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Exercises to develop a hand after fracture. Rehabilitation after fracture

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system always cause inconvenience, because because of them, normal activity is almost always disrupted. Dangers represent fractures, because after them for a fairly long time the limb "fails".

Particularly dangerous fracture of the hand, because with the help of hands man performs almost 99 percent of all daily work. Because of this, it is extremely important to give enough time to restore the brush after the fracture.

What activities and exercises are shown after the fracture and when should they be started?

When to start rehabilitation?

The beginning of the recovery period should occur at the time of the removal of gypsum or bandages.

The severity of the fracture is determined by the vastness of the affected area of the bone. If, for example, one of the phalanx bones was broken, sometimes you can limit yourself to applying a bandage bandage with the restriction of the mobility of this finger. If a fractured bony or small bones of the wrist is involved in the fracture, it is best to apply a plaster to fully immobilize the hand. In this way, the immobility of the parts of the bone will be ensured, resulting in a faster formation of bone callus.

Exercises to develop a hand after a fracture is best to begin to perform after radiographically confirmed that the bones are fused together. If you start the exercises before, the risk of forming a false joint at the site of a fracture is high, which can lead to the loss of limb function.

If delayed with their onset, atrophy of the muscles of the hand can develop, which will lead to its weakness and inferiority.


What kind of exercises for the development of a hand after a fracture should take place?

First of all, you should start with grasping movements.

The patient is asked to squeeze his hand into a fist. This increases the tone of flexor muscles, thereby restoring some of the lost skills (the patient begins to try to eat or keep objects affected by the hand). As an option for this exercise, the patient can be given a piece of plasticine and ask him to squeeze and crush it. It is better to repeat this procedure daily several times a day.

The complex of exercises for the development of the hand after the fracture should include the training of the extensor muscles. This restores the flexibility of the brush and returns the ability to rotate it.

In addition, it is necessary to restore the reactivity of the brush. For this, an exercise with a tennis ball is perfect. It is necessary to throw it on the wall and catch it, however this exercise is forbidden to be carried out in the initial period after the removal of gypsum.

Exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercise is an integral part of the recovery period. They begin at about the same time as individual exercises to develop a hand after fracture.

Therapeutic physical training is aimed at reducing the tone of the muscles in order.

Use mahovye and rotational exercises. Their main goal is to restore reduced blood flow in the atrophied muscles of the hand, improve their innervation, increase sensitivity.

Over time, the exercise is added to the complex for endurance. The patient is allowed to keep light objects in the hand (that is, the static load is given). In this way flexor muscles are trained, and the strength of the hand is restored.

What is the difference between personal exercises for developing a hand after a fracture from exercise therapy?

Therapeutic physical training consists of an approved set of exercises and is performed by sessions. For the entire course of exercise therapy can almost completely restore the affected hand.


For the most complete restoration of the brush after a fracture, only one exercise is not enough. Some massage measures are also used to improve local circulation.

Massage helps to accelerate the flow of blood through the vessels of atrophied muscles. As a result, the muscles get the right amount of nutrients, which is why their fastest recovery occurs.

Use classical massage techniques, such as grinding, chopping, sawing or squeezing. Each of these exercises should be conducted with care, but with due diligence.

Massage is prescribed to patients in parallel with exercise therapy, however, exercise therapy and massage should be done every other day, alternating procedures.

It is better to entrust it to specially trained medical personnel, since these people know a certain technique, as a result of which rehabilitation after bone fracture is faster.

Requirements for exercises and procedures

Given that the muscles are weakened and atrophied, care should be taken with the affected limb.

During the exercise, the brush should be maintained with a healthy hand. Thus, at the initial stages, the probability of its re-injury is excluded.

During the exercise, there may be some soreness in the limb, which must be warned of the patient. This phenomenon will be relatively short-lived, and with time, as the brush will come into tone, it will disappear.

The development of the hand after the fracture should be carried out smoothly, without sudden movements. This safety technique helps to eliminate the risk of re-injuring the limb.

If the patient feels heaviness or fatigue in the damaged hand when performing the actions or instructions of the instructor, it is necessary to give him a little respite.

Importance of rehabilitation exercises

Unfortunately, many patients do not take the advice of the attending physician about the period after discharge from the hospital, although this plays a significant role in the recovery process.

In carrying out all of the above activities and actions in 90 percent of cases it is possible to achieve full rehabilitation and restoration of limb function. Such recommendations should be performed several times a day to prevent stagnation of blood in the atonic muscles, to the degradation of which led to a fracture of the hand.

Exercises are best done in the morning, after a little workout. This time is considered the most suitable for restoring the affected limb.

If you neglect the instructions of a rehabilitologist, it is possible to develop various complications in the form of contractures of joints or tendons. The most important thing is to correctly perform the proposed exercises and not miss classes. Only then is complete restoration possible and a return to normal life.

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