
"Glyurenorm": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes or diabetes of the second type is called a metabolic disease. It is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, which develops due to disturbances in the interaction of insulin with tissue cells.

Symptoms of such a disease are dryness and thirst in the mouth, copious urination, muscle weakness, itching of the skin, poor healing of wounds and obesity. For the treatment of type 2 diabetes , the drug "Gljurenorm" is used. The instructions for use, analogs, properties and form of the drug are given below.

Composition of the drug, its description, packaging, form

In what form do they produce Glenororm? Instruction for use informs that this product is available in the form of white and smooth tablets of round shape, with a risk and bevelled edges, as well as engraving "57C" and the company logo.

The main component of the drug in question is glycidone. It also includes dried corn starch, lactose monohydrate, soluble corn starch and magnesium stearate (additional compounds).

In the sale of the drug "Gljurenorm" (tablets) comes in blisters of 10 pieces, which are packed in packs of cardboard.

Pharmacological action

What is the drug "Gljurenorm"? Instruction for use reports that this is a hypoglycemic agent, a derivative of sulfonylureas (second generation). It is intended for oral administration only.

The drug in question has extra-pancreatic and pancreatic effects. It stimulates the secretion of insulin and potentiates the glucose-mediated pathway of its formation.

Experiments on laboratory animals have shown that the drug "Glyurenorm", the instruction of which is contained in a cardboard box, is able to reduce insulin resistance in adipose tissue and liver of the patient. This is due to stimulation of the post-receptor mechanism, which is mediated by insulin, as well as an increase in receptors to it.

Hypoglycemic effect after taking the drug develops after 65-95 minutes. With regard to the maximum effect of the drug, it comes in about 2-3 hours and lasts about 8-10 hours.

Properties kinetic

Instruction for the application of "Gljurenorma" states that the use of a single dose of this medication (15-30 mg) promotes its rapid and complete absorption from the digestive tract (about 80-95%). The peak of its concentration is reached after 2 hours.

The active substance of the drug has a high affinity with plasma proteins.

There is no data on the probable passage of glycidone or its derivatives through the placenta or the BBB. There is also no information on the penetration of glycidone into breast milk.

Where is the metabolism of the drug "Gljurenorm"? The instruction for use asserts that the agent under consideration is metabolized in the liver by demethylation and hydroxylation.

Most of the glycidone derivatives are excreted through the intestine. The half-life of this medicine is 1-2 hours.

In elderly people and middle-aged patients, the kinetic parameters of "Glyurenorm" are similar.

According to experts, the metabolism of this remedy does not change in patients with hepatic impairment. It should also be noted that in patients with impaired renal function the drug does not accumulate.


Under what conditions is the drug "Gljurenorm" most effective? Instructions for use, reviews suggest that the indication for its use is type 2 diabetes in elderly and middle-aged people (with ineffectiveness of diet therapy).

Prohibitions for taking medication

In what cases is it contraindicated to prescribe Glenororm tablets? Instructions for use indicate the following contraindications to this medication:

  • Porphyria intermittent acute;
  • Diabetes of the first type;
  • Hepatic failure of severe degree;
  • Acidosis diabetic, precoma, ketoacidosis and coma;
  • Period after resection of the pancreatic gland;
  • Such rare hereditary diseases as galactosemia, lactose intolerance, lack of lactase and glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • Acute conditions of the patient (for example, severe surgical operations, infectious diseases);
  • Period of pregnancy;
  • Minor age (due to insufficient data on the safety and efficacy of the medication in this age group);
  • Time of breastfeeding;
  • Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides.

Careful drug intake

With caution, the medication is prescribed for:

  • Febrile syndrome;
  • Lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland (with a violation of its function);
  • Alcoholism.

Medicinal product "Gljurenorm": instructions for use

Tablets "Gljurenorm" appoint or nominate only inside. At their reception it is necessary to observe all recommendations of the doctor concerning a dosage of a medicine and observance of a diet. It is forbidden to stop taking medication without consulting a specialist beforehand.

The initial dose of the agent in question is 0.5 tablets (i.e., 15 mg) at the first breakfast. The medicine should be taken at the very beginning of the meal. After eating, you should not skip meals.

If the use of 1/2 tablets does not cause improvement, then after consultation with the doctor, the dosage is gradually increased. With a daily dose of "Gljurenorma" not more than 2 tablets, it can be taken once, during breakfast.

If the doctor has prescribed higher dosages of the drug, then for the best effect they should be divided into 2 or 3 doses.

Increasing the dose of more than 4 tablets a day does not usually increase their effectiveness. Therefore, it is not recommended to take the medicine "Gljurenorm" above the specified amount.

In people with impaired renal function, dosage adjustment is not required.

Taking the drug in excess of 75 mg in patients with impaired liver function requires regular monitoring by the doctor.

In case of insufficient therapeutic effect together with "Glyurenorm" the patient can additionally be assigned "Metformin".

Cases of overdose

The intake of elevated doses of sulfonylurea derivatives often leads to hypoglycemia. In addition, an overdose of this drug can cause the following symptoms: increased sweating, tachycardia, irritability, hunger, headache, palpitation, tremor, insomnia, motor anxiety, impaired vision and speech, loss of consciousness.

If you have signs of hypoglycemia, you need to take glucose or foods rich in carbohydrates.

Side Effects

Now you know what is prescribed from such a drug as "Gljurenorm". Instructions for using this medication have also been reviewed above.

According to the statements of the patients, against the background of taking this remedy may arise:

  • Thrombocytopenia, stenocardia, agranulocytosis;
  • Paresthesia, hypoglycemia, dizziness;
  • Leukopenia, headache, extrasystole, drowsiness;
  • Disorders of accommodation, a feeling of fatigue, hypotension;
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency, dry mouth, Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • Decreased appetite, photosensitivity reaction, nausea, rash;
  • Urticaria, vomiting, pain in the chest, cholestasis;
  • Constipation, itching of the skin, diarrhea, discomfort in the abdomen.

Drug Interactions

With the simultaneous use of glycidone with "Allopurinol", ACE inhibitors, antifungal drugs, analgesics, coumarin derivatives, NSAIDs and others, hypoglycemic action of the former can be intensified.

"Rifampicin", barbiturates, as well as "Phenytoin" reduce the hypoglycemic effect of "Gljurenorma".

Special Recommendations

Hypoglycemic agents for oral administration should not replace a therapeutic diet.

People with diabetes should strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

When signs of hypoglycemia appear, you should immediately take food that contains sugar.

Physical stress can increase the hypoglycemic effect of the drug.

In view of the fact that excretion of glycidone by means of the kidneys is insignificant, the drug under consideration can be safely prescribed to patients with renal impairment, as well as diabetic nephropathy.

In clinical trials, it was found that the use of the drug in question for 30 months did not contribute to an increase in the body weight of the patient. Moreover, cases of a person's weight loss of 1-2 kg were noted.

Analogues and reviews

Analogues of the drug "Glyurenorm" include the following means: Gliklada, Amiks, Glianov, Glairi, Glibetic.

Reviews about the drug in question can be found very different. According to consumer reports, this drug is very effective and available to everyone. However, it should be noted that many patients are quite worried about the list of adverse reactions of this remedy. Although doctors say that they are extremely rare and only under certain circumstances.

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