
"Lactagel": instructions, testimonials and analogues

Manufacturers of modern medicines produce many drugs specifically for women. Such funds are designed to eliminate infection in the genitals. Some of them contribute to the recovery of the vaginal microflora. It must be remembered that all formulations should be used only after consultation with the doctor. This article will introduce you a medicine called Lactagel. The instructions and some analogues of the preparation will be described below. Also, from this information you can find out about the feedback that the users leave about it.

What it is? Description and composition of the preparation

Gel "Lactagel" is a medicine that is packed in separate cells. In one package you can find 7 such tubes. Inside is a substance that is injected directly into the woman's vagina. Men do not use this drug.

The medicament "Lactagel" consists of the following components: glycogen and lactic acid, sodium lactate and propylene glycol, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and purified water. The cost of one package of medicine is at the level of 600-700 rubles.

Indications for use in women

What does the instruction for use say about the Lactagel tool? The composition is prescribed to women in order to maintain and restore the normal microflora of the vagina. The annotation contains the following indications for use:

  • Bacterial vaginosis ;
  • Vaginitis;
  • Copious discharge from the genital tract;
  • Unpleasant odor in the intimate area;
  • discomfort;
  • Prolonged antibiotic therapy;
  • State after treatment of genital tract infections;
  • Recovery after childbirth and gynecologic curettage.

The composition of Lactagel can be used not only for medicinal purposes. Sometimes it is prescribed for prevention.

Who is contraindicated with the drug

About the medicine "Lactagel" instruction for use informs important information. Before use, you must read it. Contraindications to use are always taken into account. If you ignore them, you may face even more unpleasant manifestations of pathology. That is why it is so important to consult a doctor beforehand.

The composition is not assigned to men and children. If it is necessary to use it in girls who do not have sex, the drug is administered under the supervision of a specialist. The drug is prohibited for use among women who are hypersensitive to the components. It is not forbidden to use Lactagel during pregnancy and lactation. During the period of menstruation, the use of medication is impractical.

Mode of application

Before you enter the drug "Lactagel", the instruction for its use should be carefully studied. It is there that a detailed algorithm for using the drug is described. Remove one ampule of gel from the package. Carefully break off the tip. After that, insert the pipette into the vagina and press your fingers on the tube. The gel under the influence of your strength will go in the prescribed direction.

Dosage and the course of the drug are determined by the concomitant symptoms of the disease. If the composition is used with abundant secretions or during the course of antibiotics, then you need to drive one tube each week. If it is necessary to restore and maintain normal vaginal microflora after menstruation, childbirth or curettage, the composition is used once for two days. For preventive purposes, the medication should be administered twice a week during the menstrual cycle.

Lactagel: side effects of therapy

Like any medicine, the described agent can sometimes cause unpleasant reactions. Despite the fact that most of the patients are well tolerated, some women still complain of side reactions. If you encounter a worsening of the condition after the start of therapy, then it is worth canceling the treatment and visiting a gynecologist. Decisions on the possibility to continue the course should be made exclusively with a specialist.

Instructions for use do not describe a large number of side effects. The manufacturer stops only on allergic reactions. However, some patients speak of increased burning and discharge after application of the formulation. In some cases this may be an absolutely normal reaction to the described agent.

Is it possible to replace a medicine with something? Analogs of the described drug

Absolute analogue of this drug does not exist. This means that you can not find another medication with the same composition. However, according to the manufacturer, the compound belongs to the group of agents for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female sexual sphere. That's why the substitutes for the composition include the drug "Kipferon", "Amoxiclav", "Vilprafen", "Terzhinan" and many others. It is worth considering that the composition of these analogs includes an antibiotic.

Also, there are medicines to restore and maintain the microflora of the vagina. This includes absolutely all compounds based on a complex of beneficial bacteria. These are Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Acipol, Primadofilus and many others.

"Lactagel": consumer feedback about a preparation for vaginal application

In most cases, the described remedy leaves a good opinion of itself. Representatives of the weaker sex say that the use of metered ampoules is very convenient. After all, you can enter into the vagina exactly the portion of the drug that is needed.

Also, women mention that it is advisable to use the medicine in the evening, before going to bed. After the introduction of the drug it is worthwhile to be in a horizontal position for some time. This will ensure the longest exposure to the drug. After taking a vertical position, some of the composition may leak out. Do not worry about this.

The representatives of the weaker sex say that the medicine is a safe and effective remedy. It can be used even during pregnancy. Many women are prescribed this preventive therapy immediately before childbirth. The composition very rarely causes side reactions. The drug often leads to an improvement in well-being in the shortest possible time. Patients say that after a few days of using the separation cardinally change their character. Passes an unpleasant smell, itching. Many in this way completely get rid of infections of the genital tract. Others require additional use of drugs. The medication is well combined with other compounds.

Short summary

You learned about a drug with the trade name "Lactagel". Women's feedback and additional information from the instructions for use are presented to your attention. It is worth noting an important point of the drug. Before each introduction of a substance, you should thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial compounds. You can also wear sterile gloves. If this condition is not fulfilled, you can only exacerbate the course of infection by the addition of additional microbes. Watch your woman's health. Use Laktagel as directed by a doctor.

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