
To drink or not to drink the drug "Levomycetin" with diarrhea?

Many people in our country are used to self-treatment. They themselves pick up ointments and pills, prescribe injections and even make diagnoses. Some drugs are considered harmless, and consumes them without the appointment of a huge number of people. So, the medicine "Pentalgin" is prescribed for a headache, tablets "Levomycetin" - for diarrhea or inflammation of the eyes, soda - for heartburn. How justified and safe is this treatment? Do some tablets help different people get rid of various ailments? Is it possible to drink the drug "Levomycetin" with diarrhea, not knowing what caused the disorder? Let's try to understand.

A remedy for seven ailments?

Levomycetin is a drug that can destroy a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative microscopic organisms. A high concentration of the substance can also defeat certain strains of bacteria. He is afraid of some kinds of streptococci, salmonella, other pathogens, but they are not at all afraid of mushrooms. This allows doctors to prescribe the drug "Levomycetin" in the following cases.

  • For the treatment of infectious diseases caused by agents that are sensitive to the substance. This implies that the drug "Levomycetin" with diarrhea can be drunk if it is caused by microbes or bacteria that are afraid of this drug. It should be remembered that this is an antibiotic, and consequently, it can cause great damage to the body. Tablets are recommended for salmonellosis, paratyphoid, peritonitis. Usually, doctors prescribe the drug "Levomycetin" for diarrhea caused by salmonella, 500 mg per day. Take it better four times a day. If the patient tolerates this remedy well, it is better to drink it before eating. If the medicine causes nausea - an hour after. The popular belief that if you have a stomach disorder you need to drink 2 g of levomycetin at a time, is a harmful myth. This amount of medicine can cause an overdose or poisoning.
  • For getting rid of lung abscesses, pneumonia, other respiratory infections.
  • For the treatment of tularemia, meningitis, trachoma, chlamydia and some other diseases.
  • For the treatment of eye diseases.

Liquid drug "Levomycetin": eye drops are also an antibiotic

Microbes and bacteria can cause not only diseases of the respiratory system, intestines or other internal organs. Infection can affect the organ of vision. Sometimes for the treatment of eye diseases, too, the drug "Levomycetin" (drops) is prescribed. The instruction, which is necessarily attached to them, says that they help with conjunctivitis, keratitis, and other infections. But drops, like tablets "Levomycetin" with diarrhea, you must strictly dose. In their eyes they are buried 2-3 times a day. More frequent use of the drug can also cause significant harm to health.


Like any antibiotic, this medicine has contraindications. It can not be accepted:

  • Pregnant.
  • People who have fungal diseases on their skin.
  • Children under 5 years.
  • Patients who have a hypersensitivity to the antibiotics of this group.
  • With eczema.
  • Those who suffer from a violation of hematopoiesis.

The drug may cause ulcers in the mouth and on the intestinal mucosa, nausea, some allergic reactions.

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