Homeliness, Do it yourself
How to lay paving tiles in the country with their own hands?
Sidewalk tiles are an excellent solution for creating long-lasting and beautiful tracks on your site. So let's find out how to lay the paving slab at the dacha.
Before you proceed directly to the work, you should decide on the choice of the tiles. First, it is better to take a rough tile. This will save you from falling in the winter. Secondly, during the purchase you need to know the maximum load that tiles can withstand. If you are going to lay this building element in the place where the car will be parked, then the load-carrying capacity should be given the highest priority.
Preparatory work
Before laying the paving slab at the dacha, you should decide on the place. It is desirable to fence it off from the rest of the site (for example, using a pair of pegs and a rope stretched between them). Next, prepare the ground - remove the old covering and tear out the sod at a depth of 10-15 cm. At the same time, it is necessary to determine the sink system. Water can leak into the gaps between the tiles, or flow down the edges of the path. In the second case, special slopes must be made.
Laying tiles
If the decision about the place is already taken, then immediately the question arises as to how to correctly lay the paving slab. Now you need to set up your markup. The thread needs to be lifted 5-7 cm from the base. This will be needed to fill the sand. To fall asleep, it should be damped with water from the hose along the way. With positive weather conditions, after a few (3-4) hours, you can begin rolling and leveling the surface, both with the help of special tools, and with the help of improvised tools. Then you can go to the main one.
Namely, to the solution of the question of how to lay the paving slab at the dacha. First you need to mix sand and cement (3 to 1) and fill the mixture with a prepared track (3-4 cm). Do not forget to level the mixture with rakes. After that, you can start laying out the first row of tiles. At this point, you should answer the question of where it is best to start laying. You should start from some kind of support (curb / threshold / stairs). The next rows are stacked from ourselves, not forgetting to level off the previous one. Be careful - do not step on the cement mixture.
Pending the result
Well, if you do not yet know how to lay the paving slab correctly , but you want to do it qualitatively and beautifully, then it's worth treating the entire process with a special pickiness. After the laying is completed, do not be lazy, take a look at the result and make sure there are no irregularities. Ideally, at the top of the tile you need to go through the tamping tool once more.
And the last advice on the topic of how to lay paving slabs in the country. On the finished path, you should pour the remaining cement slurry and place it in such a way that it fills all the seams (you need to water it again). On this review can be considered complete. Remember that without accuracy you will not achieve a beautiful result. Good luck to you in the entire construction process!
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