HealthDiseases and Conditions

Oh, this rotovirus infection ...

Rotovirus infection is an acute infectious disease that is caused by viruses and affects the gastrointestinal tract. Rotoviruses - the main cause of severe forms of diarrhea in children (data of the World Health Organization).

The most common is rotovirus infection in children aged one to three years. Toddlers who are breastfed suffer much less from rotovirus infection.

Infection with rotovirus infection of the child mainly occurs through adults who are carriers of the disease. It is asymptomatic or very mild in them. Viral infection is transmitted by the fecal-oral route through dirty hands, care items, toys. One way to infect the infection is through water (river, tap, well). The rotovirus infection feels great at low temperatures and is a good "swimmer".

The rotovirus infection is spread all over the world. Infection with it can occur at any time of the year, but most of the diseases are fixed between October and April.

Rotovirus has many varieties. Therefore, if a child has recovered from one type of virus, this does not mean that he will not fall ill with another type of the disease. The protective reaction of the body will be formed only from this particular species of rotovirus. But the cases of re-transfer of infection in the clinical plan are easier.

The disease has several periods:

- incubation. Lasts from 12 hours to 7 days. The virus enters the body and begins to multiply actively. Outwardly, no symptoms appear;

- Clinical. Lasts from 3 to 7 days, less often up to 3 weeks. In some cases, there may be a runny nose and sore throat, so the illness is perceived for ARI. Then the temperature rises to 39 ° C. The defeat of the gastrointestinal tract manifests itself in the form of vomiting and diarrhea (diarrhea). It is also possible to develop symptoms of respiratory tract damage.

Because there is multiple vomiting, the body is dehydrated, heavy metabolic disturbances begin. In people with background diseases, immunodeficiencies, after bone marrow transplantation or organ transplantation , a fatal outcome is possible.

Treatment of rotovirus infection begins with replenishment of lost fluid and a ban on dairy products, since lactose is not tolerated in the course of the disease. If the child is breastfed, the mother's milk is temporarily replaced with the mixture, and the breast milk is preserved.

Medicamentous treatment is carried out with a smect (protection of the gastric shell, anesthesia, help with diarrhea) and polyphepan (enterosorbent, which removes toxins from the body). It is also shown to drink a lot of liquid in the form of saline solutions (rehydron) and morses. Regiodron will compensate for the loss of potassium, magnesium, citrates. One packet of the solution is sufficient for 1 liter of water. Take it in small doses, as often as possible before the cessation of diarrhea.

At the time of the treatment, the food should be fractional, do not contain dairy and meat products, juices and broths. It is recommended to eat dried bread, liquid cereals, vegetarian soups, baked apples.

How to prevent infection with rotovirus infection?

Two conditions are necessary: wash your hands more often and boil the water you consume.

If some one of your family members is sick, provide him with individual dishes, towels, if possible, isolate.

Recently, some Internet forums devoted to the topic of health discuss the treatment of rotovirus infection in a "folk" way with the help of the Coca-Cola drink. The therapeutic effect allegedly has orthophosphoric acid, which is contained in the beverage. There were no scientific studies on this subject, therefore it is very risky to engage in self-medication to the detriment of one's health.

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