
Car Bumper Repair

Very often, after an accident, some drivers will blow out the same question, which is whether it is possible to drive a car without a bumper. In most cases - it is possible, but not absolutely necessary. All by the fact that the bumper - this is not such a useless detail of the entire body, as it may seem at first glance. It is used to protect the remaining parts and body parts from a variety of damages that can occur as a result of collisions, as well as when impacting on small obstacles. To date, several different types of repair are used, it all depends on the type of material from which the bumper was made, and also on the type of damage that is present on it.

In the event that there are dents on the bumper, they require a gradual and unhurried approach. To do this, you need to carefully study the entire state of the bumper, and only after assessing the damage begin to recover. First you need to heat the plastic. To carry out this operation, use a sufficient power industrial dryer, or in some cases a special thermo gun. Only after good heating, on the surface of the plastic can be carried out leveling. After the part has cooled, carry out the shpatlevka as necessary. After that, the product is polished and painted. In addition to plastic, on some machines there may be bumpers, which are made of metal, or some kind of alloy. To such cars in most cases - this is some models of domestic cars, from the manufacturer VAZ, and also UAZ. In this case, the restoration of dents occurs using a hammer, as well as special knockouts. If necessary, the bumper is straightened.

It is also possible to glue the damaged portion of the bumper. In most cases, such a cold mold is used to repair bumpers, which are made of fiberglass. During this type of repair it is necessary to use a specialized adhesive, which is mainly made of polyurethane. Due to the fact that the modern market offers a very large selection of different types of glue, this choice should be started very carefully. In the event that a material of rather poor quality is purchased, or which does not correspond to the type of material, then all work can be carried out simply to empty. With this restoration it is necessary to adhere to a special sequence:

  • Before applying the glue to the surface of the product to be repaired, it must be very well and thoroughly cleaned of various types of dirt, as well as the degreasing process.
  • Only after the cleaning is complete, everything is necessary, using a special tool to clean it, and also to sand it. In this case, the sweep is carried out all the chips, or the cracks that need to be removed. In the event that the operation was not performed, the adhesive may very poorly connect to the surface of the product.
  • Then the edges of the bumper, which are subject to gluing, they connect.
  • All the works that are associated with the restoration of the bumper are carried out mainly from the inside of the product. After the bumper has completely dried, and all chips are securely fixed, only after that putty is applied to the outer part. For this, a special material is used, which is made of fiberglass. After that, you need to carefully level the entire surface, and if necessary, give it the necessary shape.
  • After the final drying, surface grinding is carried out, as well as applying the necessary shade to the paint surface.

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