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How to process a newborn's navel after discharge from the hospital?

The first operation that occurs in a child's life is separation from the umbilical cord. After cutting the umbilical cord, a brace is applied to its remainder. In some maternity hospitals, surgical separation of the navel remains on the second day after birth, but most often the mummified residue disappears by itself, leaving behind a wound. The deadline for the disappearance of the remainder is different for all children. Sometimes it happens on the second day, sometimes for 10-12 days - it all depends on the individual characteristics.

The First Trouble

In the maternity hospital hygiene nurses are engaged in nurses, before discharge mothers are given advice on how to handle the navel of the newborn and what. But the new parents besides this, there are many other troubles, so it will be useful to repeat it again.

First, the remainder will definitely disappear. Regardless of whether the clamp was clamped or a clothespin. The blood vessels inside it withered, there are no nerve endings in it. If the process is delayed, you just have to be patient. You can not pull and separate the rest yourself!

The second question: how many times to process the navel of a newborn? This should be done twice a day until the umbilical wound does not overgrow. The process of full healing can take from two weeks to a month. For successful healing it is necessary to provide three components: dryness, purity, airing of the skin. Bandage, glue, cover with a nappy can not be.

How to process a newborn's navel

Within a few days after the fallout of the remainder, the child may have a suppository allocation. Drying tissues form crusts, which are a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. Daily treatment will help prevent inflammation and infection.

For processing, you will need:

  • Cotton swabs and cotton swabs.
  • Pipettes.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  • Zelenka or potassium permanganate ( 5% solution ).

Before processing the navel, you should wash your hands with soap and water. First you need to collect a little peroxide in the pipette . The edges of the navel should be carefully spread out with the thumb and forefinger and drop 2-3 drops of peroxide from the pipette. Allocations will be foamed.

Very delicately, acting from the center to the edges, collect the foamy contents with a cotton swab. Remaining after cleaning the crust must not be separated, this can cause bleeding. If there is a lot of dirty content left on the end of the cotton wool, the procedure is repeated. Each time a new wand is used.

It is necessary to give the navel a little dry, you can get wet with a cotton pad. Then a green is drawn into the pipette. Drip should be 1 drop and strictly on the navel, avoiding getting on the skin around. This is done in order to see a change in the color of the skin around the wound in the event of inflammation.

What to look for

Before processing the navel of the newborn, it must be carefully examined. Thick secretions, redness, unpleasant odor - an occasion for urgent treatment to the pediatrician.

You can swim newborns with an unhealed umbilical wound if you follow a number of conditions. In the water before bathing is added a solution of potassium permanganate, which stains it in a pale pink color, or the water must be boiled. If healing is slow, bathing can be replaced by washing individual parts of the body. If there are difficulties with the treatment of the wound, the local doctor or nurse can show how to properly process the newborn's navel, and control the healing process. By the month of the baby, a neat healthy navel is formed.

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