Health, Diseases and Conditions
Fluid in the knee joint
Excess fluid in the knee joint may appear due to various causes. The most common injuries are considered. These include fractures of the bones of the joint, patella including the condyles of the hip, hemorrhage, damage in the meniscus and in the ligaments. Injuries can occur when landing from a large height to the feet, with bruises and other. In addition, the cause may be arthritis, hemophilia or allergies. In a number of cases, pathology develops as a result of infection.
Damage is accompanied by hemorrhage, swelling, swelling, and severe pain. A gradual and quite noticeable increase in the volume of the knee indicates that the fluid in the knee joint began to accumulate. As a result, deformation begins.
Changes that cause excessive fluid in the knee joint make it very difficult to move, provoking pain. As a rule, soreness is not a sharp, dull character.
Normally, the fluid in the knee joint is present in a small amount. It is called "synovia" and is formed in the synovial membrane. In this regard, and the disease is called "synovitis" (inflammation of the joints). Treatment of pathology can be carried out in two ways.
One way is surgical intervention, and the other is puncture. By puncture is meant pumping out excess fluid, pus and blood from the knee joint. Only the specialist chooses the method of influence.
If the fluid is detected for the first time and it is sufficiently small, the puncture is not recommended to be performed. As a rule, this is due to the probability of its reappearance. If there is a lot of fluid in the joint, then after consultation with a specialist, a procedure is appointed. It should be said that pumping out the liquid delivers a certain discomfort to the patient, but it is almost painless.
During the puncture, the doctor carefully introduces a thin needle (specially designed for this procedure) into the joint cavity and pumping out the liquid. After the cavity is released, antibiotics are introduced into it, regardless of the suspected infection. After the procedure, the patient should be provided with complete rest. On the knee fix knee or pressure bandage.
After puncture appoint, as a rule, maintenance therapy. Assign anti-inflammatory medications, such as "Voltaren" or "Diclofenac."
Treatment should be directed, mainly, not only to eliminate the consequences, but also the very cause of the pathology. If you do not eliminate the cause, then there is a possibility of a re-development of the disease.
As a symptomatic treatment, various compresses are also recommended, which help to reduce the formation of infiltrate and reduce swelling. In addition, the leg with a damaged joint during rest should be kept at a level above the heart. For this it is recommended to put a roller or pillow under your foot. In the sitting position, you should put the limb on the ottoman.
To remove inflammation and eliminate soreness in the joint, there are folk recipes. So, folk medicine recommends mixing turpentine, whipped protein and vinegar (table). Each ingredient is recommended to take one hundred grams. The mixture is infused for several hours prior to the formation of a creamy white mass. Rubbing is recommended to be done at bedtime for several days until soreness is eliminated, then it should be used for another week for prevention.
However, one should not forget that the treatment of leg joints should be performed only by a highly qualified rheumatologist or orthopedist. In this case, the doctor before the treatment should identify the cause of the development of pathology so that subsequent therapy becomes effective, and subsequently there is no relapse. Otherwise, you have to make repeated punctures.
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