HealthHealthy Eating

Corn: useful properties

Increasingly, corn can be seen on our tables, many different dishes are prepared from it, as well as simply brewed and served. Its grains are used in the preparation of soups, various mixtures of vegetables, it is also delicious and useful even in raw form! Fresh corn cob should be cooked for no more than five minutes, in unsalted water, and only then add salt to taste. In this form it will retain the largest number of important trace elements.

The benefits of corn have been known for a very long time, as this vegetable is rich in many useful micronutrients that the human body needs. The presence of such salts as sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium make it incredibly valuable and nutritious.

Dried zurna corn contains a sufficient level of folic acid and fiber. Folic acid, or vitamin B9) helps to normalize the metabolism and improve the hematopoietic process. Corn cobs cooked without salt, reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Interestingly, in such a product as corn, useful properties consist in slowing the aging process and normalizing blood circulation. The use of this product helps strengthen the teeth, increases the elasticity of the blood vessels, removes fat accumulation. Those who suffer from periodic gastric disorders and tuberculosis, doctors advise eating bread baked from corn flour.

Potassium and calcium, which are contained in the cob, have a diuretic property, and help to remove stones from the kidneys. Cholagogue action is also characteristic of this product, and it also normalizes the metabolism.

An interesting fact proving that corn has useful properties in unlimited quantities is the possibility of creating wine from fermented cobs. This wine is very popular in Latin America and Mexico. Decoction of ears is useful in the disease of the pancreas, you need to drink it three times for 1-2 cups a day.

In the pharmaceutical industry, the cobs are used to produce gelatin, which is then used to create a capsule for medicinal capsules.

In the 19th century, scientists noticed a diuretic property of corn stigmas. Infusions are actively used in our time for the treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis, nephritis, atherosclerosis. This infusion can be done by yourself. To do this, brew a glass of boiling water with two spoons of corn stigmas, insist for about forty minutes, strain the resulting solution and take 3-4 times a day for one tablespoon. Like any other medicinal product, corn benefits and harm can bring in equal proportions, you need to closely monitor the amount of the product you use. If you do not overdo it with the medicine, it will only benefit.

Corn also has useful properties in cooking. From the ears, a good quality oil is obtained, which, in its properties and taste, resembles an ordinary vegetable oil. This oil is recommended for people who do not take fatty oils. It lowers cholesterol in the blood, and therefore is often used as a preventive agent of atherosclerosis. It is even used in some cases of skin diseases. Also, oil created on the basis of corn, it is recommended to use for various inflammations of the intestine.

It should also be noted that corn has useful properties in terms of cosmetology: it can be used to create a mask to rejuvenate the skin of the face. Such a mask can be done on your own. For cooking, you need to take two large spoons of flour from corn, mix with protein, beat until a thick foam and apply on the face. Remove the mask for about 20 minutes, then apply a moisturizer.

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