
Antiviral eye drops: list, description, instructions for use and reviews

Viral conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases and occurs in both adults and children. Pathology refers to highly infectious and can provoke an epidemic. Coping with the disease will help complex therapy, which necessarily include antiviral drops for the eyes. Such drugs activate the immune system and promote a speedy recovery. An effective treatment course can be prescribed only by an ophthalmologist. Therefore, if symptoms of inflammation are detected, you should immediately contact a specialist.

What are antiviral eye drops?

For the treatment of various viral eye lesions, drops are prescribed that can eliminate the causative agent of the disease. The main task of such means is to stimulate the body's own defenses. Thanks to increased production of interferon, it is possible to defeat the virus. Interferon, in turn, is a protein that produces almost all cells of the body when invading foreign agents.

If the treatment is started in a timely manner, the patient will feel considerable relief within a few days. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that any medication, including antiviral drops for the eyes, has its contraindications and can not be used without a preliminary medical examination and a doctor's consultation.

Types of eye antiviral drops

In medical practice, all antiviral drops for the eyes are divided into several types, depending on the mechanism of action. Virulicide antiviral agents act directly on a foreign agent and kill (inactivate) it. Such drops belong to antimetabolites and significantly inhibit the healing process of the corneal eye affected by the virus.

Drops based on human interferon act more gently. Penetrating into cells damaged by the virus, this protein does not kill the pathogenic pathogen. It forces the cells to resist the virus attacks from the first day of the disease. Improve the protective function and immunomodulating drops. Stimulation of immunity occurs at the local and general level. Depending on the severity of the condition, the specialist will select the optimal drug for the treatment of the virus. Perhaps, other drugs will be needed in case of bacterial infection.

When appoint?

Antiviral drops for the eyes should be prescribed only with inflammation of the viral etiology. The drugs can overcome adenovirus - an infection that enters the body mainly through the mucous membranes. In ophthalmology adenovirus is the main reason for the development of conjunctivitis.

Enterovirus infection can also cause an inflammation of the eyes. The most severe form is enterovirus keratoconjunctivitis, in which the cornea is affected. Acute inflammation of the conjunctiva causes enterovirus type 70. Such an ailment in ophthalmology is called hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. A characteristic feature is a hemorrhage.

Herpes virus can also cause a pathological condition. Herpetic keratitis is considered the most common form of ailment. They are manifested most often in primary infection with the herpes virus at an early age in children.

Viral conjunctivitis: causes, symptoms

The first signs of an illness appear on the 5-10th day of infection. Viral conjunctivitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Redness of the eye;
  • Tearing;
  • Thread;
  • photophobia;
  • Puffiness of eyelids.

Apply antiviral drops to the eyes with conjunctivitis from the first day of the inflammatory process. In the absence of adequate therapy in most cases, a bacterial infection is attached, which significantly worsens the patient's condition.

Pathology often occurs against the background of acute respiratory infection, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, the doctor can prescribe drops in the nose and eyes. Antiviral nasal agents most often contain interferon - "Nasoferon", "Genferon", "Grippferon". Among the immunomodulators, "Derinat" drops are popular.

Baby antiviral eye drops

For children, antiviral drugs based on human interferon are considered the safest. Interferon inductors will stimulate the body's natural defenses, increasing the production of antibodies to the viral pathogen and without adversely affecting it. But they can be appointed only by the attending physician.

Viruses affect children more often than adults. Vulnerability of children is associated with imperfection of the immune system, which has not yet had time to "get acquainted" with many infections. Viral conjunctivitis is mainly found in children 2-6 years of age. In parallel, the symptoms of a cold can be observed: a runny nose, a sore throat, weakness, a headache. To remove discomfort, you can use the following drops:

  • Ophthalmoferon.
  • "Oftan I'm going."
  • "Poludan."
  • "Gludantan."
  • "Aktipol".

In case of bacterial infection, the specialist will prescribe additional medicines that will act directly on foreign agents. For bacterial conjunctivitis, drops are also used. In the eyes, antiviral and antibacterial drugs should be instilled only after reading the instructions.

Antiviral eye drops during pregnancy

Decreased immunity during pregnancy leads to an organism's vulnerability to viruses. Since the range of medications allowed for treatment during this period is limited, it should be very responsible to choose a safe remedy. With conjunctivitis of viral origin, pregnant women can use only drops based on interferon - "Ophthalmoferon". This is the safest treatment option for a future mother. The only contraindication to use is hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or auxiliary components.

Ophthalmic diseases pose a danger to the fetus. Therefore, if you find the first symptoms of an ailment, you should seek help from a specialist. To improve the state of the immune system, it is necessary to consult a physician-immunologist.

Ophthalmoferon Drops: Description

In ophthalmology, interferon is often used to treat locally caused diseases caused by a virus. Antiviral eye drops "Ophthalmoferon" act immediately in several directions:

  1. Improve the body's protective functions at the local level.
  2. Remove the inflammation.
  3. Prevent the spread of the virus.
  4. Start the process of restoring the cornea of the eye.
  5. They play the role of an anesthetic.

In 1 ml of the drug contains about 10 thousand recombinant human interferon. The second active substance is dimedrol, which removes inflammation and stops allergic reactions. Boric acid is included in the composition for disinfection. It is thanks to this component that the drug can produce a weak antibacterial effect.

Ophthalmoferon eye drops have undergone the necessary clinical trials, during which a high degree of effectiveness of the drug against viral pathologies has been proven. Patients claim that the drug is well tolerated and almost does not cause side effects.


Anti-viral eye drops "Ophthalmoferon" can be prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis of herpetic, adenoviral and hemorrhagic types. Also, such therapy keratitis, neuritis of the optic nerve, pollinosis (inflammation of the eyes of an allergic nature), iridocyclitis. Drops are used in the recovery process after surgery to prevent the development of infection.

Antiviral drops "Ophthalmoferon" moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye, eliminating discomfort and inflammation. If the drug does not cope with a strong inflammatory process, the doctor can additionally prescribe hormonal drugs to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Antiviral eye drops Aktipol

The ophthalmic agent has an active ingredient, such as aminobenzoic acid, in the composition. The substance stimulates the production of human interferon at the local level, improving its own protective function. Antiviral eye drops of the Russian production "Aktipol" can be used to treat adenovirus keratouveitis and conjunctivitis, thermal burns of the cornea, dystrophic lesions of the ocular retina. It also cures chronic eye fatigue, moisturizes and relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the patient's condition. According to the instructions, drops should be applied up to 8 times a day in the acute course of the disease. The active ingredients usually do not cause side effects and are well tolerated. However, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, it is better to refrain from using the medication alone and get medical advice in advance.

«Oftan Ida»

Another medicinal product of Finnish origin is Oftan Idu. These are powerful antiviral drops for the eyes. The drug has a pronounced virucidal effect and has a harmful effect on the virus. The main active substance - idoxuridine - is able to change the structure of the DNA of the pathogen, which inevitably leads to its death.

In the acute phase, antiviral eye drops should be applied every 2 hours. In the future, the time interval can be increased. Unlike interferon-based drugs, this drug can cause a number of side effects in the form of increased tearing, itching, redness, and clouding of the cornea. To avoid negative consequences, you should first contact a specialist who will select the necessary antiviral drops for the eyes.

The price of such drugs ranges from 200 rubles. (Drops "Aktipol") to 370 rubles. ("Ophthalmoferon"). Drops on the basis of human interferon may be prescribed as part of complex treatment of ARVI, as well as for the prevention of colds.

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