
Tablets from acne on the face "Roaccutane": reviews, photos before and after, instruction

Each adolescent during the transitional age encountered the problem of acne or scientifically with manifestations of acne. Someone with ease is helped by cosmetic means and procedures of narrowly directed action. Individuals do not improve all these manipulations of the skin condition. Cosmetic defects in the form of acne, pimples and scars from them persist even in adulthood. In this case, a person experiences not only physical, but also great emotional discomfort. Problems with the face skin make it difficult to feel confident and fully enjoy life. In cases where all other methods of struggle show their worthlessness, the doctors prescribe patients the drug Roaccutane. Reviews, photos before and after treatment with these tablets allow to conclude about their high effectiveness. However, it is worth noting the presence of a large number of side effects and the need for periodic observation of the patient's blood biochemical parameters.

"Roakkutan" reviews doctors deserved positive. Experts argue that in the absence of contraindications, and with absolute observance of all recommendations, the patient has an excellent therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

What is this medicine?

"Roaccutane" - pills, reviews of which are mostly positive, is a drug for the direct treatment of acne and acne. These capsules of red shade contain a suspension, the main component of which is isotretinoin in the amount of 10 mg or 20 mg (depending on the form of release). In addition to this retinoid, the preparation includes additional components, including soybean oil, beeswax, glycerol, gelatin, potato starch and various food grade dyes. "Roaccutane" is indicated for the therapy of severe forms of acne, which can not be cured by conventional methods.

How does the drug work?

An interesting fact: doctors still have not figured out the exact mechanism of action of the drug Roaccutane. Reviews, photos before and after treatment by this tool inspire many doctors to recommend it to their patients with a complex picture of acne. Isotretinoin, which is a stereoisomer of trans-retinoic acid, has the following effect on the human body:

• Suppresses the excess activity of the sebaceous glands.

• Reduces their diameter.

• Has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Why are pimples formed?

Epithelium, which covers the hair bulb, grows and sluschivaetsya. Its cells, corneocytes, clog the duct of the gland with keratin and sebum. This leads to the formation of a comedon, followed by the attachment of an inflammatory reaction. Skin fat is a favorite medium for the growth and reproduction of bacteria of the genus Propionibacterium acnes. They are the basic prerequisites for the appearance of multiple acne, redness and other accompanying unpleasant phenomena.

The drug Roaccutane, the doctors' testimonies to prove it, dermatologically confirmed its ability to suppress the proliferation of sebocytes. It restores the physiologically normal level of differentiation of epithelial cells. "Roaccutane" reduces the activity of sebum production and thereby the growth of bacteria stops, the inflammation is removed, a good cosmetic effect is achieved.

What is the pharmacokinetics of this drug?

Isotretinoin is absorbed from the digestive tract, and its maximum concentration is detected in the blood within 2-4 hours after ingestion. There are some features of using the drug Roaccutane. The experts' opinion allows us to draw the following conclusion: tablets are best to drink after eating. This increases the bioavailability of isotretinoin by a factor of 2 in comparison with the administration of the drug on an empty stomach.

The main active substance most fully binds to blood proteins and is metabolized with the formation of four main products. Isotretinoin and its metabolites are excreted in urine and feces for a period of 19 to 29 hours. Restoration of the physiological content of retinoids in the human body occurs 2 weeks after the end of the course of treatment.

In what dose to take the medicine?

About how much to take "Roaccutane" (pills), reviews can be heard different. It should be noted that this criterion is established only by the attending physician, proceeding from the individual circumstances of the patient's condition.

The drug Roaccutane, reviews, photos before and after treatment which confirm its high effectiveness, are usually taken once or twice a day orally.

The presence of the dynamics of treatment, as well as side effects directly depends on the initial condition of the patient and the prescribed dosage. These circumstances dictate an individual approach to how to prescribe the drug Roaccutane. The opinion of doctors allows us to conclude that it is always better to start with a minimum dose, which is calculated from the proportion of 0.5 mg of isotretinoin per 1 kg of patient's body weight for 24 hours. According to statistics, the average amount of the prescribed drug is 0.5-1.0 mg / kg of weight per day. If the degree of acne in a patient is characterized as severe, then a large dosage is prescribed to him - up to 2.0 mg / kg per day. And in these cases begin with a small amount - 10 mg / day and, if necessary, increase to 1 mg / kg of weight in 24 hours.

There is an optimal scheme for taking Roaccutane from acne. The doctors' comments indicate the amount of drug substance 120-150 mg / kg of weight, which is distributed throughout the course. Therefore, the duration of treatment directly depends on the prescribed daily dosage of the drug. Usually for a period of 16-24 weeks it is possible to achieve a virtually complete picture of remission of acne. If the patient tolerates the prescribed regimen is bad, then the daily dose is reduced, and the duration of therapy is increased.

Basically, one course of treatment with the drug Roaccutane - reviews, photos before and after confirm this fact - enough for the complete disappearance of acne. However, if the patient has a clear relapse, the doctor may prescribe a second therapeutic period. In this case, the dosage and duration of treatment with the drug remains unchanged.

The duration of the cosmetic effect, which provides pills for acne on the face of "Roaccutane" reviews doctors and patients indicate in 8 weeks. Therefore, the need for a second course of treatment becomes apparent only after this time interval and has not previously been prescribed.

Can there be an overdose?

If the recommended dose was exceeded by the patient when taking Roaccutane, instructions for use, patients' reviews indicate the occurrence of symptoms of hypervitaminosis with vitamin A. This is eliminated by washing the stomach, which must be performed in the first hours after the excessive use of the drug.

How does the drug interact with other medicines?

Simultaneous administration of Roaccutane and vitamin A leads to hypervitaminosis of the latter, so this combination should be avoided.

Contraindicated joint therapy with isotretinoin and tetracyclines, as this leads to an increase in intracranial pressure.

Quite often there is a decrease in the effectiveness of progesterone, which causes pills for acne "Roaccutane". The doctors' comments indicate that in the treatment of this drug should use contraceptives with a higher content of hormone and use barrier methods of contraception.

If the patient uses local keratolytic agents or exfoliates in the treatment with Roaccutan, skin irritation may occur.

Is it possible to use the drug for pregnant women?

"Roaccutane" (pills, reviews that inspire many to test their effectiveness on themselves) has a very important feature: they are absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy. Isotretinoin has a potent teratogenic effect. Treatment even short and in small doses with a high probability can cause serious malformations of the fetus.

This fact is associated with the contraindication of the drug to women of childbearing age who do not meet the following criteria:

• The presence of severe form of acne, which is not eliminated by conventional treatment.

• A woman perfectly understands and complies with all the doctor's recommendations.

• She was informed by the doctor about the full dangers of pregnancy with Roaccutane therapy and a month after it, about the need for emergency consultation with a specialist in case of a conception.

• A woman is aware of a decrease or total loss of contraceptive effectiveness.

• She understands the essence and necessity of all preventive measures stipulated by the doctor.

• A woman understands the importance of continuous protection from pregnancy throughout the course of treatment, a month before and after it, as well as the need to simultaneously use 2 methods of contraception (including barrier).

• A woman has a negative pregnancy test result, which must be received no later than 11 days before the course of treatment. Also, this manipulation should be carried out monthly during therapy and 5 weeks after its termination.

• She is obliged to start taking the medication only for 2-3 days of the next normal menstruation.

• A woman must visit a doctor on a monthly basis.

• All the above positions are also relevant for repeated courses of treatment with Roaccutane.

It is necessary to combine reliable contraception with the agent "Roaccutane" from acne. Experts' feedback points to the need for strict adherence to this rule by all women, even those who do not take contraceptives due to infertility, suffer from amenorrhea and do not have sex. Exception can only be made by patients who underwent a hysterectomy.

What should the doctor remember?

The doctor should know about some facts of the patient's condition before assigning her treatment to Roaccutane. Experts' comments indicate that in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances, the doctor should be absolutely sure in the following positions:

• The patient has a really severe form of acne, which can not be cured by other therapies, namely, nodular-cystic or conglobate phenomena that lead to scarring.

• A woman has a negative pregnancy test result that was made before the course of treatment, during therapy, and 5 weeks after she was finished. All these data with an indication of the date of analysis are strictly documented.

• The patient necessarily uses contraception (1, and better 2), and the barrier method is mandatory. This rule applies to the period of the month before the treatment, the entire course and 30 days after therapy.

• A woman fully understands the need to comply with all measures to prevent the onset of pregnancy.

• The patient meets all the criteria listed above.

Features of non-pregnancy control

It should be noted that a pregnancy test, characterized by a sensitivity of 25 mME / ml, should be performed on the first 3 days of the menstrual cycle.

Before the course begins, the patient should start taking contraceptives within a month. The pregnancy test is performed on the day of appointment of Roaccutane, its date and result is documented by the doctor.

During the treatment the patient is obliged to visit the doctor every 28 days with mandatory check of absence of pregnancy. The same test is performed 5 weeks after the end of therapy.

"Roakkutan", reviews of patients about which speak about its excellent cosmetic effect, is appointed or nominated under the prescription of the doctor and only for the period of 30 days. If continuation of therapy is required, then it is recommended to repeat the pregnancy test.

Can I take medicine for men?

Treatment of acne in men with Roaccutane is appropriate, but the patient should take care to exclude the use of this medication by others. Exposure of the drug in the seminal fluid is small and is not capable of exhibiting teratogenic properties.

How to plan a pregnancy?

Many women are worried about how the pregnancy will proceed after the Roaccutane. The doctors' comments indicate that conception planning can be started no earlier than one month after the completion of the course of treatment.

If, with all the precautions, pregnancy has come in a dangerous period, the woman should be aware of the high risk of developing in the fetuses of severe CNS pathologies, cardiovascular system, face and endocrine glands. Therefore, the question of preserving the child is solved.

The drug "Roaccutane" should not be taken to women during lactation, as it penetrates into breast milk.

What unwanted effects can occur?

There are quite a large number of side effects that can occur in the patient when using the drug Roaccutane. Instruction, reviews of doctors and patients indicate the following undesirable manifestations:

• Depression, increased intracranial pressure, headache, seizures.

• Decreased acuity of day and twilight vision, eye diseases, hearing impairment.

• Stool disorders, nausea, intestinal inflammation, pancreatitis, bleeding.

• Anemia, platelet change, ESR, hematocrit, neutropenia and leukopenia.

• Bronchospasm.

• Pain in the joints and muscles, hyperostosis, tendinitis, arthritis.

• Rashes, erythema, pruritus, sweating, pigmentation, thinning and hair loss, photo allergy.

• Dry skin and mucous lips, nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx, eyes.

• Change in laboratory indicators: increased cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins, hyperglycemia.

• Systemic or local streptococcal infections.

• Hematuria, vasculitis, hypersensitivity, lymphadenopathy.

• Stephen-Jones Syndrome, erythema multiforme, epidermal toxic necrolysis.

Who is contraindicated with the drug?

The drug "Roaccutane" is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

• Hyperlipidemia of pronounced type.

• Pregnancy and lactation.

• Hypervitaminosis A.

• Therapy with tetracycline drugs.

• Liver failure.

• Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

• Children up to 12 years.

With caution this drug is prescribed by patients with diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, lipid metabolism, depression and obesity.

The effectiveness of this drug does not cause any doubt. "Roaccutane", reviews, photos and impressions of which testify to its unsurpassed therapeutic and cosmetic manifestation, inspires confidence in the healing of acne, even the most severe forms. However, one should remember all side effects of the drug, incompatibility with pregnancy and lactation, as well as the existence of a number of contraindications. The prescription of this medicine is made only by the attending physician, who individually assigns the patient the dosage and duration of the course of therapy.

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