
A few words about how to breed smecta

Every day our body is subjected to numerous attacks of bacteria and viruses. Sometimes the immune system simply can not resist such attacks. Most often the gastrointestinal tract is the first to pass, because it is with the ingestion of food that bacteria and microbes enter the body. Therefore, every home medicine cabinet should have the means to eliminate digestive upset. But what means to choose, so that it simultaneously copes with poisoning, and with diarrhea, and with an unpleasant swelling or burning sensation in the stomach? More and more people are choosing for their home medicine kits. But in what cases and how to drink the smectus, few know. Let's try to figure this out.

First of all, let's see what a smect is. The active substance of this drug is called dioktaedric smectite and is produced from shells of a special kind of snails. That is, the smect is not a chemical preparation, but a natural one. Smecta is not absorbed into the blood, its medicinal properties begin to appear already in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, even infants can use it, and this medicine is dispensed in pharmacies without prescriptions. However, you must strictly follow the instructions printed on the bag, and know how to breed the smect correctly.

Smecta is an excellent adsorbent. In addition, it envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines with a viscous film and protects them from acids (therefore it is taken with heartburn), removes toxins, absorbs gases, maintains beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microflora. But that the smect has its medicinal effect, it must be properly prepared. The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of sachets of powder. It is taken internally in the form of a suspension. How to dissolve the smect to get a quality suspension?

In this issue, we proceed from the one who will take the smectus. Because the dose and intake of the drug in adults, children and babies vary significantly. Pregnant and lactating women receive and prescribe the smecta by a consulting doctor. In spite of the fact that smecta is a preparation of natural origin, but with it allergies can have difficulties. It can not be used by people who do not tolerate fructose, or patients with intestinal obstruction.

How to breed a smect for an adult is indicated on a bag of powder. You need to cook half a cup of warm boiled water. It is warm, because in hot water, as for tea, the smect will lose its healing properties, and in the cold it will dissolve poorly. Water should have a temperature of about 35-45 ° C. Thoroughly shake the packet to loosen the powder in it. Narodvit (cut off) the edge. Carefully, in batches, pour the contents of the sachet into the water. Between the portions, stir the suspension so that no lumps form. It is necessary to pour all the powder from the sachet into half a glass of warm water. Once again, the spoon is well mixed with the suspension, since the powder has the property of precipitating out and drinking. Adult person with poisoning and diarrhea need 3 packs a day. With acute diarrhea, you can increase the dose by 2 times.

They often ask how to breed a smect for infants. In a bottle, 50 ml of warm water is poured, 1 packet of smect is poured out and carefully shaken until the lumps disappear. It is given to the child all day long. Before you give a bottle with a baby's teat, the mixture is slightly heated and shaken to dissolve the sediment. The dose of the baby is 1 packet per day.

Children from 1 to 2 years can increase the dose to 1-2 bags per day, 2-6 years - 2 bags, 6-10 - 2-3 bags. Patients older than 10 years can use an adult dose, 3 packs per day. Small children may refuse to drink smecta as a pure suspension. How to breed a smect in such cases? It is allowed to divide the powder of the daily dose into 3 parts and mix each part in the liquid food of the child (infant formula, liquid mashed potatoes, cereal, compote). Smecta has a weak, inexpressive taste, which is not felt when taken with other foods.

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