
Reviews: "Flamin." Indications for use, description

Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the gallbladder. This is the most common complication of cholelithiasis. Its main cause of development is the presence of microflora in the lumen of the bladder, as well as an abnormal process of outflow of bile.

In addition, the development of acute inflammation often results in impaired blood supply to the gallbladder walls, which is observed in atherosclerosis of the branches (visceral) of the abdominal aorta. Also damaging the action contributes to pancreatic juice. This occurs with reflux of the pancreatic gland secret into the bile ducts.

To improve the patient's condition with such a disease, doctors often prescribe choleretic, cholekinetic, choleretic and other anti-inflammatory drugs. One of them is the medicine "Flamin". The price, analogies and method of application of this tool will be presented below.

Composition, description, shape, packaging

In what form is the "Flamin" medication sold? Tablets are the most popular form of this drug. They have a light yellow color, as well as a round and flat-cylindrical shape. The active elements of this remedy are flavonoids of the flowers of the sandy immortelle. Also in the drug include pectin, sorbic acid, citric acid and sugar.

It should also be noted that the preparation under consideration goes on sale in the form of granules for the preparation of a suspension (for children).

The preparation "Flamin" in the form of a powder is issued in vials or in sachets-packages, and in the form of tablets - in contour cells.

Characteristics of the medicine

What are the pharmacological properties of the drug in question? What do doctors say about this? "Flamin" is a herbal remedy. It has cholekinetic, spasmolytic, choleretic, choleretic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects.

Thanks to such properties, this drug helps to increase bile secretion, increase bilirubin in the blood and increase the tone of the gallbladder, and improve the outflow of bile. In addition, there is a relaxing effect on the sphincters of the gallbladder and smooth muscles of the biliary tract. Also, this drug changes the viscosity and chemical composition of bile.

Features of the drug

What is remarkable about the means we are considering? What do the reviews say about this? "Flamin" stimulates the production of gastric juice, slows the evacuation of the digestive system, greatly improving the process of digestion of food.

It should also be noted that against the background of taking this medication, the secretory secretory work of the pancreatic gland is activated and the vessels in the intestine expand.

Treatment with this drug contributes to the hypocholesterolemic effect and the release of cholesterol in the bile. This indicates the antibacterial activity of the drug directed to gram-positive bacteria.

Indications for taking the drug

In what cases does the medicine in question manifest itself very well? What does consumers say about this? "Flamin" is highly effective as a cholagogue for:

  • Chronic hepatocholecystitis, that is, inflammation of the liver and bile ducts;
  • Cholecystitis, that is, inflammation of the gallbladder.

Contraindications to taking medication

The Flamin flavon, the analogues of which will be listed below, is not prescribed when:

  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Jaundice obturational.

Instructions for the use of herbal remedies

Take this medication only if prescribed by a doctor.

According to the instructions, the drug should be used three times a day for 50 mg. The tablets are swallowed whole, before eating.

The duration of therapy with this remedy is 15-40 days.

If the drug "Flamin" was assigned to a child, then it is used in granules. They are necessary for the preparation of the suspension. The powder is mixed with cool boiled water and shaken well.

The dosage of the oral suspension depends on the age of the child. Children from a month to a year of life should be given 2.5 ml of solution at a time and up to 7.5 ml per day. Babies 1-3 years are prescribed a single dose of 5 ml and daily in 15 ml, 4-5 years - 7.5 ml and 22.5 ml respectively, and from 5 years-10 ml and 30 ml.

The average duration of such therapy is 10-15 days. If required, the course is extended.

Adverse events

Side effects of this medication is extremely rare. With the "Flaminom" therapy, the patient may develop allergic reactions, as well as increase the pressure.

Overdose and Interaction

When an overdose of this agent may increase the adverse reactions.

Simultaneous reception of this drug with "Aminohinol" and "Metronidazole" in the treatment of giardiasis can increase the activity of these drugs.

Cost and similar preparations

How much does a plant remedy "Flamin" cost? The price of this medication is not very high. It is about 150-250 rubles for 30 tablets.

What can replace the medicine "Flamin"? Analogs of this drug should be recommended only by an experienced doctor. According to specialists, such tools as Allochol, Glutargin, Hofitol, and Holiver possess similar properties. It should be noted that the price of these drugs is also quite acceptable for most patients.

Consumer Reviews

"Flamin" is a herbal preparation, which very many people leave only positive reviews. In most cases, this medication is used by patients suffering from liver disorders. It should also be noted that some experts argue that the agent in question is capable of purifying and protecting this body.

Quite often tablets "Flamin" are prescribed for the treatment of newborn children who suffer from prolonged physiological jaundice. In this case, the effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by laboratory indicators such as the amount of bilirubin in the blood.

One can not help saying that this medication can be used in conjunction with other drugs. At the same time, no side effects are observed.

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