Food and drink, Recipes
How to cook goose slices? Goose slices: a step-by-step culinary recipe
About how to cook goose slices, knows not every mistress, because such a bird is not an everyday product, and most often it is used to create delicious dishes exclusively on holidays.
Today we will tell you how to cook a goose with pieces in the oven, put it out on a stove and make it roast in a multivark. Believe me, none of your households will refuse such hearty and flavorful dishes.
Step-by-step recipe for goose slices in the oven
This dish can be done not only to the festive table, but also to present it to a simple dinner along with some side dish. For this we need:
- The goose carcass is small - 1 piece;
- Lemon fresh - ½ fruit;
- Honey lime - incomplete dessert spoon;
- Salt fine, sweet pepper ground, basil - use at discretion;
- Garlic cloves - 2 pieces;
- Low-fat mayonnaise - 2 dessert spoons.
Bird Processing
Before preparing a goose for slices, it should be well processed. To do this, the meat product must completely thaw, and then it must be washed, remove unnecessary elements and cut into medium pieces.
Preparing the sauce
To baked goose slices well browned in the oven, turned tender and very tasty, it should necessarily lubricate the specially prepared sauce. For him, we need to mix linden honey with grated garlic cloves, low-fat mayonnaise and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Also in the sauce, you need to add salt, dried basil and sweet pepper.
Form and bake in the oven
How to cook goose slices? To do this, the whole meat product must be lubricated with a sauce made by yourself and put in a culinary sleeve. Next, the filled bag should be tied up, placed on a baking tray and made in the upper part of several punctures with a sharp knife. In this form, the dish should be baked at a temperature of 210 degrees for an hour. During this time, the goose is fully prepared, will become tender, juicy and will be covered with a ruddy crust.
We serve to the dinner table
Now you know how to cook goose slices. After the meat is baked in the oven, it should be removed and distributed on plates. It is recommended to serve it to the dinner table with crumpled potatoes, which can be additionally poured with a fragrant broth that was left in the culinary sleeve. Enjoy your meal!
Goose in a multivariate: a recipe for a delicious roast
As stated above, it is possible to prepare such a bird in different ways. In this section of the article we decided to tell you about how to make a delicious roast from a goose. For this we need:
- Goose carcass fresh small - ½ part;
- Potatoes are small - 5 pcs .;
- Carrots large - 2 pcs .;
- Salt fine, sweet pepper ground, greens - use at discretion;
- Garlic cloves - 2 pieces;
- Onion bulbs - 2 pcs .;
- Vegetable oil - 45 ml;
- Drinking water - 170 ml.
Preparing Components
Goose in the multivark, the recipe of which we are considering, is very delicate and delicious. To make the dish more satisfying, we propose to additionally use vegetables such as carrots, potatoes and onions. They need to be cleaned and cut into cubes. As for poultry meat, it should be rinsed, remove all unnecessary elements, and then cut into large chunks.
Cooking process in multivark
After all the ingredients are ready, pour oil into the container of the device, and then lay out the pieces of the bird and fry them in the baking mode until light blush appears. Next to the meat product is required to add carrots, onions and continue cooking for about 10 minutes.
When all ingredients are fried and deprived of moisture, they should be peppered with potatoes, salt and pepper, and then mix well (right from the bottom) and pour a small amount of water. In such a composition, the products must be extinguished on the same program for 50 minutes. During this time, the components are fully prepared, will become soft and very tasty.
The final stage
After the multivariate has completed the extinguishing program, the dish should be sprinkled with grated garlic and leave in heating mode for 5 minutes. Next, the roast should be distributed on plates, sprinkled with green onions and presented to the household with bread and marinades. In addition, this dish can be flavored with a horseradish or tomato sauce (ketchup). Bon Appetit!
Put the goose on the stove
There are many options for cooking such a poultry as a goose. About how it should be baked in the oven or fry in the multivark, we told above. If you want to make a more simple and useful lunch, then we suggest using the following recipe.
Stewed goose slices are easy to prepare, but at the same time very tasty and hearty dish. To please them their loved ones and relatives, you will need such components:
- Goose carcass fresh small - ½ part;
- Carrots large - 2 pcs .;
- Salt fine, sweet pepper ground, greens - use at discretion;
- Garlic cloves - 2 pieces;
- Onion bulbs - 2 pcs .;
- Tomato paste or sauce - about 3 large spoons;
- Vegetable oil - 45 ml;
- Drinking water - 170 ml.
Preparing products
Braised goose chunks are prepared easily and simply. To do this, a fresh and completely thawed bird needs to be washed, removed from it all unnecessary elements, and then cut into medium pieces. Next, you need to clean the vegetables and chop them into cubes. As for garlic, it should be grated.
Stew a dish
After preparing the bird, put it in the saucepan, add the vegetable oil, onions and carrots, and then fry a little. After the first color develops on the products, they should be seasoned with spices, cover with water, cover with a lid and simmer for about 46 minutes on low heat. This time should be enough to make the meat product become completely soft.
In the future, put a tomato paste or sauce in a saucepan with a dish, and then continue the heat treatment for another ¼ hour. After receiving a delicious rich and thick goulash, sprinkle with fresh herbs, grated cloves of garlic, cook for 2 more minutes, remove from the plate and leave under a tightly fitting lid for a while. As a result of these actions, you should get a very fragrant and satisfying goulash.
How should I be properly presented for dinner?
A stewed goose with a fragrant gravy is a versatile dish that can be served to a table with any garnish. For example, a delicious dinner is served in the form of crumpled potatoes, filled with goulash. It is also acceptable to use boiled pasta, buckwheat porridge, rice.
To serve such a dish to the table is recommended together with home marinades, as well as a piece of light or dark bread. Bon Appetit!
Let's sum up the results
To cook goose slices is simple. It can be fried, boiled, stewed and even baked. In any case, a dish with such a bird will turn out to be very hearty, fragrant and tasty. If you want to present this product to a festive table, then it is better to cook it in its entirety. So, quite original is a dinner in the form of a baked goose carcass pre-stuffed with apples or ripe pears. By the way, that the whole goose is evenly browned in the oven, it is recommended to pre-coat it with honey, in equal proportions mixed with lemon juice.
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