Business, Agriculture
What to do: the cow has gone, but there is no milk? How to feed the calf? Mastitis in a cow
The content of cattle is a laborious occupation, the owner must show maximum patience and attentiveness to his animals. This especially applies to farmers engaged in breeding cows. The process of insemination and calving should take place under strict control and with observance of all necessary actions. From the professionalism of the owner depends the life of the animal, and, consequently, the prosperity of the owner himself, who is interested in replenishing his herd.
Problems calving
Beginning farmers have the most frequent questions about fertilization and reproduction. If the main goal is breeding, then the animal is prepared for this from the very beginning, provides special maintenance and care. On forums and agricultural sites you can often find questions about what to do: the cow has gone to bed, but there is no milk. The reasons can be very different - from the abnormal structure of the nipples to the inflammation of the udder (mastitis).
Usually, if all the rules and regulations of the content are observed, such problems do not arise. Conscientious owners must provide the animal with a comfortable environment before and after childbirth:
- How do you know when the cow rises? This can be seen on several grounds: she tries to retire, to leave the herd. Therefore, it is best if the burble is allocated a separate stall, cleaned and covered with a fresh litter.
- The place where the burenka will be borne must be dry and contain no foreign objects.
- If it is in a large room with automatic devices for manure cleaning, it is necessary to ensure that the animal does not walk along the aisle, otherwise the calf can get into a similar scraper.
- Provide a balanced diet and a plentiful drink, in addition to this, the owners often add to the normal diet of multivitamins and microelements.
Every farmer should understand that childbirth for an animal is a great stress, so the burren requires increased attention and care.
Conditions for a safe calving
In a young specimen, the birth can be long and painful, and in some cases it is necessary for the veterinarian to participate. In an adult, the whole process is much easier, but it all depends on the animal itself, and on the structure of the pelvis and the weight of the fetus.
In any case, the owner must be prepared in advance for childbirth and possible complications. There are several ways how to find out when the cow rises:
- The udder swells and even milk begins to flow;
- She becomes restless, can not stand in one place, fingering her legs;
- The external genitalia strongly redden, from them liquid can be allocated;
- The abdomen is sagging;
- Long and mournfully mooing;
- Most of the time lies.
You can alleviate the problem and immediately after insemination to maintain a special calendar. Despite the fact that most Burenoks cope with their own birth, a person needs to follow this process and, if complications arise, call a vet for help.
Further actions depend on how the cow has ridden. What to do and how to help the animal, you can understand by his behavior. If the burenka calmly licks the calf and shows no signs of anxiety, then the resolution was successful, you need to give it water and leave it alone. But there are times when you can not do without the help of a doctor.
In a severe hotel, the fetus may get stuck in the crotch of the mother, if not removed in the first hours, it will die, and possibly an adult, too. For extraction, at least two people and special chains and forceps are required, using them without a veterinarian is highly discouraged, incorrect and inept movements will only damage.
Special guides and journals can help beginners. Experienced breeders give different advice, including what to do after calving. In the opinion of the majority, the first few hours must necessarily watch it.
There is a probability of occurrence immediately after childbirth of the so-called paresis, its manifestation is similar to the symptoms of paralysis. The animal's ears and the sacrum become cold, it can not stand up and mooch. For treatment use calcium, it is injected into a vein or subcutaneously. The cause of the disease can be obesity, an unbalanced diet or an improper diet. Such unpleasant situations most often occur in adult individuals.
The reasons for the lack of milk
Many cattle breeders face an unpleasant problem, which briefly consists in this: what to do - the cow has gone to bed, but there is no milk. The situation is really serious and can talk about various diseases. First you need to find out the reason:
- Incorrect feeding. The food should be balanced and full. After experiencing stress, the animal needs fresh food and additional vitamins.
- Mastitis is an inflammatory process that leads to a problem similar to the one when a cow has calved and milk is low.
- Reflex milk is broken. This can occur from extraneous stimuli, fright, violation of feeding periods, non-compliance with the rules of milking, and also because of stress after childbirth. If milk is not allocated at favorable conditions, then this is the reason to turn to the veterinarian.
- Ketosis - a metabolic disorder, as a result of which harmful acids accumulate in the body. After the diagnosis, the animal is removed from the diet acidic foods and add potatoes, carrots, turnips and fresh good hay.
When a person is in a difficult situation, he does not know what to do. The cow has gone to bed, but there is no milk, and it is difficult to determine the symptoms on its own. In this case, it is worth asking for help from a specialist.
Almost all holders of cattle face this disease. Most often, mastitis in a cow occurs against the background of postpartum complications, especially acute is the problem in large livestock farms, where there is no way to carefully observe all the rules of maintenance and care.
Among the most common causes of mastitis can be identified as follows:
- Wrong diet, same type or stale food.
- Disease-causing microflora, caused by violation of milking techniques.
- Traumatic nipples or udders.
- If hygiene standards are not observed, there is a possibility of infection in the nipple channel.
- Disease of the reproductive system.
But most often mastitis is the result of the existence of several factors at once. Against the background of a general weakening of the immune system, any of the above causes contributes to the development of the disease. And the disease for a very long time takes place in a closed form and manifests itself only during lactation.
Signs of mastitis
Then a problem arises. What to do - the cow has gone, but there is no milk? It is this symptom that is the first when an inflammatory process occurs. In addition, you can independently determine the diagnosis by some external signs:
- Local increase in temperature;
- Skin on the udder swells, and the supernumerary nodes increase in size;
- Shows fatigue, loses appetite;
- Changing the taste of milk and reducing milk yield;
- The nipple can thicken;
- The consistency of milk changes, it breaks up and contains flakes;
- When pressing on the udder, painful sensations appear.
When there is a complicated form of inflammation, there may be abscesses, abscesses, and temperature rises significantly.
The final diagnosis can be made only by a qualified specialist, after the examination and taking samples for analysis. Depending on the form and stage of the disease, mastitis in a cow is treated in many ways, but most often involves a whole range of measures.
Timely therapy will facilitate the rapid recovery of the animal and its rapid return to the usual cycle of productivity. Farmers are often afraid of using antibiotics, as during the treatment of such milk is prohibited to sell.
Therefore, in the first stages of the course of the disease, local therapy is recommended. Massage of the udder is carried out as follows: pressing lightly, hand up from the bottom up the affected area several times, in addition, you can use ichthyol ointment and camphor oil.
Medical treatment of mastitis is carried out by the introduction of antibiotics under the skin of the animal or by puncturing the drug suspension in the mammary glands. If the owner has experience of such manipulations, injections can be done on their own.
Prevention of mastitis
Any form of the disease requires the owner to observe special conditions, otherwise all treatment will be useless:
- Burenka must be protected from contact with other animals.
- Provide her with proper care and a balanced diet.
- Milk by hand and at least three times a day.
Experienced cattle breeders recommend using some folk recipes in combination with medication. So, the udder must be washed with warm salted water or infusion of nettle or apply a mixture of red and white clay on the udder and nipples. Veterinarians themselves advise the use of aloe juice to reduce the inflammatory process, it is injected into milk with a syringe.
With proper care for animals, treatment will be much more effective, and the likelihood of recurrence will be significantly lower.
Preventive measures include the following:
- Provide the animal with a balanced and complete diet.
- When milking, you should take elementary care, do not "pinch" the nipples and do not put pressure on them strongly.
- The room where the animal is kept must be constantly cleaned and ventilated.
In addition, today there are special tests for the early detection of mastitis or other infections. Regular examinations will prevent illness and preserve good milk yields.
Care for calves
After giving birth, the cow should immediately think about the fate of the offspring. The fact that the baby is born almost without immunity, and in the first hours he needs to get from his mother a special substance - colostrum, this directly depends on the survival rate of the young. Subsequently, an equally important question arises as to how to feed the calf.
In the first two months he should receive from 3 to 4 liters of milk daily, sometimes using a substitute. Feeding can occur with the help of a nipple (on large farms automated) or directly from a bucket, in any way it is necessary to ensure that the container is clean and does not contain foreign objects and products.
Prosperity of livestock farming depends first of all on caring for young animals, it is necessary to pay more attention to the question of how to keep the animal and how to feed it. The calf must be provided not only with milk, but also with clean water, concentrated mixtures and hay. Young individuals are usually kept in groups, they must be vaccinated, disinfected and labeled with ear tags.
Helpful information
An experienced livestock breeder is familiar with the situation when a cow has rushed ahead of time and there is no milk, the questions arise in beginners, especially in small farms, where the owner is responsible for all the processes of maintenance and care. However, if you follow the verified algorithm of actions, serious problems can be avoided.
Summarizing all the information related to the calving of cows, we can draw the following conclusions:
- It is necessary to provide animals with acceptable living conditions: clean bedding, complex food and modern preventive measures to prevent diseases.
- Carefully follow the burenka during pregnancy and after calving, in time to detect complications and eliminate them yourself or by calling a veterinarian.
- The success of the livestock enterprise depends on the birth of healthy offspring, so it is necessary to provide the calves with comfortable conditions from the very beginning.
Breeding cattle requires a person endurance, patience and certain knowledge and skills. On one enthusiasm of cows not to grow, a clear understanding of their duties is necessary.
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