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Nemesis Head: Causes and Features of Treatment

Probably, every person knows that feeling when his head grows numb. There are indeed reasons for concern about this symptom. However, do not panic, because this symptom can be caused not only by serious diseases, but also, for example, by an incorrect position of the head during sleep. If numbness is noted for a long time, then a person must necessarily see a doctor for a competent consultation.

How this symptom manifests itself

It should be noted that numbness of the head - this is not an independent disease, but a symptom. It can be observed in completely different diseases. Hypesesia (another symptom name) can also be accompanied by a different symptomatology. The patient often complains that both dizzy and numb his head. The causes are found in many diseases. Sometimes some one part grows numb.

Usually if hypoesthesia appears abruptly and also abruptly passes, then doctors recommend to seek a consultation with a neurologist. It is also important to consult a specialist more quickly if, together with the numbness of the patient, it is difficult to talk or move, and if uncontrolled urination occurs. Typically, such serious symptoms indicate the presence of complex diseases in the human body and the faster to begin treatment, the higher the chance of complete recovery of the patient.

Numbness due to impaired blood circulation

If blood circulation is disturbed, a part of the head becomes numb as a rule. The reason is what kind of artery does not function well. There can be several reasons for circulatory disturbance. It is likely that this was due to developing atherosclerosis or because of progressive hypertensive disease, and maybe because of a banal osteochondrosis.

It is worth noting that if the numbness of the head is due to hypertensive disease, then the probability of stroke is high. Such a patient should be examined as soon as possible. Stroke can be suspected if a person has slowed speech, doubling in the eyes, and it is difficult for him to do normal movements. The stroke is treated, and at the same time very successfully, but only in the first 6-12 hours after the onset of symptoms.

Numbness and multiple sclerosis

Quite often people with a sick nervous system get numb in the head. The reasons may be different, but more often than not, numbness occurs because of developing multiple sclerosis. This disease is especially often recorded in the elderly, but sometimes occurs in the younger generation.

Treatment of this diagnosis should be done only by a doctor, and it should be addressed as soon as possible if a person has bright symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Among them, loss of vision, decreased sensitivity of the scalp, difficulty in movement and poor coordination. During multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheath of the nerve is replaced by a connective tissue that does not transmit sensation well from tactile contact. Due to this, hypoesthesia also appears.

Tumor and trauma - causes of numbness of head

Benign and malignant tumors, as well as the traumas suffered - are the most unpleasant for a person. Against the background of their often numb, headache. The reasons are not often, but sometimes they are hidden in them. Therefore, if a person has a systematic appearance of a violation of skin sensitivity, it is necessary to urgently undergo a survey with a specialist.

So, if a tumor develops in a person's head, he will often experience severe pain and numbness. Also, fever and vomiting are possible. Do not forget that a tumor is not necessarily a cancer. It is likely that it has a benign character and is successfully treated.

Numbness after trauma is also a serious signal. Reducing the sensitivity of the skin can be caused by an open hemorrhage or a violation of the integrity of the tissues.

Numbness and sore nerves

Sometimes it happens that the sensitivity does not fall across the entire surface of the head, for example, the right side of the head grows dumb. The causes of such symptoms can be covered in inflammation of the nerves (trigeminal or facial).

If a person has an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, he will also have pain at touch, dry skin, as well as involuntary twitching of facial muscles. The trigeminal nerve often becomes inflamed with advanced dental diseases.

Inflammation of the facial nerve is first manifested by pain behind the ear, but only after that the sensitivity of the scalp decreases.

It happens that a person has both pain and numbness of the head. The causes are also found in inflammatory processes. With this symptomatology it is worthwhile to assume that the patient has an inflammation of the occipital nerve and should consult a doctor.

How to help yourself?

Doctors say that such a symptom as numbness of the head, occurs in healthy people. It is necessary to be alarmed and address only if the decrease in sensitivity occurs systematically and for a long time. However, it is not recommended to delay treatment. The fact is that with late treatment the doctor will not be able to establish the initial cause of the disease, and the patient will have to cure the neglected diagnosis for a long time.

Sometimes the patient can be sent for urgent hospitalization, when the head grows numb. The reasons for this may be different, and hospitalization is indicated only in severe conditions.

Also, with a decrease in the sensitivity of the scalp, it is recommended to receive a referral to a biochemical blood test. This is necessary in order to identify the presence of an inflammatory process and start treatment on time. If the cause is not in the head, then it is necessary to examine the neck and upper spine.

Diagnosis of diseases

So, a lot of diseases were disassembled, because of which the scalp becomes numb. The causes of the ailment must be diagnosed very carefully and only under the supervision of the attending physician. In modern medicine, there are a lot of methods for diagnosing this symptom. It is important to choose one that really helps to identify the cause.

Of the main methods to identify the causes of numbness of the head can be identified:

  • Computed tomography;
  • MRI (shown if the patient develops a benign or malignant tumor theoretically);
  • Electroneuromyography (helps to identify a specific nerve, which causes numbness in the scalp);
  • X-ray;
  • Ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels (ultrasound of the vessels of the cervical region may also be prescribed, if the doctor assumes that the cause of numbness lies precisely in cervical osteochondrosis).

Treatment of numbness of scalp

So, the doctor has established a disease, from which the patient's head grows numb. The reasons can be varied and the treatment is appointed based on what the ailment was diagnosed in the patient. There are two ways of treatment: non-pharmacological and medicamentous.

Non-pharmacological treatment includes acupuncture, physical therapy and massage. It is proved that medical massage helps to restore blood circulation in the scalp quickly, which removes the pain syndrome and eliminates numbness.

Drug treatment is prescribed when serious causes are identified. With hypertension and atherosclerosis, the doctor prescribes pressure-jumping medications or medications that lower cholesterol. It is also possible to prescribe hormonal drugs to the patient or drugs that have a positive effect on blood circulation.

If the cause of numbness is established of a neuralgic nature, then anticonvulsant medications or drugs that relieve muscle spasm are prescribed.

Prevention of diseases

It is known that the disease is easier to prevent than cure. There are several general rules that make it possible to really protect yourself from such diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension and neuralgia. First, you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle. In this case, do not necessarily limit yourself in everything. You can, for example, drink alcohol, but only in small quantities.

It is also important to go in for sports and develop physically. A good physical form can protect a person from such ailments as osteochondrosis. It is still important to eat right. To do this, you need to monitor your diet on a daily basis and exclude harmful products. It should be remembered that a large number of fatty, fried or sweet foods can significantly increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. Excellent prevention will be and a complete cessation of smoking.

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