Health, Diseases and Conditions
Tonsillitis: symptoms
Tonsillitis is a disease of the body that manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the palatine tonsils. The cause of this disease is an infection. The causative agents that cause tonsillitis are streptococci, staphylococci, bacteria and others.
When penetrating through the mouth or nose of a person these viruses and bacteria, the tonsils filter them, processing them into white cells, and, thus, stimulate human immunity. Over time, tonsils under the influence of the virus can collapse and, as a consequence, a person will have a disease - tonsillitis.
- tonsils of red color, inflamed and swollen;
Pain during swallowing;
- headache;
- enlarged glands in the region of the jaw and neck;
- weakness;
- fever and fever;
- loss of voice.
Children are the most susceptible to this disease. Due to the fact that it is an infectious disease, it can occur when you visit a kindergarten or school, that is, places where many people gather.
If not treated, then complications may occur. Do not start tonsillitis. Symptoms of such complications:
- an abscess, that is, pus on tonsils and adjacent soft tissues;
- it is difficult for a person to swallow, and in some cases even to breathe, because the sky and tongue are in contact and the flow of air is blocked;
- In rare cases, the abscess can spread to the neck and other organs.
Under the influence of bacteria that caused tonsillitis, there may be other diseases - rheumatism, diseases of the nervous system, heart, skin.
Tonsillitis is chronic and acute. The second name of acute tonsillitis is angina. Almost every person has suffered this disease in his life at least once. Due to the fact that the body is weakened and acute tonsillitis occurs , the symptoms of which have already been described.
Chronic tonsillitis occurs in connection with the neglect of acute angina. Its occurrence can contribute to the violation of nasal breathing (with polyps of the nose, curvature of the nasal septum, adenoids), chronic sinusitis, rhinitis and catarrhal pharyngitis, carious teeth.
Signs of chronic tonsillitis:
- palatine tonsils are loosened;
- their surface is uneven;
- they are fused with palatine arch;
- the gaps are widened;
- With pus pressure, pus with an unpleasant odor is excreted;
- there are sensations of sadness, perspiration and a foreign body in the area of the tonsils;
- coughing up purulent plugs;
- exacerbation of sore throat.
Do not engage in self-medication when tonsillitis occurs. You can muffle the infection, but do not get rid of it completely. This will lead to the development of tonsillitis in chronic tonsillitis, the symptoms and consequences of which are much more serious and can bring great harm to the body. Even surgical intervention is not excluded. Contact a doctor who will look at the throat, if necessary take a sample of the epithelium with a cotton swab, check the content of streptococcal bacteria, and if there is tonsillitis, he will prescribe you treatment, based on a specific situation.
For treatment, antibiotics are best suited for injections, so it is better to use them. You can rinse your throat with a weak solution of manganese, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilinom. For treatment of chronic tonsillitis, the inflamed area can be irradiated with ultraviolet, and UHF-therapy is also used. In exceptional cases, surgical intervention is used.
During illness it is desirable to drink hot liquids: tea, soup, broth, and also gargle with a solution of salt with warm water. Treatment will take from 10 days or more. Do not stop taking antibiotics prescribed by your doctor, even if 2-3 days later you feel better. This can lead to serious and completely unnecessary complications. It is advisable to avoid visiting places with a lot of people.
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