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How much to study at a medical institute? Features of training in a medical school

A doctor is one of the most respected and noble professions. The sphere of medicine is fundamentally different from all the others, because each of its employees bears real responsibility for the life and health of other people. Despite the complexity of the medical case and a number of subtleties, a large number of entrants annually submits documents to profile universities. How much to study in medical institute and what about a trade of the doctor it is necessary to know before receipt?

The profession of a doctor is the most difficult?

On average, you can become a qualified specialist in Russia for 3-6 years (after obtaining a general education). The most prestigious and promising is the university diploma, which can be obtained after 5-6 years of study. This applies to most economic, cultural, technical and other specialties. But the situation is completely different with the professions that are directly related to medicine.

How many to study at a medical institute in order to become a doctor? Correct answer: not less than 7-9 years. Why so long, you ask, after all, you can disaccustom to an accountant 2 times faster? The doctor must perfectly know the anatomy, biology and chemistry. Moreover, it is important to be able to apply all the knowledge gained in practice, to have an idea of the structure of the human body and the mechanism of all the processes taking place in it. Errors in medicine are unacceptable, because at the price of each of them can be human life. It is for this reason that the training of specialists must be of the highest quality and takes a lot of time.

Personal qualities necessary for working in the medical field

You can become a good doctor only by vocation. This is true of the real health professionals. For a successful practice, the doctor needs iron nerves, good psychological stability and the ability to keep cool even in crisis situations. The specificity of medical professions involves regular collision with various injuries and pathologies of the human body, as well as contact with blood and other biological fluids. This work is not for faint-hearted or squeamish persons.

Do not even think about how much to study at a medical institute for those who dream of a good salary and a stable schedule of work immediately after graduation. In practice, representatives of the noblest profession are satisfied with the average, if not low earnings. In order to make a good career in medicine, it is necessary to devote her entire life.

How many years are students enrolled in a medical institute after school?

Every graduate of a general educational institution can go to study as a doctor. In Russian universities, admission is based on the results of the USE. Some universities conduct their own interviews and tests for everyone who wishes to enter. The greatest attention is paid to such disciplines as biology, chemistry and physics. How many students need to study at a medical school after entering the university after graduation? The term of study is 6 years.

After the termination of training to find a job on a specialty it will not turn out. To start a medical career after receiving a diploma, you need to pass an internship and residency. This, in fact, a long practice, implemented on the basis of existing health institutions. The duration of this stage of training is from 1 to 3 years, depending on the chosen specialization. Only after successful completion of internship or residency a young specialist can find a job in his specialty.

Secrets of successful admission for future doctors

All schoolchildren who dream of becoming doctors should, as soon as possible finally determine their desire and try to learn as much as possible about the chosen profession. Medicine requires the student to have a good knowledge of the school curriculum of biology, chemistry and physics. At the same time, tests and examinations in a profile educational institution are so complex that it is impossible to write off simply. If necessary, while still in school, you should start attending specialized courses or hiring a tutor for individual lessons. The main goal of the future entrant is to successfully pass the USE. If possible, you should pre-select a particular institution, visit an open house and learn all the rules of admission.

The truth and fictions about studying in a medical college

To date, you can get a higher medical education in Russia only through full-time education. Moreover, omissions without valid reasons are taken critically in the overwhelming number of educational institutions. You know how many years you need to study at a medical institute. Before admission, it will also be useful to reconcile with the idea that it is impossible physically to earn money while studying at a higher educational institution of this orientation. Applicants will be useful to discuss the issue with their parents, as their help and support will be very relevant during their studies.

The most difficult are the first three courses. It will be useful for each student to know that it is possible to be expelled for time-tested exams, systematic omissions and general low academic performance. Students successfully enrolled in the fourth year are usually safely released from the university. Moreover, students of some faculties after the termination of the third rate start to earn additionally as the average medical personnel, accumulating necessary experience. Among the future doctors even a joke goes: "I went to the fourth year - you can safely marry!" It is a question of the fact that the last years of study are more easy than the first.

Training on a paid and budgetary basis

Medical universities are markedly different from all others not only by the term of study. In such educational institutions, a comparatively small number of study places from the total number is intended for students who receive education on a commercial basis. On average, about 10% of students can enroll in a paid department. This distribution is not accidental. Its main goal is to provide a large number of talented students with good knowledge and interest in learning.

Any medical college is not a place where you can legally "buy a diploma in installments." Knowing how much it is necessary to study at a medical institute, it is difficult to resist the question: "How much does a paid training cost?" Everything depends on the popularity and reputation of a particular institution. In educational institutions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the first training course can cost 150-200 thousand rubles. In "non-prestigious" regional universities, these figures can be reduced by several times.

Students who received a free education are required to work for at least 3 years in the state medical institution for distribution after graduation.

Required documents for admission to medical university

To enter a medical college, you must prepare a certain set of documents in advance. Usually this is a standard list: a copy of the passport, the certificate, the results of the USE, photos 3 x 4. If there are any special achievements, for example, wins in the olympiads in chemistry and biology, attach to the package of documents confirming their letters. Applicants entering the university after the profile college, should also bring a copy of the diploma of secondary vocational education.

Rating of universities in Russia

Today there are at least 44 higher medical institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the education necessary for working in the field of medicine can be obtained at specialized faculties of several multi-disciplinary universities. Knowing how many years it is necessary to study at a medical institute, it makes sense to consciously approach the choice of a particular educational institution.

The most prestigious are the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. These are: Russian National IMU im. Pirogov, First Moscow State Medical University. IM Sechenov, State Medical Stomatological University, State Medical Academy. II Mechnikov, the State Medical University named after IP Pavlov.

Choosing a specific educational institution makes sense, determined by the desired specialization. The simplest medical professions are those like a pharmacist and a dentist, and the most complex are a surgeon and a cardiologist. Today in our country there are specialized pharmacological and dental universities. In addition, in some universities certain faculties are considered "the strongest". Of course, this factor should be taken into account by students striving to get a really high-quality education and build a good career.

Can I become a doctor after graduation?

How much to study at the institute after a medical college and how long will it take to receive a secondary special education? Today in colleges and lyceums, you can get a nurse / nurse education. Duration of training is 3 years. After receiving a secondary special education, a college graduate can enroll in a medical university. At the same time, to obtain a doctor's diploma, he also has to be weaned for 6 years, as well as for applicants who came after school. Secondary special medical education gives the opportunity to work as a junior medical staff. To move up the career ladder, you need to get a higher education. Become a doctor, graduating only school, will not work.

Should I get a secondary education for those who want to become a doctor?

It is quite common to believe that with a conscious choice of a profession, it is necessary to complete an appropriate institution of special secondary education before entering a specialized university. Is it justified to apply this strategy in medical practice, how much to study at the institute after a medical college? In practice, it will not be possible to reduce the duration of studies at the university. A diploma of higher medical education will be issued only after the end of six years of study, regardless of the availability of secondary specialized education.

It turns out that in practice, no benefits are given to students who went to college after a medical school. How many years they are studying - we have already found out. Exactly the same as enrolled in a university after school. And what about the income? Official entrants who have the diplomas of colleges do not have. And yet, training in a profile school gives you the opportunity to gain knowledge that can help you pass the entrance exams better.

Reform of medical education in 2016-2017.

Since 2016, the duration of training for future health workers has been reduced. According to the adopted amendments to the current legislation of the country, the internship for a number of medical specializations is canceled. Since 2016, the annual practice has ceased to be mandatory for pharmacists and dentists. Since 2017, pediatricians and therapists will be able to begin their careers in health-improving institutions right after receiving the diploma.

How many modern students study at the medical institute at the dentist? Taking into account the innovations, the minimum period of study is 5 years. It is worth noting that these amendments were adopted in connection with the shortage of employees in municipal clinics. Initiators to reduce the duration of training believe that such a solution will help to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

And what about the training of doctors of other categories, how much to study at a medical institute on a surgeon, according to the new rules? Since it is assumed that new standards for medical education will soon be in place in Russia, training for surgical specialties will take even longer, as the internship will disappear, and the residency will be available only after several years of work as a district doctor. Residency according to the new standards can be longer - from 2 to 5 years.

And how in other countries?

Today Russia is a country with the fastest training in medical specialties. For comparison: in America, in order to become a doctor, you need to spend 12 to 18 years studying. How many to study at a medical institute in European countries? In England, medical students study for 10 years, in Germany - 8-10 years.

Already today among practitioners there are dissatisfied with the abolition of internships. In the opinion of these specialists, such a reform can result in a marked decrease in the quality of training of medical personnel. How true this conviction turns out, we can learn very soon. Today, students can only be happy with the reduction in the duration of studies.

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