Health, Diseases and Conditions
A terrible disease of anorexia. Treatment, causes and main symptoms
Every second girl in the whole world is afraid of becoming fat. Therefore, debilitating diets, a complete rejection of food - this is not new. However, all this can lead to a terrible disease called anorexia. Models very often become hostages of this disease. After all for them to recover for several kilograms - this is a complete collapse and to be left without work.
Main reasons
Often, the causes of anorexia are psychological factors. True, there are a number of physiological motives (diseases) that contribute to the development of this ailment:
1. excess in the body of vitamin D;
2. the presence of radiation sickness ;
3. malignant tumors;
4. Of course, AIDS;
5. hepatitis of the viral form;
6. tuberculosis;
7. Crohn's disease,
8. and many others.
In this regard, we can conclude that not always anorexia is associated with a mental disorder. Although, this happens in most cases. And then there are several situations of events:
- Wanting to lose weight, a person can bring himself independently before the illness;
- Carried away by work, some people forget about food completely and again get anorexia as a result;
- Finally, there are people who specifically, artificially induce this disease in order to achieve certain goals (for example, to become a model).
Anorexia has very serious consequences, especially in girls. First, there are failures in the menstrual cycle. Over time, it may even stop. Secondly, regardless of age, the menopause occurs sharply. Finally, the chances of getting pregnant quickly approach zero.
Frequent Symptoms
Very clearly you can see the symptoms of anorexia nervosa. The patient manifests a psychological fear of weight gain, he is constantly looking for all the new diets. Even your favorite dishes go to the side, and there can be a complete refusal of any food.
Of course, the disease is always accompanied by weight loss. And most often it is very sharp. Undoubtedly, you can see mood swings. For many, depressive disorders are characteristic. Well, finally, sleep disturbance is another symptom of anorexia.
Medical analyzes and studies also reveal violations of the internal organs, which should be another signal for the need for treatment. Liver, kidneys, pancreas suffer. Naturally, there are all sorts of hormonal failures and disturbances.
In order to stop the development of the consequences in time, which leads to anorexia, the treatment begins at the earliest stages.
Treatment Options
For the treatment of anorexia, a set of measures is necessarily used. Immediately on several sides, it is necessary to act on the patient.
1. Nutrition is very important if anorexia is detected. Treatment prescribes patients to eat according to a special scheme. Over time, the portion volume increases all the time. After all, the main goal in this case is an increase in body weight (so that the weight will return to normal). If the patient's condition is severe, then the organism is initially fed with special means, introducing the formulations and solutions intravenously.
Nutrition increases gradually, especially not to bring final harm to the body. Otherwise, complications can occur (the appearance of edema, damage to the digestive organs, etc.).
2. When the patient has anorexia, treatment necessarily includes psychotherapy. Here the family plays a very important role. With the help of a specialist, it is possible to eliminate the problems that underlie such painful behavior.
If a patient has a mild degree of a disease such as anorexia, the treatment is carried out using an incentive system. For each increase in weight, the patient is entitled to some stimulating gift (for example, a walk or a meeting with friends).
3. Medical therapy for anorexic patients is also needed. The doctor prescribes the patient usually antidepressants and some other additional drugs.
If the body is very much depleted, then in the hospital intravenously pour in special drugs that contain potassium. After all, the lack of this substance affects the normal functioning of the heart.
Treatment of anorexia is a very long process, which takes more than one month. You can get rid of the disease, but this will require the patient's desire!
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