Food and drinkRecipes

The recipe for semolina in milk is not so simple!

Soviet children were literally fed with semolina porridge, but the children continued to love her steadfastly, unless, of course, it burnt out and contained no lumps. The recipe for semolina porridge on milk is far from alone, but rare mummies offer their children a properly cooked breakfast.

Basic recipe

Everyone is seduced by the simplicity of cooking - brought a glass of milk almost to a boil, poured 4 teaspoons of cereal with a thin trickle, constantly stirring, will leave a minute and a half and seemingly ready. In fact - semolina, although small, but croup. And it's just necessary to let each of its grains open up. In order for the process to go faster, milk is diluted with water - in any proportion, but it is necessary. Correct porridge even looks different, and the taste is just heaven and earth. On the smallest fire, it is stirred for a long time, about 10-15 minutes. And then another and wrapped in a blanket or put in the oven, heated to 80-100 degrees. The correct recipe for semolina in milk requires about an hour to prepare.

Influence on the body

Then it's porridge so porridge! The grain becomes voluminous, one can be seen from all sides. And in the stomach she will behave quite differently than the one that is undercooked. Everything is normal then with its assimilation and completeness of processing by the body. The correct recipe for semolina in milk provides a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, on the bones and muscles of both the child and the adult. In Tibet, for example, they greatly respect manna porridge, even monks eat it almost every day.

Who can, who is not desirable

Of course, it is better for children up to a year not to get semolina porridge - it is too nourishing for them, and heavy if it is not cooked correctly. After all, in this crop, when it interacts even with water only, a huge amount of starch remains. Caloric content of semolina in milk is even higher. Also in this dish, there is a certain amount of phytin, that is, phosphorus. Calcium salts of phosphorus partially bind and do not enter the blood. However, for this to happen on a visible scale, it is necessary to eat mostly semolina porridge. Without oil and various additives, which even Soviet children received in full. Grown up (after a year of life), the children enjoyed themselves in every possible way: the milk semolina porridge was served with jam, then with butter, then with candied fruits, then with dried fruits.

About gluten

Why not calculate the chemical reactions in the body, given the composition? But something strange happened. Popularly adored porridge is now in deep disgrace. About it tell such passions, that directly on a subcortex at people it is postponed: semolina porridge - a poison. The only irreversible harm is the presence of gluten, which some people have an allergy. However, such people can not eat anything wheat! And this does not mean that the bread is harmful to everyone.

Let's explore useful properties

What exactly is a manga? It is chipped from wheat grains with milling, that is, the same as flour, only larger. Let's look at the content of useful substances in a hundred grams of a product called semolina.

General composition

Proteins - 10.3 grams, fats - 1 gram, carbohydrates - 70.6 grams, dietary fiber - 3.6 grams, water - 14 grams of mono and disaccharides - 1.6 grams, starch - 68.5 grams, ash - 0.5 grams, saturated fatty acids - 2 grams.


E 2.55 mg
PP 1.2 mg
B1 (thiamine) 0.14 mg
B2 (riboflavin) 0.04 mg
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.17 mg
B9 (folic) 23 μg
E (TE) 1.5 mg
PP (niacin equivalent) 3 mg

The energy value of semolina is 333 kcal. So, maybe this is just a myth spread about the harm of semolina porridge? It can very well be. Judging by the presented table, there was unexpectedly a lot of vitamins in semolina, is not it? And in it there are macronutrients such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc, fluoride, malibden, fluorine, vanadium, silicon, cobalt, aluminum, nickel, tin, titanium. And everywhere they write that from the long heat treatment in our cereal there will be nothing useful. In fact - this is a controversial issue. Do grandmothers ask if there was a lot of allergies in the old days. And now in Orthodox monasteries this porridge is cooked for a really long time, and there they know something about nutrition, useful for the soul and body.

The correct recipe for semolina porridge on milk, but not simple porridge, but "Guriev"!

You will need: 10 tablespoons of semolina, 1 liter of milk, one and a half glasses of sugar, 50 grams of butter, 2 eggs, half a cup of peanuts or other nuts, a handful of candied fruits, one pear and one apple.


Cream or a good milk pour into a frying pan or a shallow pan and leave in a hot oven to languish. After a while, a thick, thick, thick foam forms on top. Carefully remove it on a plate, trying not to tear it, and put the frying pan back in the oven. Take off these foams until it gets boring, but at least 4 foams will require a recipe for semolina porridge on milk, which is called "Guryevskaya". This is a festive dish, successfully replacing any cake, so have patience.

Actually, porridge

On the remaining milk, cook the viscous semolina porridge, add half the sugar, salt - to taste. In hot porridge, stir 2 spoonfuls of yolk with a spoonful of sugar, finely chopped nuts in the blender, candied fruits and very gently stir whipped whites with two spoons of sugar. Already delicious, but not yet ready!

Porridge cake

Take a heavy (better cast iron) frying pan and lay some part of the porridge on the bottom. (How many sacks did you collect? That's for so many parts and divide the resulting mass.) But do not put it thickly - 2 centimeters maximum. Close the porridge with foam. And repeat: a layer of porridge, foam, a layer of porridge - foam until all is over. And the top layer - this is necessarily porridge. Sprinkle with sugar, which should still remain in fairly large quantities. Now bake in the oven at 180 degrees to a mouth-watering ruddy crust. While baking, boil the syrup from the remains of sugar, adding a spoon-two water. And in this syrup lightly boil the apple slices and pears, which decorate porridge-cake, when you get out of the oven. Suggest to "Guryev porridge" this syrup or available jam instead of sauce. Cook correctly and be healthy!

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