
Voltaren. Instructions for use of different forms of the drug

Often, sudden pain causes us to postpone even the most important things for later. Whether it's cleaning the apartment, walking with children, going shopping or a romantic date - a sharp muscle spasm or discomfort in the joint can all cancel in an instant. For such cases, you should always have an effective analgesic, which could quickly quench the focus. One of these drugs is Voltaren. The instruction promises not only the anti-inflammatory effect after its application, but also the elimination of the pain syndrome, which will allow a person to continue to pursue his favorite business. It remains only to determine the most convenient form of release of this tool. For sale there are candles, gel, injections, as well as Voltaren tablets, whose composition has a different concentration of the active ingredient - diclofenac. Let's look at each of the types of this drug in more detail.

Gel Voltaren. Instructions for use

This form of release is most popular among those who often deal with physical activity. Pain in the lumbar spine, stretching of muscles and joints, bruises and other simple injuries is a list of indications in which it is recommended to use the Voltaren gel. Contraindications in this case are practically absent, since the agent does not need to be taken in. This means a minimal spread of components in the bloodstream of the body, which is provided by a point application.

This gel has a good warming effect, which is a good help for pain of rheumatic nature, as well as associated with diseases of the joints. However, it should be taken into account that in this case, the cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations is the thinning of the cartilage. And here the gel will become only a temporary panacea. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe a more effective medicine.

Voltaren tablets. Instructions for use

An adult who experiences regular pain can take no more than three tablets of this drug in one day. At the same time, you do not need to track the time of food intake. Voltaren can be consumed at any time of the day. Tablets should be swallowed whole, without splitting and not dividing into parts, squeezed with enough water.

It is this form of release of this medicine that provides the most effective effect on the focus of pain due to the accumulation of an active substance directly in it. The highest concentration is achieved approximately two hours after taking the tablets, and the ingredients do not have the property to accumulate in the body in excessive amounts.

Tablets are used not only for pain of a traumatic nature, but also for the occurrence of inflammatory processes of various kinds. This can be gynecological diseases, spondylitis, menstrual pain, swelling and bruising.

Candles Voltaren. Instructions for use

Provide the fastest absorption of the drug through the soft tissues and mucous membranes of the rectum. Candles are good for eating at night, since it is at this time of the day that the pain syndrome has a tendency to increase. The effect will be noticeable within an hour after administration. The dosage of one candle is usually 50 mg.

Candles Voltaren are used for acute migraine attacks, as well as periodic pain in women. Dosage in the first case is 2 candles per day, and in the second - from 1 to 3, depending on the intensity of pain.

Voltaren injections. Instructions for use

Injections or, more simply, injections of this drug are injected into the upper outer square of the buttocks deeply intramuscularly. There is one feature here. In order to avoid an overdose of an active substance, they can not be done more than 2 days in a row. Voltaren injections are usually prescribed to reduce severe postoperative pain.

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