Food and drinkRecipes

Recipe for semolina porridge

To manna porridge can be treated differently. Someone loves her, but someone can not stand it. The second category of people can only be pitied, because they were deprived in childhood of the delights of eating one of the most delicious and healthy dishes in the world. So, someone was preparing it wrong. Another reason, explaining this circumstance, can not be.

Let us first try to convince those who believe that the recipe for semolina porridge does not interest them in any way, how useful this dish is. Most nutritionists say that semolina is very useful. The only reason opponents are based on the assertion that it is high-calorie. But let's think about how quickly it is digested. And you do not need to eat it every day. Just need to include in the diet of this useful food, which is invaluable in its properties for the child's body. Not for nothing since time immemorial semolina enters into the daily diet of toddlers babies. Yes, and adults who suffer from underweight, can eat it for fun. It also helps in the body's digestion of trace elements of iron and vitamin D.

The question of how to weld porridge porridge, should, first of all, people interested in chronic gastritis. There is an instant that it envelops the walls of the stomach and for a while protects it from the influence of aggressive acidic media formed inside. In addition, the useful properties of wheat for strengthening muscles and the bone system of the human body are well known, of which the best varieties are manna.

So, if the recipe for semolina is correct, then as a result you get a product rich in carbohydrates, rich in fiber and all sorts of minerals and vitamins that are part of the PP and B groups.

If we have convinced you and you are interested in the question of how to weld porridge manna , then we suggest that you try the classic recipe for semolina porridge, which is brewed as follows. It is very simple. Take half a liter of milk and three quarters of a glass of manga. Milk bring to a boil, salt and sugar we put to taste. Then, with a thin trickle, pour semolina into it. Varim, stirring constantly, very short: about 2-3 minutes. During this time, the porridge becomes quite thick and further keeping it on fire can lead to burning and unfavorable taste sensations. Therefore, the fire is extinguished, but we do not remove the pot from the stove, and for another fifteen minutes we maintain the porridge in the covered pot. Porridge during this time will swell and go to readiness. Now you can add to it butter and other ingredients that you decided to pamper yourself.

The main problem for those who do not want to mess with the preparation of this dish is often that they do not get semolina without lumps. This can be achieved in a very simple way. Do not wait until the milk boils, and in a still warm liquid to fill the rump and not to leave the pan, stirring its contents until the porridge is welded. It takes a little time, but is the best option for inexperienced cooks. And then you already, that is called, will fill your hand, and prepare this delicious dish for one, two, three.

There is another recipe for semolina porridge, which is an economical option for cooking. Instead of regular milk, condensed milk is taken, diluted with water in the right amount and everything else is done in the usual way. It turns out not only semolina porridge without lumps, but the taste of it will be excellent, because there will be plenty of sugar in it. Add butter and eat for health. Do not forget to treat those who are around!

More often start the morning with semolina porridge, and you will have a reason for joy from how long your stomach does not ask for food. So, you do not gain extra calories.

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