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What vitamins are in watermelon and how do they affect health? Chemical composition of watermelon, caloric content, nutritional value

Summer offers an excellent opportunity for people to replenish the body with all sorts of berries, vegetables and fruits, including in their composition a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

History of origin

Watermelon is a berry that is a melon plant of the Pumpkin family and has many useful elements. There is still debate about the history of the origin of this product, calling it the homeland of a distant South Africa, then India. Since ancient times, wondering about what vitamins in the watermelon, the culture was grown also in China, and in the XII century. It began to be cultivated in Europe. On the territory of our country, the berry is grown since the XIII century. There is an opinion that in the northern parts of the country he fell due to the Tatars. To date, this melon plant is grown in almost 100 countries.

Chemical composition of the crop

The whole fruit, including the peel, seeds and the flesh itself possesses useful and healing properties. About what vitamins in a watermelon and what it consists of, not everyone knows. Approximately 90% of water is included in the product. The greatest amount of fiber and soluble sugars is contained in the juicy pulp - it's fructose, sucrose and glucose. Such acids as folic, nicotinic and ascorbic are present in the bones of watermelon. Also in the product there are iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, protein, alkaline and pectic substances, carotenoids and amino acids - tyrosine, citrulline, valine, isoleucine and so on. The chemical composition of watermelon, calories, vitamins, nutritional value - all this indicates that this is a real find and a miracle berry for the human body.

Caloric value

About a low calorie content of this product is written a lot. The calorie content of watermelon is only 30 kcal per 100 grams. This made him very popular in a variety of cleansing and fat-burning diets. The fruit well quenches thirst and hunger, cleans the body qualitatively, saturating it with useful substances and water.

Useful properties and characteristics of watermelon

The plant is represented by various kinds and forms: round, oval and oblong. The crust is usually green, but it is also light green, with spots, stripes and without them. Inside, watermelon has a standard color - red.

However, sometimes you can see pink, crimson and even white. Often you can hear the question: "What vitamins are contained in watermelon?" Contrary to the opinion of many, there are enough nutrients in this wonder-berry. This is the vitamins of group B, starting from vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, and also A, C and P. Below you will find out in detail about what vitamins contain watermelon:

  • B1 takes part in the cardiovascular and nervous system, contributes to the elimination of joint diseases and actively participates in metabolic processes. Daily rate - at least 2 mg. One serving of watermelon contains an average of 0.04 mg of this vitamin.
  • B2 is also responsible for the above functions, but additionally plays a vital role in the work of the liver. The norm during the day is also about 2 mg, and the watermelon portion consists of 0.06 mg of this vitamin.
  • What vitamins are contained in watermelon yet? B6, which is responsible for the process of assimilation of amino acids and the processing of nicotinic acid in the body.
  • B9 takes part in the functioning of blood cells and regulates the blood condition as a whole.
  • Vitamin A is responsible for the general state of immunity, vision and skin tone. In the pulp of 100 grams of watermelon is about 0.1 mg of vitamin, with a daily rate of 2 mg.
  • Vitamin PP, responsible for the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues, also affects the work of the heart. One hundred grams of watermelon contain about 0.2 mg (with a daily requirement of 30 mg).
  • And finally, vitamin C - an indispensable element, required by the body from early childhood. He is responsible for the condition of hair, skin, teeth and nails. A slice of watermelon totals about 7 mg with a daily requirement of 100 mg.

Application in folk medicine

Many fans of this culture know what vitamins are contained in watermelon and how to apply it in folk medicine. The pulp of the melon culture is used to treat gout, anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Treatment of liver diseases and kidney cleansing is not without this juicy product, which, among other things, is an excellent diuretic. To treat colic, young children are given a special powder from a watermelon peel. The excretion and normalization of a high level of cholesterol in the blood is facilitated by cellulose found in the fetus. At home, various jams, jams, candied fruits and jam are prepared from this large berries, and oil is made from the bones.


Unfortunately, to date, more and more melon growers fill the watermelon with all kinds of nitrates and chemicals that contribute to the rapid maturation of the fetus. How useful is this berry? What vitamins in a watermelon of this type can be found? Alas, the answer to these questions is unlikely to please anyone. In most cases, the harm will greatly exceed the benefit. It should be borne in mind that, using a special device that measures the amount of nitrates in vegetables and fruits, you can check the quality of watermelon and its suitability for consumption (which is especially important for children). Therefore, when choosing a watermelon, first of all it is necessary to be guided by common sense, which will tell you what vitamins are in the watermelon, and how they affect your health if the berry is exposed on the shelves in early July (and even earlier). The right time to buy watermelon is August, September.

Despite the fact that watermelon is a very useful berry, there are contraindications to it. Caution should be used fruits for those who have problems with edema, urinary system and prostate. People who are sick with diabetes should also be cautious about this product.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the benefits of watermelon is very high, they can be enjoyed without fear of ruining the figure. The main rule of consumption of this juicy and large berries is not to abuse and carefully approach the choice.

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