HealthDiseases and Conditions

Causes of pain in the knees. Alarming signals of the body

One of the most complex joints is the knee. Knee joints are constantly exposed to significant loads, so this is one of the most vulnerable places in the human body. The appearance of pain in the knee, especially when bending, may be due to excessive workload, injuries, various diseases. But despite the fact that many diseases of the knee joint have similar symptoms, the causes of pain in the knees can be completely different .

The most common cause of pain in the knee are injuries. This may be an unsuccessful fall on the knee, a strong blow to the joint. Long stay of the knee in an unnatural position can also cause pain. Such damage is accompanied by the following symptoms: puffiness, the appearance of a hematoma, pain in the joint with and without motion. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by numbness, tingling, or a feeling of cold.

Possible causes of pain in the knees are damage to ligaments, tendons, knee cartilage, inflammation of the periarticular bags, and pathological conditions of other parts of the knee joint.

Pain, which is accompanied by joint stiffness, impaired mobility, sometimes joint deformity, soft tissue edema and increased sensitivity in the affected area of the knee, is more likely to indicate arthritis or arthrosis. These are serious enough diseases that can be asymptomatic for a long time. With these degenerative diseases, the joint can not, as before, cope with the load imposed on it, which leads to wear of the cartilaginous interlayer of the joint. The causes of pathology are most often hormonal disorders, excessive weight, heredity. Aggravate the degenerative process of previous injuries and injuries of the knee, ligaments, menisci.

When the first signs of these diseases are manifested, a professional assessment of the condition of the knees is necessary. Untimely seeking medical help contributes to the progression of the disease, leading to a restriction of the functionality of the knee joint.

Often patients complain of pain and crunching in the knee. Such a common symptom as a crunch In the knee joint, accompanies a considerable number of diseases of musculoskeletal disease. However, it should be noted that the appearance of a crunch or clicks can be a normal phenomenon in a number of states, for example, cavitation. In the washing joint of synovial fluid , a large amount of dissolved gas is collected, at some point gas bubbles lead to an increase in the volume of the joint cavity, resulting in a characteristic click during movement. In children, such clicks can be caused by the underdevelopment of the ligamentous apparatus, the mismatch of the articular surfaces of the bone. Pathologies are those cases when the crunch is manifested for a long time and other signs of inflammation of the joint are added to it, among them pain sensations. The causes of pain in the knees in these cases can be caused by tendonitis, arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, gout and other diseases.

To solve the problem, timely appropriate treatment and at least minimal physical activity will help. Inactivity can lead to muscle atrophy, loosening of the ligaments of the joint apparatus. Such alarming signals of the body should not be ignored, it is necessary to choose any sports hobby, to engage in fitness or dancing, and gradually increase the physical load. This will prevent the occurrence of internal damage, causing tissue irritation, strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation. And the pain in the knee with the load will occur less and less. If sports are contraindicated for health reasons, short-term, but daily walks in the fresh air are necessary.

Whatever causes of pain in the knees, it is only a qualified specialist who can recognize them correctly. He will establish the correct diagnosis, determine the cause of the pain, its localization, the nature of the damaging effect and prescribe the necessary treatment.

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