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Neuro-like syndrome: symptoms, causes, varieties and treatment

As you know, most diseases develop on a nervous basis. In large cities, CNS disorders occur at least as often as the common cold. Symptoms of neurosis (irritability, lethargy and fatigue) are sometimes manifested even in people with a measured life. Indeed, a recently transferred or existing disease can provoke a similar clinical picture. Doctors call this condition "neurosis-like syndrome".

Brief description of the disease

The problem of neuroses has become especially urgent today. According to official WHO data, in the past 65 years the number of reported cases has increased 24-fold. During the same period, the number of mental illnesses increased only by half.

International classification of diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10) neurosis-like syndrome does not single out pathologies in a separate category. Official medicine does not recognize such a concept, therefore it lacks a specific code. However, this does not mean that the diagnosis does not exist. Simply, its symptoms are typical for many other diseases and organic lesions.

The peculiarity of the neurosis-like state is considered the prerequisites for its occurrence. Pathology does not develop against a backdrop of chronic stress or after a psychological trauma. On the other hand, these factors can play an additional role in its appearance. The main reason - the presence of disruptions in the body at the level of endocrine, nervous, digestive and other systems.

Etiology of the pathological process

More often nevrozopodobnye conditions are born in childhood, as well as against the back of injuries or intrauterine disorders. However, the later onset of the disease is not excluded. It can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Mental disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy).
  2. Organic brain damage.
  3. Endocrine and hormonal disorders (diabetes, hyperthyroidism).
  4. Somatic diseases affecting the cardiovascular system, liver and gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Pathologies that are allergic in nature.

The emergence of neurosis-like syndrome can not be considered a consequence of the diseases listed above. On the other hand, when they arise and develop, they lead to disturbances in the work of certain brain structures. As a result, there are failures in the neurodynamics of the cortical membranes.

Clinical picture

The symptomatology that characterizes the neurosis-like syndrome is very extensive and diverse. In adults, this condition is manifested by sharp mood swings. Such a person is often angry and irritable, rather than benevolent and calm. It is difficult for him to control his emotions. Simultaneously, rapid fatigue, reduced concentration of attention can be noted.

To corporal manifestations of the syndrome doctors include:

  • Sleep disorder;
  • Severe vomiting after stress;
  • Constipation / loose stool;
  • Lack of appetite, which often results in anorexia;
  • Pressure drops;
  • Increased sweating.

For this pathology is not necessarily the emergence of several symptoms at once. Everything depends on the disease caused by it, the individual characteristics of the organism and the personality of the patient.

Neurotic and neurosis-like syndromes combine several disorders, various in their manifestations. Each of them has significant differences. This asthenic, obsessive-compulsive, hypochondriacal and hysterical syndromes. Below we will consider what the pathology data are.

Asthenic syndrome

This neurotic state develops in stages. First, a person observes the appearance of increased fatigue, because of which he becomes emotionally unstable. Irritability is quickly replaced by passivity and apathy, indifference to everything that is happening around. In the future, there is a distorted perception of events and pictures of the world.

Also for asthenic syndrome is characterized by daytime drowsiness. Many complain of excessive sweating, severe headaches. It is with this disorder that most mental ailments begin.

Obsessive-compulsive syndrome

This pathology is always accompanied by obsessive conditions. The person has strange rituals and addictions. The motor reactions do not depend on his will. At the same time, the patient realizes the absurdity of his actions. He can not deal with them independently, therefore he is forced to seek qualified medical help.

Hypochondriacal syndrome

This state is determined by the constant experiences of a person for their own health. He is afraid of getting sick. Fear pursues him day and night, does not allow you to concentrate on work and home affairs. Unpleasant sensations in the internal organs, uncaused soreness in the extremities, tingling and squeezing - with such complaints usually refer to a doctor. A patient with hypochondriacal neurosis-like syndrome begins to walk to various specialists. He can demand a full diagnosis of the state of health, ask to be cured of a non-existent illness.

If a medical examination does not reveal serious pathologies, such a person begins to blame the doctors for their incompetence. Sometimes you can hear stories about the induced damage or witch's curse.

Hysterical Syndrome

The disorder manifests itself in the form of demonstrative behavior. Actions, facial expressions and gestures of a person can be accompanied by violent emotions (shouting, laughing, tears). At the next fit of hysteria, he begins to tear his hair or faint. This behavior is significantly different from this hysterical fit. The patient can demonstratively slip to the floor and pretend to faint. The whole scene is usually accompanied by loud cries, cramps and moans.

Neuro-like syndrome in children

What it is? This is a pathology, about the existence of which many parents learn late. In children, its first symptoms appear at the age of 2 to 7 years. Among the main causes of the disorder, doctors distinguish the following:

  • Pathology of intrauterine development;
  • Smoking, alcohol consumption by a woman during pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system of different etiology;
  • Birth trauma.

In children, a neurosis-like disorder is considered an intermediate state between an organic disorder and a direct neurosis. Sometimes it can pass independently and without medical intervention. The child "overgrows" the ailment, because his brain has a huge potential for regeneration.

Approximately to 12 years, the symptoms characterizing the neurosis-like syndrome in children disappear. The main manifestations of pathology are tearfulness and aggression, nightmares, numerous phobias. The clinical picture practically does not differ from that of adults. Wait for the moment of independent resolution of the problem is still not worth it. Qualified medical care is required even for small patients.

Methods of diagnosis

If you suspect a pathology, what is the first thing to do? - determine its cause. It is from her later will depend on the tactics of the therapy. For example, the main method of treating a neurosis is to work with a psychologist. With neurosis-like frustration, it is ineffective.

Then, based on the existing symptoms, you will need to undergo a comprehensive examination. At the initial stage, this issue is handled by a neurologist. The main diagnostic methods are MRI of the brain and EEG. If the results of studies of organic lesions are not identified, most likely, there is a common neurosis. In this case, the patient is referred to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

The neurosis-like syndrome ICD-10 does not distinguish in a separate category of diseases. In this case, it has a number of signs that can be identified during the diagnosis. This disorder is characterized by abnormalities in the brain and internal organs. Therefore consultation only at the doctor-neurologist not to manage. It will require the help of narrow specialists: a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist. First of all, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the root cause of the syndrome. Only after you can start to restore the work of the central nervous system.

Treatment disorders in children and adults

How to treat a neurosis-like syndrome? Therapy with this disease is complex.

The standard course consists of the following activities:

  1. Medication effect. Appointed drugs to combat infectious or organic causes of the disease. At the same time, drugs are used to normalize the hypothalamus. Depending on the clinical picture and complaints of the patient, antidepressants ("Amitriptyline") may be required. In the presence of phobias, tranquilizers ("Elenium", "Tazepam") are used.
  2. Physiotherapy. Treatment of neurosis-like syndrome necessarily involves electrophoresis procedures with the use of bromine, calcium, magnesium sulfate. Electrosleep can additionally be assigned.
  3. Acupuncture and reflexotherapy.
  4. Exercise therapy. The complex of exercises is selected individually. Most often, PHC resorts to rehabilitation at a stage after using medications to eliminate the root cause of the disorder.
  5. Sanatorium treatment.

In especially serious cases, the patient is recommended to have psychotherapy sessions.

What is required for the diagnosis of "neurosis-like syndrome" in children treatment? Therapy of the disorder in little patients is practically the same as that of adults. Especially well-established are various physiotherapy procedures. With regard to drugs, they are appointed in exceptional cases.

As part of ongoing therapy, adult patients are encouraged to change their lifestyle to a healthier one. It is necessary to abandon pernicious habits and minimize the number of stressful situations. Children are extremely important for a quiet and friendly atmosphere in the family. For the entire period of treatment it is better to refuse moving, changing the educational institution.

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