HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hives: contagious or not? Let's understand

Who on the skin did not appear at least once in his life, rashes in the form of blisters? For certain there are no such. However, not everyone can explain the nature of their appearance. And yet this ailment is called hives. What causes hives? Is it contagious or not? Answering the above questions, it is necessary to emphasize that the disease can be caused by some kinds of allergens, to which a specific reaction occurs in a person.

Of course, people who have an ailment for the first time, want to know more about what hives are, whether or not this disease is contagious.


It should be noted that there are no special reasons for concern. Strong arguments, suggesting that the urticaria can be infected, for example, sitting next to you, a person, until none of the doctors did not bring.

Consider the questions about what hives are, is contagious or not, in more detail.

It's not a secret that the source of most diseases are fungi, viruses, pathogenic bacteria, helminths. At the same time, by contacting a person who has such ailments, you can get infected yourself. The nature of the appearance of urticaria is different - this is a certain type of reaction of the skin to internal and external stimuli. In other words, the disease in question is a kind of allergic reaction.

The above ailment progresses due to the fact that the substance produced in the skin cells is histamine. It is its excess amount that leads to the formation of blisters of pale pink and red shades. As a rule, the appearance of such formations is accompanied by itching and burning.

Do not panic.

In short, we have already answered the question of why hives occur. Whether this disease is contagious or not, judge for yourself. It should be noted that the above disease can be divided into chronic and acute. The latter option, as confirmed by medical research, is more common for the younger generation, but chronic hives usually suffer people of more mature age.

Thus, the question of whether the urticaria is contagious can be given a negative answer with confidence. This is confirmed by the fact that this disease can be transmitted from generation to generation, while "viral" ailments are not inherited.

Why is the myth spread that hives are an infection?

But why do some say that, for example, urticaria in adults is contagious? The fact is that it is much easier for common people to consider this illness for an infection than to realize that it can be a symptom of another disease. In particular, it can accompany with disorders of the liver, stomach, kidneys. The ailments of the central nervous system can also be accompanied by skin rashes in the form of blisters. Often explain the reason for the appearance of allergies on the skin is difficult even for a specialist. However, it should be noted that the "acute" form of urticaria disappears by itself after about 28 days.

The above disease is not only not contagious - it can not in any way lead to death. However, the treatment of hives should not be ignored, since in some cases this can lead to complications.

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