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How should the preschoolers be taught?

Each child, before going to the first class, receives a certain knowledge base in the kindergarten. Literacy training for preschool children, as a rule, occurs according to the "rolled-in" scheme: reading of the primer, simple fairy tales, writing of letters, mainly in printed form. As a result, each child develops due to his natural abilities. Who is gifted and talented - he quickly grasps new material, the same children who can not orient themselves in the above, have "gaps" in knowledge.

Features of our gardens

The teaching of reading and writing preschoolers in various pre-schools takes place in their own way. In those institutions where caretakers care, love their profession and are puzzled that all of their wards develop and improve, daily lessons of writing, grammar and reading are conducted. In other gardens, such events can be held autonomously, by invited teachers, or not at all. In any case, it is important that parents also educate the child. Doing homework, getting grades in the notebook, even from my mother, the baby will gradually prepare for the first-class program.

How to teach children to read and write?

It is important to know that the teaching of preschoolers should not exclude the phonetic aspect. A child can learn all the letters, compose words from them and write them down on paper. But in parallel with this, he must correctly pronounce all syllables. Be sure to invite the kid to read everything he wrote. Thus, a sound-letter analysis is carried out, which is most often done in didactic games. They are held in gardens, they can be repeated at home, so that the material is better absorbed. As an example, let's describe several phonetic games that will help children learn all the features of pronunciation of sounds.

Perch and ducks

Children are divided into two groups: some "perches", others - "ducks". Now everyone mix and walk, run around, dance around the room, after which the presenter speaks one of these two words. All members of the group, whose name sounded, should stop. Who did not do this - is out of the game. So the children will be able to distinguish between the sounds "O" and "U" more quickly and distinctly.

"The cow was flying"

Another method of teaching preschoolers is to thoroughly analyze the word in the game process. For this, the children sit in a circle, each one turning the right palm up, and the left one pointing down. So all neighbors can hit each other in the palm of your hand. Now one by one, each child pronounces the words: "The Cow was flying. Said the Word What Word the Cow said." The participant at whom the countdown has stopped, comes up with a word, and according to a similar scheme, children pronounce each letter one by one, from which the word consists.

Hot ball

Literacy training for preschool children should take place not only in game form, but also with children's favorite toys. Among such intellectual entertainments it is necessary to allocate a "hot ball" - a mystery game. Children line up in two ranks, which are located face to face. The first player guesses the word and pronounces his first syllable, for example "eating". Then he throws the ball to his friend from the opposite line, and he, having caught the toy, must say the second syllable "ka". Variations are possible if one player says "ma" for example. The other can continue it as "ma", "sha" or "shea", after which to throw the ball further, in order to hear the third syllable "on".

The program for teaching preschoolers should be implemented systematically, without long breaks. Only in case of constant development children will rise one step higher on the ladder of knowledge.

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