HealthDiseases and Conditions

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: symptoms and therapies

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is a fairly rare disease, which is diagnosed mainly among women, whose age is 40 - 60 years. This is a very unpleasant condition, which is accompanied by acute bouts of pain and requires immediate help from a neurologist.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: the causes of the disease

Ternary nerves belong to the group of cranial nerves. They are symmetrical, and moving away from the brain, branch out, going out through three separate holes of the skull. It is these nervous pathways that are responsible for the innervation and regulation of all organs and structures located in the face area.

As for the causes of such inflammation, they are somehow connected with damage to nerve tissues. For example, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve can be the result of severe mechanical trauma, exposure to chemicals, and the presence of tumors or other such seals.

Quite often, the disease appears as a consequence of damage to the nearest vessels or difficulty in blood flow.

Secondary inflammation may occur during or immediately after an infectious disease of a viral or bacterial nature.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: symptoms

The main and most pronounced sign of inflammation of this nerve is severe pain, which arises spontaneously. Attacks are fairly short and last no more than two minutes. Nevertheless, the pain syndrome is so intense that it seems to the person that the pain lasts for hours.

The pain is very sharp, localized and similar to an instantaneous electric shock. In most cases, seizures appear during eating, smiling, shaving, brushing teeth, the word of any procedure associated with the movement of the muscles of the face. That's why sick people refuse such important, everyday actions instead of asking for help.

Painful seizures are repeated several times a day. In addition, the symptoms of such neuralgia may disappear for a while, again appearing only a few weeks and even months later.

Pain can be present in any part of the face - it all depends on the site of nerve damage. Eye, teeth, jaw, skin, tongue may be affected.

In some cases, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve can flow much more complicated. First, the temperature rises slightly, the affected areas swell and redden. Even the slightest touch to the skin can cause a new severe pain attack. Sometimes there is a rash, not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth.

How to treat inflammation of the trigeminal nerve?

It is worthwhile to understand that the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is a serious disease and only a neurologist has the right to deal with it. The fact is that similar symptoms can be caused by a number of other diseases, for example, dental disorders, sinusitis or meningitis. That is why in order to make the correct diagnosis, you need to examine the specialists, as well as a number of analyzes and studies.

As for the treatment process itself, it is quite long. In addition, not all cases can completely get rid of inflammation. Sometimes the treatment can only relieve the bouts of pain.

In order to eliminate the pain syndrome and relieve spasms, doctors prescribe analgesics and anticonvulsants.

It is very important to find out the cause of the disease, since by eliminating it, you can get rid of inflammation. For example, if neuralgia is the result of a severe infection, the patient may be prescribed immunosuppressants.

In addition, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is treated with special warming massages, warm and dry compresses, special exercises for the facial muscles. In some cases, this kind of neuralgia is an indication for surgical intervention.

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