
Diarrhea in the pig: the causes and treatment. How to feed piglets

Currently, very many farmers are engaged in breeding piglets. This is quite a profitable business, which should be taken very seriously. Boars need to create all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay, otherwise they may get sick, and this can lead to the extinction of the entire herd. Diarrhea in a piglet is a common problem faced by many herders. Treatment of diarrhea should be started immediately, as it can be caused by various diseases, which in most cases lead to the death of the animal. When the first signs are manifested immediately, call a veterinarian.

general information

Breeding of domestic animals is associated with a lot of hassle. Proper care needs both young and adult individuals, so it is very important to create good conditions for keeping pigs. If the feeding regime is not complied with, untimely cleaning in the stable and the absence of an optimal temperature in the room, the risk of developing various infectious diseases in animals that can lead to the extinction of the entire population increases. If a pig has diarrhea, what to do in this case, you will find out further. The first step should be to provide him with proper care and try to establish the cause of the manifestation of the disease.

The causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea in piglets can occur as a result of a variety of causes, the main of which are:

  1. Metabolic disorders caused by improper diet or improper diet. This risk significantly increases if the age of the piglet is 1 month.
  2. Weak immunity caused by an early transfer of a piglet from mother's milk to normal food.
  3. Lack of proper care, unsanitary conditions and improper microclimate in the place of detention.
  4. Very often pig diarrhea develops due to various intestinal parasites and infectious diseases resulting from infection or from a sick mother.
  5. Dirty water.
  6. Incorrect feeding.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct feeding of piglets, since they can not be given all food and feed. From what the ration of cattle should consist, we will go further.

A few words about the diet

Diarrhea in piglets (how to treat this disease you will find out later) can be prevented if you pick the right diet for them. The thing is that pigs are distinguished by their omnivorousness and great appetite, that's why they eat everything with great pleasure.

To start answering the question: "What to feed the pigs?" Is necessary with consideration of what to give is strictly forbidden. From the diet should exclude any heavy food for the stomach, foods containing dangerous substances, as well as foul food. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that no foreign objects enter the food, for example, pieces of cloth, pebbles, wood shavings and others, as they can damage the gastrointestinal tract and cause internal bleeding.

Causes of severe diseases

To severe are diseases of internal organs and poisoning caused by the use of animals of various toxic and dangerous substances that can not only cause diarrhea in the pig, but also lead to his death. Typically, the cause of these diseases is that the owner left unattended toxic substances, such as gasoline, kerosene, household chemicals or paint, which were swallowed by a pig. This can cause disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive system and liver disease.


If you have detected diarrhea in piglets, the treatment of which should be started as soon as possible, this indicates problems with the intestines. Self diagnosis of the disease will help you the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of diarrhea indicates problems with the intestines;
  • Foamy discharge is a sign of infectious diseases;
  • If diarrhea in a piglet is green or yellow, then this indicates a poor digestibility of food in the small intestine;
  • Highlighting of light color occurs with various liver diseases;
  • Black or red stool is a sign of internal bleeding;
  • If the intensity of the excrement is not too great, then the problem of diarrhea in piglets, than to treat which you learn later, is inflammation of the intestine, and too frequent liquid stool indicates that there are more serious problems;
  • In the presence of putrefactive odor, it is necessary to check the animal for the presence of intestinal infections;
  • A sour smell indicates an abnormal functioning of the digestive system.

If the above symptoms are accompanied by vomiting, fever and secretions from the eyes, then most likely the animal has food poisoning, which is also very common due to too high gastric sensitivity to food. That is why it is very important to take a responsible approach to the question of what to feed the pigs.

Treatment of diarrhea in newborn piglets at home

The mortality of small pigs due to diarrhea is very high, as too frequent bowel movements lead to dehydration, and the animal simply perishes. It is not uncommon for cases when complete dehydration occurs only 12 hours after the disease. Therefore, if you notice that the pig has a loose stool, you must immediately begin treatment. The first step is to provide the animal with a large amount of clean water for drinking, in order to normalize the water balance. Very effective in diarrhea in pigs is a saline solution, for the preparation of which you need one tablespoon of salt and sugar for 200 ml of water.

Drug treatment of diarrhea

With diarrhea, veterinarians assign piglets various medications that have anti-infective action and prevent dehydration. The most common drugs are "Akolan" and "Amoxicillin." A good remedy is Brovof, a new oral antibiotic with a very powerful and effective effect.

It is worth noting that to give any medication is necessary only in combination with a strict diet. To speed up the process of recovery and normalization of metabolic processes, on the first day of illness it is necessary to provide cattle with a large amount of drinking. With regard to feeding, then for one day it should be stopped to reduce the burden on the intestines. On the second day, a small amount of food is allowed.

Treatment of diarrhea folk methods

With diarrhea, piglets are very well helped to cope with various curative decoctions, for example, chamomile or nettle. They excellently excrete toxic substances from the body and purify it. Not bad helps to cope with diarrhea decoction from the bark of oak and hay infusions, which give a pig several times a day before each feeding.

If the diarrhea does not go away for several days, you can begin to water the animal with a decoction of chicory root, which requires 50 grams of root per liter of water.

If you give a pig "Brovaf", a new potent drug, then an excellent addition to it will be a rice decoction. To cook it, take half a kilogram of rice, pour five liters of water and cook until ready for cereals. This broth very well protects the intestines, enveloping it and thus creating a protective barrier.

Normalization of metabolic processes

In most cases, diarrhea is associated with a metabolic disorder that occurs due to improper feeding or various diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, in order to speed up the process of recovering a pig, it is very important to restore the intestinal microflora and normalize metabolic processes. You can achieve this only if you choose the right food for the animal. To provide small pigs with all the necessary vitamins, they should regularly give fish oil.

At an early age, piglets should be fed with special combined fodders, which contain many vitamins and other nutrients that the animal needs for normal growth and good health. Only in this way you can strengthen the immunity of a piglet and reduce the likelihood of developing various diseases.

To fill the deficiency of vitamin A, the pig should be fed milk, legumes, nettle and carrots in the diet. Natural foods can also be replaced with various vitamin preparations that give the animal once a day after feeding. It is also important to provide the animal with a large amount of iron, the daily norm of which is 10 mg. Its deficiency can not only cause diarrhea, but anemia.

Preventive actions

You already know that diarrhea poses a great threat to the life of a pig and needs timely treatment. However, the disease is easier not to cure, but to prevent its manifestation, so it is important to follow certain preventive measures.

When breeding piglets it is recommended:

  1. Follow the meal schedule.
  2. The diet should consist of foods and feeds rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.
  3. It is not recommended to dramatically produce a complete change of diet. Switch to other feeds gradually and in small quantities, so that the animal normally adapts to the new food.
  4. When feeding small piglets the products are recommended to be crushed.
  5. Watch for the freshness of food and water.
  6. Keep clean in the stable.
  7. Keep in an environment in which the pigs are kept, the optimum microclimate. The air should be warm and not too wet.

From the conditions of keeping pigs depends not only on health, but also on the life of animals, so if you are engaged in breeding cattle, then pay attention to such important points.

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