
Coral calcium is a panacea or not?

One of the secrets of the long-livers of the Japanese island of Okinawa is the water that the local population drinks. Unique corals related to the family of sclerotinia, once created this island. During the rain, water penetrating through corals, receives minerals, including coral calcium. It turned out that a small amount of ground coral, added to an unpainted non-carbonated liquid, increases the pH level, alkalizing water and saturating it with oxygen. A number of companies are engaged in the manufacture and sale of powders based on coral calcium. Consider such drugs should be like dietary supplements.

Positive properties

Biologists say that the cause of more than 150 diseases is a violation in the body of acid-base balance and a lack of calcium in it. Coral calcium will help to avoid health problems.

Daily use of this water contributes to:

- optimization of the pH level of the blood in the body;

- normalization of acid-base balance and calcium level;

- protection from the development of arthritis, restoration of the structure of cartilage and bone tissue;

- restoration of fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the body;

- cleansing the liver, kidneys and digestive system;

- Protection against diseases of the heart, blood vessels and digestive organs;

- saturation of tissues with oxygen.

Coral calcium is a natural preparation obtained from corals growing in the Sea of Japan. It also contains microelements in easily digestible form.

In 1957, Professor of the University of Okayama, Yunn Kobayashi, it was proved that the inhabitants of the islands of Tukonosima and Okinawa live long due to the high mineralization of the water they drink. In the 1950s, mass production and consumption of this drug developed in Japan. Currently, almost 4 million people regularly consume coral calcium.

In 1991, the Japanese scientist Futamura conducted experiments in rats, which resulted in the high effectiveness of this drug for the formation of bones. Later in Japan, coral calcium was used in the treatment of osteoporosis, hypertension, arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, calcaneal spurs, etc.

This is an excellent tool for neutralizing increased acidity. Coral calcium adds a certain alkalinity to the liquid media of the human body.

Enriched water should be drunk regularly. Prepare it fairly simply: a bag of powder with coral drops into pure non-carbonated water, and after 10 minutes it can already be consumed. Water should be kept in a closed bottle and evenly drunk during the day.

Coral calcium. Reviews

Consumers of this remarkable product note the improvement of general health literally from the first months of admission. This, first of all, getting rid of chronic diseases and quick relief in acute conditions. Diabetic, psoriasis and ENT diseases are well treated. Coral calcium is indispensable for improving the properties of water on the road, on a visit, on vacation. Almost all people note an increase in the endurance of the body, the absence of morning fatigue, the normalization of the psychoemotional state. Coral calcium, the price of which is acceptable to customers, is an indispensable and useful product in every family.

However, it should be noted that there is another point of view on the drug "Coral Calcium". It must be remembered that this agent is a dietary supplement (biologically active additive). Pharmacy drugs are much cheaper and, when acquiring something in companies related to network marketing, caution should be exercised, weighing all the pros and cons.

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