Health, Diseases and Conditions
Why there is a hungry pain in the stomach? How to get rid of it?
Hungry pains in the abdomen, regardless of the factors provoking them, have a common name - gastralgia. Often a person feels discomfort in the area of the left hypochondrium.
Why can there be hungry pains?
The causes of this condition, as a rule, in the pathologies of the digestive system. When the lesion of the entrance or the cardinal section in the stomach, the sensations of discomfort intensify on the left behind the sternum. In these cases, people tend to want to eat. It is enough to take a small portion of food: a piece of bread, cracker or candy. So usually fast pass the hungry pain. Symptoms that accompany this condition do not always clearly define the clinical picture of the pathology that triggered it. Objective assessment of the disease is given if there are other signs. It should be said, discomfort or soreness can occur not only when the stomach itself is affected. When assessing the condition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other manifestations: heartburn, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, bloating.
Effect of nutrition on the activity
Experts note that the hungry pain in the stomach is the stronger, the more pronounced the pathological process itself. However, for example, with prolonged gastritis in a chronic course, discomfort can manifest itself not very intensively. Nevertheless, such sensations are the first signal to visit a doctor. One of the main components of therapeutic measures for gastrointestinal disorders is diet. If hunger pain in the stomach occurs regularly, it is necessary to limit the intake of food, which can strengthen it. As a rule, it is recommended to give up fatty, salty, sharp. It is advisable to add vegetables and fruits to the diet. More details about what foods can be eaten and which ones are not, will be told by a dietitian.
What does the hungry pain in the stomach say at night?
The intensity of sensations can be different depending on the time of day. If the famine, for example, is intensified at night and is accompanied by pain, this may be due to a hormonal failure, namely a change in the concentration of leptin or melatonin. In many cases, during the day, a person does not have a particular desire to have a snack or no appetite at all. Often the body disturbs the rhythm of night-day. Discomfort at night, many people are accompanied by insomnia. If a person goes to bed early, he always wakes up with a feeling of hunger, an unpleasant pulling feeling in the stomach. The state passes if you eat something.
Other conditions that cause discomfort
In some cases, a person deliberately suppresses hunger during the day. Subsequently, this leads to violations of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifest a strong desire to eat after eight or nine evenings. At night, hunger, accompanied by pain, can also indicate abnormalities in the secretion of gastric juice and be based on psychological disorders. In these cases, the doctor may recommend visiting a psychologist. Hungry pain in the stomach at night is sometimes a consequence of depression and overexertion. For many people in this state, food is a kind of sedative. Such unorganized food intake can lead to obesity.
What if there is discomfort?
Specialists strongly recommend to get rid of the night hunger. First of all, you need to adjust the power mode. In this case, it is necessary to struggle not only with weaknesses, but also to correct the habits of the whole organism. Often a change in diet is accompanied by an increase in soreness. In these cases, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. For example, a salutary, calming effect on the digestive system (and in general, the whole body) is infused with chamomile, melissa medicinal, St. John's wort. Specialists also recommend doing sports, moving more. When burning calories, the appetite appears after a few hours or even earlier. In the mornings it is recommended to do gymnastics, it will not hurt and easy jogging. A healthy desire to eat at the same time will appear just in time for dinner. Doctors recommend taking vitamins additionally: complete complexes of micro- and macroelements contribute to the stabilization of metabolic processes. All these measures should be carried out at the initial stages of manifestation of the pathological condition. However, if there is a significant increase in body weight against the background of night meals, you should consult a specialist.
Many people, even noticing violations in the digestive system, knowingly ignore manifestations and do not rush to visit a doctor. Meanwhile, hunger pains (after eating especially) can indicate the presence of ulcers. If the doctor does not promptly seek help, the violations can lead to serious consequences. Do not bring your body to a state where surgical intervention is required. As already mentioned, soreness can be a consequence of stressful situations. In this regard, it is recommended to protect yourself from emotional overload. Specialists insist on a serious attitude towards therapeutic measures. Particular attention should be given to the diet regime. There are special diets that allow to normalize the activity of the digestive tract. With timely access to a doctor, you can avoid medication, and in many cases, surgical intervention. The neglect of the disease can lead to the need for a complete rejection of your favorite food.
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