Food and drinkRecipes

The simplest recipe for donuts from cottage cheese

A simple donut recipe includes a minimum of inexpensive products and requires a small amount of cooking time. It should be especially noted that such a dessert is very fond of children, especially if the finished sweet product is filled with chocolate glaze or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Delicious and soft donuts: a simple recipe with a photo

Necessary ingredients:

  • Rustic cottage cheese not acidic - 600 g;
  • Chicken egg of standard size - 2 pcs .;
  • Sand sugar - 1 full glass;
  • Food soda - 1 incomplete dessert spoon;
  • Apple cider vinegar - for extinguishing baking soda (1 small spoon);
  • Wheat flour - 2 cups (may be needed and more);
  • Odorless sunflower oil - 550 ml (for deep-frying).

The process of mixing the dough

A simple recipe for donuts involves the use of only non-acidic rustic cottage cheese. It should be put in a deep bowl, and then carefully mixed with eggs, sugar and baking soda, extinguished apple cider vinegar. Beating this mixture is recommended until all the solids are completely dissolved. Next, to the finished homogeneous mass, it is necessary to lay out the wheat flour and mix a soft dough (not too steep), which will go well at hand.

Formation of dessert

A simple recipe for donuts for the formation recommends using only a cutting board and a little wheat flour to sprinkle the dough. Thus, it is necessary to take a piece of the base and roll a ball up to 2 cm in diameter from it. Do not make a larger size of the semi-finished product, since it practically doubles during the heat treatment. All the formed balls must be laid out on the cutting board, which is required to sprinkle abundantly with wheat flour.

Heat treatment of dessert

Like other methods of preparation, a simple recipe for donuts also requires the use of a large amount of vegetable oil (for deep-frying). It should be poured into a deep, but not wide pan, and then strongly heated until a light smoke comes from the fat. Further in the red-hot utensils it is required to lower the curd balls one at a time and immediately to mix them with a noise. Prepare such a dessert in oil until it is completely ruddy and lush. At the same time, make sure that donuts are also well-baked inside.

After the batch of dessert is completely fried, the products should be discarded in a colander and completely rid of excess oil.

Beautiful decoration of dishes

If donuts are intended for sweet tooth, then they are recommended to pour glaze made of 1 tile of dark chocolate and a few spoonfuls of milk. Also, dessert should be sprinkled with powdered sugar or decorated with colorful culinary crumbs.

How to serve to the table correctly

Now you know the simplest recipe for donuts, which does not require a lot of time and ingredients. You can serve this dessert to the table in cold and hot condition. But it must necessarily be presented tea or coffee.

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