Health, Preparations
"Oxytocin": instructions for use, descriptions of the properties and characteristics of the drug
Not always the woman's body acts exactly like a clock. Each organism is special, therefore, even in physiological processes, especially such complex, heavy and dangerous ones as childbirth, often failures occur. If earlier, with serious deviations, provoked by a lack of hormones, minerals and other substances in the body, a woman could die, then today doctors have the means that are able to coordinate the work of certain organs, systems and tissues. An important place among other drugs is "Oxytocin." Instruction for use, which is presented in our publication, can be considered by readers only as a general information source. The use of medication without medication control is dangerous. The purpose and, especially, the administration of the medicinal product should be carried out under the supervision of medical workers.
Some details about the composition and properties of the drug "Oxytocin"
Instructions for the use of medicines always include information about their composition and properties. However, it is not always easy to understand the attached annotation, since the manufacturer is obliged to use complex medical formulations. The author suggests to consider the properties of the drug, described in an accessible language.
Doctors use "Oxytocin" injections. In the tablets, the drug, as a rule, is not applied. Injections can be used for intramuscular injections, and in some cases for intravenous injections .
The active substance of the drug is oxytocin, which has the property of stimulating the contraction of the smooth muscles of the organs and increasing their tone. By its effect, it is similar to a natural specific hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland. In addition, the substance reduces the amount of excreted urine by activating the secondary absorption of water in the kidneys.
Indications for use of "Oxytocin"
Instructions for use, which we decided to highlight in this article, will be incomplete, if you do not indicate the use of the drug. "Oxytocin" is used to stimulate and induction of labor activity, as well as:
- Caesarean section (during the operation);
Bleeding of an atonic character;
- loss of tonus of the muscles of the uterus;
- violation of the process of postpartum discharge;
- failures in contraction of the uterus after childbirth ;
- in other cases as prescribed by the doctor.
Thus, "Oxytocin" injections in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injections are used in strictly defined cases and only under the supervision of the attending physician. Due to local effects, medicines can correct labor activity, alleviating the suffering of a woman and reducing the risk to the fetus in the occurrence of disturbances. However, a harmless and completely harmless medicine can not be called.
Contraindications to the use of the drug "Oxytocin"
Instructions for use, which we decided to compile, should include a special section on contraindications. Like any medical preparation, "Oxytocin" has a number of contraindications. It can not be used in case of threat of rupture of the uterus, disparity in the size of the child and the volume of the uterus. In addition, do not use the remedy for patients with too narrow a pelvis. Dangerous preparation "Oxytocin" also in the wrong position of the fetus.
Side effects of using the tool can be:
- tachycardia;
- pressure reduction;
- immediate allergic reaction (anaphylactic reaction);
- Infringement of a blood supply at a fetus with a lethal outcome;
- nausea;
- cardiac dysfunction;
- vomiting;
- hypertonicity;
- rupture of the uterus due to strong and sustained contractions;
- tides.
The drug must be controlled by a doctor. The patient is under constant observation and emergency measures are taken at the first manifestations of side effects.
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