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What you need to buy for the birth of a child: make an indicative list

Preparing for the appearance of the baby is a responsible and troublesome business, but it's so pleasant! Of course, in every family, the solution of this issue is different. Sometimes the collection of what you need to buy for the birth of a child begins when you become aware of the pregnancy that has occurred. Some future mothers are swept away from the shelves in children's shops in a row, and then many things the kid does not even have time to abuse. Let's figure out what to buy for a newborn in the first place.

Stroller and cot

These items are perhaps the most ambitious of all children's accessories, but their importance is very important, because in the crib the kid will spend most of the time in the first months of his life. A stroller is the first "transport" for a child, in which he will learn the world on daily walks. It should also mention the recruitment of a baby crib, usually including a blanket, a pillow, bed linens, a soft protective edge and a capacious "pocket" with compartments for storing small items, which should always be at hand.

Children's clothing, diapers, diapers

Diapers - this is such a thing from the wardrobe of a newborn, which will never be superfluous, so for a dozen calico and flannel diapers - this is only a minimal amount, especially if you plan to constantly swaddle a baby in the first months of his life. What is necessary to buy for the birth of a child in his wardrobe in addition to diapers? It depends on the time of the year in which the baby was born, and on your personal preferences. Some young parents quite manage things such as children's caps, paschonki and sliders, while others immediately begin to dress up their children in ruches and bows. If your child is winter, then in any case, you can not do without a warm envelope or overalls for walking, a warm hat, mittens.

Feeding accessories

If you are going to breastfeed, the list of what you need to buy to give birth to a baby for feeding is minimal, and these items may not be needed at first. However, for those whose child will be artificially fed for some reason, the list of accessories will expand significantly: here are bottles, and brushes for washing them, and sterilizers, and thermoses.

The dummy-pacifier

A dummy in the first months of a child's life is his best friend, who will always help to calm down and fall asleep. And the nipple needs to be bought a little, in case of that, if suddenly one is lost. Also you can buy pacifiers of different types, so that you can choose the one that your baby will like more.

Home first aid kit

First aid kit - this is what you need to buy for the birth of a child, so that later in the fever not to run around pharmacies. Wadded disks, eared sticks with a restrictor, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, iodine, zelenka, cures for stomach pain and colic, antipyretic, douche, thermometer - this is far from a complete list of medicines and accessories needed in a house where there is little child.

Children's cosmetics and household chemicals

Baby oil, creams from diaper rash, bathing foam, shampoo, as well as a special baby powder and rinse aid, baby soap - all this is necessary for your baby to be healthy and cheerful, enjoying bathing and other pastime without any discomfort. And, of course, you need diapers: disposable or reusable - at your choice.

Bath accessories

Among the things that you need to buy for the birth of a child, an important place is taken by the bath, because you need to bathe the baby every day, so that its tender folds always remain clean. Together with the bath you can buy a special slide to support a still fragile baby calf. A very useful thing is a special baby towel with a head corner.


Toy, as you know, there is not much, but it is important to select them in accordance with the age of the child. For newborns, the best toys are hanging rattles, which can be fixed on a crib or stroller.

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