HealthDiseases and Conditions

What are the most dangerous heart attacks?

Problems with the heart have become a real scourge of the human race. Every year, the mortality from heart attacks is increasing and reaches a pandemic level.

With a heart attack, the artery that feeds the heart stops giving enough blood to the heart muscle it serves . This damages the local tissue site in this muscle.

If a person does not immediately begin treatment - he can simply die, and not understanding why. Half of the deaths caused by heart attacks occurred before the patients were taken to the hospital. Death causes extensive tissue damage or complications caused by this. With the timely adoption of measures, the forecast improves.

The main symptom that characterizes heart attacks is a prolonged, not passing hour, pressing chest pain that is given to the scapula, neck, left side of the jaw and arm. Usually patients describe intense, compressive or pressing pains. However, some, in particular those suffering from diabetes and older people, may not experience pain.

Sometimes heart attacks cause mild pain, which doctors and patients themselves mistakenly take gastric. People who have arterial compaction as a signal of an approaching attack can be increased and more frequent chest pains, which are becoming more and more prolonged, especially after being in the wind, cold, as a result of taking ample food or physical stress.

Cardiac cough is called such because of the cause that causes it - heart failure. Symptoms are similar to bronchitis cough, but there is no sputum, and in severe cases, bloody discharge may occur. It leads to stagnation and the appearance of blood clots in the lungs. Such a cough appears with a heart failure in the left ventricle. Then the right ventricle overflows with light blood, and its left neighbor is not able to pump it to the full. As a result - the swelling of the bronchi, leading to irritation - there is a cough. Some doctors use the term - "cardiac bronchitis". Such a cough is dry, phlegm does not stand out. It increases when a person takes a horizontal position.

When a patient develops a cardiac cough, treatment is difficult because people consider him bronchitis and are treated in the appropriate way. To cure it is impossible without eliminating the cause that caused such a condition.

Not always heart attacks come abruptly and suddenly, when a person suddenly falls from pain to the ground, pressing his hand to his chest. Feel the symptoms can be hours, days and even weeks, while there is a gradual narrowing of the arteries. The attack occurs when they become completely blocked.

Cardiologists note that if symptoms similar to those described above are noted during sports activities and they worsen, and if you have such symptoms during rest, then you are already in a very serious condition, which requires urgent call of emergency medical care.

If any of these symptoms are felt, whether it is one or a combination, it should not be postponed - call and call for specialists to come immediately. Cardiologists note that it is often women who delay the call of an ambulance when they feel the symptoms of a heart attack, because they think that without them it will not be necessary to prepare dinner or clean the house. However, those who enter the cardiology department with physicians receive much more prompt assistance than those who arrived with their car or delivered by the spouse.

Joking with the body, which is the center of the entire life-support system, is strongly discouraged.

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