Sports and Fitness, Weight loss
Exercises for slimming hands
Hudey, women devote much time and attention to the waist, belly, hips and buttocks, forgetting sometimes about the hands. And only when the muscles on the hands become loose, flabby and sagged, the ladies suddenly remember their existence and begin to rack their brains what to choose exercises for slimming hands and forming a beautiful relief.
The fullness of the hands can be hidden with the help of properly selected clothing - a long sleeve or sleeve to the forearm will successfully disguise the problem area, as long as you persevere to visit the section or train at home. In summer, in warm weather, you can wear light dresses with a sleeve slightly above the elbow. Another secret - when moving your hands, strain them - this will give a visible tone to the muscles and once again will train them, albeit not in full force. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous, but rather your movements will be slightly constrained, than you will shake in everyone's mind by the flabby fatty layer.
Exercises for slimming hands are simply necessary for women, because a beautiful, harmonious and tight body - it's always sexy! If you do not have time or money to attend a fitness club, and you decide to study at home, then choose the appropriate exercises for slimming your hands from the complex described below:
- We stand exactly, feet are shoulder-width apart, arms at shoulder level are divorced. Raise the brush 90 degrees from the hands, feeling the tension, we count to three and slowly wind the brush over the head, straightening them gradually. We return to the starting position. Ten repetitions.
- Now we bend our hands in the elbows and at the forehead level we will join hands, (elbows at the same time are at shoulder level) with force pressing against each other, slowly lowering down to the abdomen. Without stopping to press, raise our hands up to the level of the forehead, repeat ten times.
- On the width of the shoulders legs, arms are divorced to the sides. Parallel to the floor holding hands, we begin rhythmic rotation of them on a small circle forward and back for 10 times. We make five approaches. Hands must be strictly parallel to the floor! Doing exercises for losing weight at home, you need to carefully monitor the correctness of performance, otherwise the result will appear much later or not appear at all.
- We raise our arms above our heads and begin to bring them closer to one another, crossing over our heads, changing hands in turn. We perform 30 times at a fast pace.
- We connect the fists and elbows before us. Slowly we begin to lift the joined hands, trying, that elbows went up to level of a nose. We make sure that the elbows do not separate, the cams when climbing up are strictly parallel to the floor and do not move toward the head. We perform the exercise 10 times.
- Now we will bend our knees slightly and lean forward slightly. We clench our fists and begin to bend our arms in the elbows, while bumping them behind our backs. The hands should feel good tension. We do the exercise ten times.
- Laying on his back, we put our hands under his head. Strongly resting on the floor with elbows, consider up to five, relax. We repeat 15 times.
- To perform this exercise, we need two dumbbells weighing one kilogram each. Instead, you can use a bottle of water. We stand up straight, legs clearly on the width of the shoulders. Raise your hands to the sides, then forward ten times. Over time, the load can be increased to fifteen or twenty repetitions.
Such exercises to lose weight hands will make them beautiful, while pulling the muscles of the chest and back, which is also important for women. And yet, trying to make your hands much more attractive and slimmer, remember that the most effective exercises for slimming your hands - it's the usual push-ups. Begin at least six times and in time increase the number of repetitions to ten, then fifteen, etc., and you will see an excellent result. In addition, push-ups noticeably tighten and slightly increase the chest!
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