Health, Diseases and Conditions
Anorexia: symptoms, treatment
Many people consider anorexia to be a consequence of stupidity. But it is not so. The consequence of deep psychological problems is anorexia. Symptoms of this are manifested in hatred of your body. Patients seem to see it with other eyes, rather thin people feel themselves pathologically complete. Girls from fourteen to sixteen are at risk. A consequence of this psychological problem may be irreversible nervous and physical exhaustion. The peculiarity of the adolescent's immature psyche is that the child does not see himself adequately. Immutable authority are characters from glossy magazines. To perceive and love oneself as they really are, they are not able. Often, young people also do not suspect that their idols themselves are sick with anorexia. A whole pleiad of young show business stars said that they suffer from anorexia. They are Calista Flockhart, Ashley Simpson, Paris Hilton, Oprah Winfrey, Whitney Houston, Victoria Beckham,
Symptoms of anorexia
The teenager begins to chew food very slowly. It is characterized by a constant mental fixation on food. Nervous anorexia becomes a consequence of physical illness . Symptoms in behavior - increased anxiety, hostility to others, emotional oppression, secrecy. Despite the deteriorating appearance, the patient resists treatment. Anorexia, the symptoms of which are obvious, may be in people of more mature age. This behavior is typical of women who are divorced. They dream of any way to achieve a beautiful appearance, to regain youthful youth and beauty.
Fast weight loss, if anorexia is observed. Symptoms of this disease - a reduction in total weight by thirty percent or more. Irreversibly changing metabolism, bones lose calcium, hair and teeth fall out at a young age. But this is not all, because of the lack of necessary substances, irreversible changes occur in the tissues of the internal organs, the menstruation disappears. The liver, intestines and heart work in a detrimental mode. Healthy and young cells of the body begin to simply die off. Even yesterday's healthy and blooming teenager turns into a living skeleton from the concentration camp.
Specialists distinguish two behavioral types of anorexia. Symptoms of the first manifest in the form of a partial refusal to eat. The consequence of this restriction is inadequate intake of food and severe exhaustion. The second type alternates the period of gluttony with the period of fasting. Long-term abstinence from food is replaced by excessive consumption, followed by disposal of it by artificial vomiting, laxatives or frenzied sports.
Sometimes the cause of anorexia can be quite physical causes, for example a local brain tumor that acts on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This condition is often accompanied by a severe depressive condition, up to schizophrenia. Sometimes, taking certain medications can cause anorexia.
How to treat anorexia
Treatment of anorexia can take quite a long time. Youthful secrecy leads to the fact that adults notice the symptoms of anorexia in the late stages of the disease. But even a strong desire to help a child does not always succeed. Children close and resist. With a tangible loss of weight, hospitalization is necessary. Only there it is possible to monitor the nutrition of the adolescent and achieve a return to normal weight. An important part of the treatment is psychological support. After the normalization of weight and discharge, some patients can repeat the disease. Do not forget that almost sixteen percent of patients die. And, half of them - from suicide.
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