Arts & Entertainment, Films
TRK "Arena" (Voronezh) as a social component of the city
Further development and urbanization of society implies innovative approaches to the social phenomenon of trade. Following this trend, the shopping and entertainment complex "Arena" (Voronezh) offers residents of the city shopping of any format along with actual entertainment.
We live in an era of consumption, and this shopping complex meets all modern requirements. Located in the middle of the largest sleeping area - North, it offers 350 thousand of its inhabitants a really wide range of goods and a lot of opportunities to have a wonderful time. These are attractions, and slot machines, and movies.
About the founders, or Who are the anchor operators
For TRK "Arena" (Voronezh) anchor operators, i.e., original shopping magnets providing this exhaustive product range and bringing unquestionable commercial consistency to the project, are simultaneously three companies:
- Supermarket products BILLA, referring to the well-known in Europe, the German concern REWE GROUP;
- German hypermarket of electronics and home appliances Media Markt;
- Network to / theaters "Luxor".
TRK - a powerful social structure
In the shopping and entertainment center for the city's residents a universal social structure was created and opportunities for a quick payment of their expenses were realized.
Compactly, under one roof, there are stores of famous brands: the supermarket "Bill", Media Markt, the hypermarket "Furniture Fair", brand shops Finn Flare, NewYorker, Sony, Adidas. Do not lag behind foreign business and Russian chain stores: "Daughters & Sons", "RIV GOSH", "Uyuterra", "Jashma-Gold", Gloria Geans, "L`Etoile". More than 150 tenants work on the territory of the TRC.
Modern cinema "Luxor", working in the TRC "Arena" (Voronezh) includes seven cinemas with Dolby sound and a 3D format. Residents of Voronezh had the opportunity to see the cinema of the highest level.
The building project for the Arena complex (Voronezh) was developed by the Polish architectural bureau "Blenk Architects". The very concept of a shopping and entertainment complex was created by the well-known consultant in the world of the TRK Tsentrum Utvekling. Effective trade and entertainment activity shows that the concept has taken root in the Voronezh land, it is quite viable and brings social benefits to society.
In conclusion, we add that not only economic activity is characteristic for TRC "Arena" (Voronezh). Reviews of the citizens about it are only positive: the complex financed the improvement of 8 hectares of the park, rebuilt children's playgrounds and sports zones. The Directorate regularly conducts actions beneficial for citizens, fashion shows, demonstrations. In a word, the social sphere, the city economy of Voronezh and the TRC "Arena" have long been partners, and this cooperation is constantly reinforced by concrete deeds.
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