
"Arpeflyu" preparation: instructions for use, composition, description and reviews

With the onset of cold weather, each person seeks to protect themselves from a variety of common colds. After all, prevention is much better than treatment. One of the medicines used for this purpose is Arpefly. Instructions for use, price, reviews about the medicine will be presented to your attention. You can learn about the features of using the composition. Also worth mentioning are analogues of the composition.

What it is? Description of the preparation

Medication "Arpefly" - tablets. Instructions for use, reviews of consumers and doctors report that this antiviral agent, which also contributes to the increase of immunity. How can I describe the medicine?

The drug is available in the form of tablets, coated with a film membrane, which are packed in a blister. The latter, in turn, is placed in a cardboard box. The facade of the package has bright shades from pink to red-orange. In large black letters, the trade name of the drug, Arpefl, is indicated. Instructions for use are applied to each pack of medicinal product.

What does the medicine consist of?

What does the instructions for use tell us about Arpheff medicine? The abstract says that the active substance of the drug is arbidol hydrochloride. One capsule contains 50 or 100 milligrams of this compound.

Also in the composition of the medicine there are additional substances. Among them, mention may be made of starch, magnesium stearate, lactose, cellulose, aerosil and so on.

How does the medicine work?

About the drug "Arpefly" instructions for use informs that the drug is quickly absorbed from the walls of the stomach and intestines. Already after 1-2 hours there is an active concentration of the drug in the blood. The drug is metabolized in the liver.

The active substance of the tablets works as follows. Arbidol hydrochloride acts on the cells of the virus, limiting their connection to the internal tissues of a person. The drug has an immunomodulatory effect, increasing the body's resistance. Thus, the patient can shorten the duration of the disease several times. With preventive use, the composition has an effect on healthy cells, contributing to an increase in their resistance. Arbidol hydrochloride inhibits influenza viruses and other strains. The medicine helps to reduce the number of chronic diseases, which are often a complication of the transferred infection.

Indications for the use of tablets

When does the patient need to use Arpefly? The instruction for use contains the following information. The indications for prescribing the drug are as follows:

  • Influenza infections caused by virus A and B;
  • Respiratory diseases, which are often complicated by diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • Human immunodeficiency secondary;
  • State after surgery, requiring correction of the immune system;
  • Complex treatment of bacterial pathologies of various origin;
  • Preventive measures aimed at preventing a viral disease.

Despite the clearly described cases in which the use of "Arpefly" medication (tablets) is required, the instructions for use strongly do not advise them to be used alone. For appointments, consult a specialist.


What else is reported about the drug "Arpefly" instruction for use, reviews of doctors? The received information testifies that it is impossible to use tablets with hypersensitivity to one of the components. It is not recommended to use a medicine for children under three years old. Some sources indicate a ban on the use of the formula in the period of waiting for the baby and breastfeeding. However, this information remains controversial.

The composition is not prescribed for exacerbation of kidney and liver diseases. If there is an increased sensitivity to lactose, then it is also worth not to use it. Only in certain situations, specialists accompany correction with certain enzymes. The drug should not be used in patients with diabetes and obesity. About individual limitations, ask your doctor.

"Arpefly" (tablets): instructions for use

The doctors say that the medicine can be pre-dissolved in a small amount of liquid. However, before this you need to open the capsule. Other experts say that this can not be done, the tablet should be taken whole, washed down with a lot of water. The dosage of the drug depends on the patient's age, and the duration of therapy depends on the severity of the course of the disease.

Children aged 3 to 6 years are recommended to take 50 mg of the drug. From 6 to 12 years - 100 mg. If you bought the medicine in a dose of 50, then the portion will be 2 tablets. In case of using the preparation 100, take one capsule. Adult patients are assigned 200 mg of active ingredient. Under what scheme to take the described single doses?

  • In order to prevent or contact a sick person, the medicine is prescribed once a day for two weeks.
  • During the period of viral infections, tablets are taken every three days for a month.
  • When used before and after surgery, the composition is used two days before and after the procedure.
  • For treatment, the medication is prescribed up to 4 times a day for 5 days.
  • If the pathology is accompanied by complications, then the composition should be taken within five days according to the scheme described above, after which to switch to a single dose with a seven-day break.

Additional Information

What else does the instruction for use tell us about Arpeflu's composition? The price of the drug will be presented to your attention further. The instruction indicates that the medication has no adverse reactions. However, doctors report that every medicine has a chance of an allergic reaction.

Cases of overdose of the composition were not revealed. Even with excessive use of tablets, they are not capable of causing a negative reaction. The medicine goes well with many other drugs. Often it is prescribed concomitantly with antibiotics, antiviral drugs of a different origin and other medicines.

Opinions about the drug

You have become aware of the information provided by the instructions for use attached to the Arpeflu preparation. The price of the medicine is about 350 rubles for one pack. This amount will be enough for the entire course of therapy. It does not matter whether you are treating or preventing.

Consumers say that the medicine is very effective. The earlier you start the correction, the faster it will help you. Doctors noted a decrease in the likelihood of complications during the taking of tablets. This is especially true in preschool children. Many mothers gave pills for the prevention of their children. At the same time, the kids stopped being ill. If the cold appeared, it passed very quickly and with minimal effort.

Doctors say that there is an absolute analogue of the drug. Its trade name is Arbidol. With the same effectiveness, the tool has a much higher cost. If you want to save, then be sure to ask the doctor about the generic drugs. But do not prescribe yourself and your loved ones treatment yourself!

Summing up the article

You got acquainted with the antiviral drug "Arpefly". Instructions for use, price, reviews on the product are presented in the article. The medication is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. However, before the purchase of Arpefly tablets, instructions for use, price, analogues should be carefully studied. Be sure to consult a doctor when symptoms of a cold appear. Strong to you health!

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