplest of them are glue traps, which are original cardboard houses for insects, the bottom of which is covered for a long time by a drying sticky substance. In the center of these houses is a special fragrant substance that attracts cockroaches. When an insect penetrates inside such a box, it is glued to the sticky bottom with paws and can not move further. After full filling of such traps by insects, they must be thrown out and replaced with new ones.
Electric and insecticide catchers
There are also more practical electric traps for cockroaches. They resemble metal boxes, inside of which is a fragrant, periodically replaced bait. When an insect gets inside the box, it is struck by an electrical discharge of high voltage. As the box is filled with insects, it must be cleaned with a special brush.
Some of the most effective are poisonous or insecticidal traps, which are boxes filled with fragrant poison. When an insect gets inside through one of the holes, it absorbs the poison and leaves the trap unhindered to carry the particles of poison to the places where the insects are gathered. Thus, such traps allow attacking a large number of insects, keeping the insecticide in a safe container for humans and having no less effective effect than the poison for the cockroach.
Cockroaches multiply very quickly: for eight months (the life of an insect) the female is able to postpone up to 360 000 eggs. And since it is not easy to remove cockroaches, you should try not to start them. To do this, you can follow several rules.
First of all, you should not allow the accumulation of food waste and debris, you need to get rid of them in time. It is also necessary to wash dishes and a sink, the latter must also be wiped dry, as water is a source of life for cockroaches. Also in order to combat cockroaches, it is necessary to make timely repairs of pipes and sanitary ware, not allowing water leakage.
When the first signs of the presence of insects (traces of excrement) appear, it is necessary to begin fighting them with the help of preparations such as, for example, "Global" from cockroaches, which you can buy without problems.
In the cold season, you can ventilate the room for fifteen minutes - at temperatures below zero, insects perish.
The implementation of these simple rules will help not only to protect the dwelling from the appearance of cockroaches, but also to effectively combat the already appeared insects.
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