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Large-flowered herb: description, medicinal properties

Gorianka (epimedium) is a vegetable raw material widely used in folk medicine of the countries of Korea, Japan and, especially, China. This perennial plant belongs to the barberry family.

Chinese folk medicine has existed for millennia. She considers the epimedium or goronku an effective tool for men under number 1. Confirmation of the usefulness of the grass large-flowered gorilla in preserving male health and strength is the population of China! Men will be useful to "get to know" with such a miraculous grass.

Description of a large flower

A mountain is a common perennial plant. It belongs to the genus, which includes more than 50 different species. This beautiful plant in the people is also called the flower of the elves for its openwork foliage and weightless beautiful flowers. This name is not the last, the Chinese call this perennial "grass lascivious goat".

In summer, passing along the forest clearing, you can find grass with flowers of blue, pink and white, which resemble a candle. They begin to bloom in May, their diameter is about 2cm. Flowering lasts a long time, about two months and more. The leaves of the large-flowered blossom are decorative throughout the season, they envelop the stems and go to the wedge to the base. In the autumn they become burgundy.

The garden is decorated with parks and gardens, because it is famous not only for its medicinal properties, but is famous for its elegance and beauty.

Large-flowered herb: properties

The healing properties of this plant have been known for thousands of years. Modern scientists, having conducted research, came to the conclusion that this is true. The results of their work once again confirmed the therapeutic properties of the epimedium:

  • Has an effect on the kidneys, when it is used, urination normalizes;
  • With her help, there is an opportunity to keep blood pressure in norm, because it dilutes blood, dilates blood vessels and capillaries;
  • Helps to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • Has the property of improving blood circulation in blood vessels that feed the liver and kidneys;
  • It is peculiar to excite sensuality, and also it takes part in preventing premature ejaculation in men;
  • An important property - rejuvenation of the body as a whole, an obstacle to the formation of wrinkles and the preservation of skin moisture in norm;
  • The intake of large-flowered blossom preparations helps to eliminate dizziness, fatigue and stress;
  • A large-flowered flower has a restorative and tonic effect.

In addition to the foregoing, studies have shown that a marmot is capable of increasing the sensitivity of nerve endings, which in turn leads to increased sexual sensations. It has anti-inflammatory properties, tannic and astringent action.

Grass of a large-flowered herring: application in folk medicine

Folk doctors in their practice use the aboveground part of the horn, harvested in the period when it blooms. They make decoctions and infusions from this plant, which treat the inflammatory processes of the throat and mucous membrane of the mouth. Applied for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is a very effective antimicrobial agent for washing purulent wounds and boils. The use of the large-flowered lobster in folk medicine is very wide. Wizards use it during the treatment of neuroses, depressive states, to improve a person's mental abilities. From Chinese healers, since ancient times, a large-flowered blossom is very much appreciated. Extract of grass they use to expand the capillaries.

But the main advantage of the horn is to have a positive effect on the body of men, to eliminate sexual disorders.

Natural Viagra

After taking epimedium in the body, adrenaline rises, which causes an increase in the level of male hormones. The consequences of this - sexual arousal, persistent erection and prolonged repeated sexual intercourse. The large-flowered mound in this case acts like Viagra type preparations.

Still this plant is useful in that it has the property to aggravate sensations and enables men and women to receive indescribable satisfaction during intimacy. At the same time, the drugs are hot, unlike chemicals, there are no special contraindications and age limits.

Consequences from the use of medicines by athletes

After taking a large-flowered herring extract, testosterone concentration in the blood goes to increase. Drugs from a hot dog affect the secretion of hormones, without which it is impossible to achieve loss of excess fat and normal growth of the muscular system.

A mountainhouse helps athletes to be balanced, keep the psyche in the norm and not fall into depression. Taking drugs from this plant raises the mood and adds strength for training. The athlete's body calms down, which is very important before the start of the competition.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects from taking drugs large-flowered horns are, but not so often. Sometimes it becomes a cause of aggressiveness, fever and tachycardia. Scientists, conducting research on animals, noticed a malfunction in the work of the thyroid gland, which leads to obesity. Very rarely, the reception of a hot dog causes allergic reactions, nausea and vomiting. Individual intolerance is noted in isolated cases.

Pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to take medications with the addition of a large-flowered lobster. People who are allergic and have an individual intolerance to use this plant is not desirable. In childhood, a large blossom can affect the hormonal background of the child, which leads to an incorrect formation of sexual characteristics.

The healing properties of the large-flowered horn are not fully understood. But scientific and folk medicine considers this plant a harmless, effective natural remedy.

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