Food and drinkRecipes

What can you bake from yogurt to come out quickly and deliciously?

Quite often it happens that the products are stored in the refrigerator, and they seem to have a shelf life , but they can not be called fresh. It turns out that it's a pity to throw them away, and you do not really want to use them anymore. In this case, careful housewives try to use such ingredients, for example, for baking. It turns out that the product does not disappear, but gets a second life in the form of a cake or pie. For example, every good housewife has several recipes for what can be baked from kefir. It turns out that it can be a muffin, a pie, and pyshki, and a lot of other options.

How to bake bread on yogurt

It is usually cooked simply on the water, but you can fantasize a bit and make not ordinary bread, but some special and preferably useful. For example, it can be a chunky muffin with seeds. For 300 ml of kefir (preferably not very fresh) you need to take a teaspoon of salt, soda and sugar, half a cup of any sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin or mixture), a little vegetable oil and 3 glasses of flour.

For starters, it is necessary to warm up the oven (its temperature should reach 200 degrees). Not everyone knows that you can bake from yogurt not just something delicious, but also quite useful. And this recipe is just such and applies. To complete the picture, some of the flour used is replaced with bran.

Such bread is better to bake in the form, the bottom of which is covered with parchment, and the sides are oiled. Then proceed to prepare the dough. Kefir poured into a bowl, add salt, sugar, soda, seeds and a little vegetable oil. Then pour half of the flour and begin to knead the dough, gradually adding it. When it ceases to stick to the fingers, put it into shape, level it. On the top make a few cuts and sent for an hour in the oven. Ready bread is removed from the mold and covered with a tissue napkin until completely cooled. It turns out delicious and quite useful. The only drawback of such bread is that it quickly grows stale.

How to bake cakes on kefir

More precisely, they are usually fried in a frying pan or deep-fried. The dish turns out to be quite harmful due to the way of preparation, but if you use it infrequently and use a minimum of fat, then nothing terrible will happen. In the end, the buns can be baked in the oven, although the fried are much tastier.

Among the many existing recipes of fries, this, despite the speed of cooking, always guarantees an excellent result. Therefore, thinking about what can be baked from kefir, forgotten in the refrigerator, you should first of all recall it. Crispy on the outside and gentle inside the puffs will be a wonderful breakfast for the whole family.

On a glass of yogurt take an egg, 50 gr. Butter, 300 gr. Flour, a little salt, soda, 3 tablespoons of sugar and fat for deep-frying. Soda is quenched in kefir, and the egg is beaten with salt and sugar. Then these masses are combined and added flour, kneading a stiff dough. Then it is poured into melted butter (not hot) and mix well. In deep utensils, vegetable fat is heated , in which a dough is spread with a spoon, frying until golden. Finished pyshki can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or served with something sweet (honey, jam or condensed milk).

What can you bake from yogurt yet

It turns out that this product turns out to be a wonderful biscuit for a cake, which then remains simply lubricated with your favorite cream. 2 cups of yogurt take the same amount of flour, 2 eggs, 100 gr. Sugar and 200 gr. Oil, you will need a little salt, soda and vanilla to taste. If desired, you can add raisins or other dried fruits. Soft oil is ground with sugar, add eggs, kefir, soda, salt and vanilla, pour the sifted flour and knead the dough, similar in consistence to the one from which the muffins are baked. It can produce 1 thick or 2 thin crust. They bake in a fairly hot oven, after which you can cool them and collect from them a wonderful cake.

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