Health, Diseases and Conditions
Scarlet fever in adults can have different forms
Scarlet fever is called an acute infectious disease. It arises under the influence of streptococcus and basically the way it spreads is airborne, but it is possible to get infected through dishes, things, etc. Significantly less often the infection is transmitted through wounds on the skin and the genital tract.
This disease is mainly found in children aged one to nine years. But scarlet fever in adults is also not a rare phenomenon. Especially often mothers or other family members who take care of ill children are infected, as well as people with weakened immunity.
Currently, scarlet fever is successfully treated if the diagnosis is made at an early stage. Therefore, everyone should know about how scarlet fever looks like. The latent period of the development of the disease lasts from 2 to 7 days, sometimes a little more. The first symptoms of scarlet fever are: high fever, pain in the whole body, drowsiness, and in some cases irritability. Often there are pain in swallowing and redness on the tonsils. But such symptoms are characteristic for many diseases of colds.
However, soon there are signs that speak eloquently about scarlet fever. When after the onset of the disease several hours pass, a characteristic rash appears on the chest and neck. In some cases, it appears only after a day, or even more. Eruptions quickly spread almost throughout the body and face. Only the nasolabial triangle remains untouched . The rash lasts from 2 to 3 days, and in some cases less. Then begins the process of peeling.
Scarlet fever in adults can occur without angina, although acute tonsillitis is considered one of the characteristic signs of this disease. If there is at least one of the above signs, you should consult a doctor to prevent the development of serious complications.
Scarlet fever in adults is most often found in the following forms:
- Wiped;
- Toxic-septic;
- Toxic;
- Septic.
With an erased form of the disease, the pain in the throat is insignificant, the rash is very pale and quickly descends. In some cases, patients do not even notice these symptoms.
Toxic scarlet fever refers to a severe form and is often accompanied by delirium. In addition, cardiovascular and renal insufficiency may develop. In severe septic form of this disease, necrotic tonsillitis often occurs, as well as various septic complications.
The toxic-septic variety of scarlet fever does not occur often, but it is very difficult. It combines the manifestations of toxic and septic forms of the disease. It is characterized by the following symptoms: very high temperature, low blood pressure, decreased heart rate, cold extremities.
Scarlet fever in adults is usually treated at home, unless, of course, the course of the disease is not very severe. They are prescribed a course of penicillin, which lasts 10 days. For the patient, strict adherence to bed rest is necessary for at least a week. Speeding up the recovery will allow proper nutrition and measures to strengthen immunity.
Such a disease as scarlet fever is relieved in about 2% of cases, the rest are resistant to immunity. Although recently there has been an increase in such cases. Experts believe that this is very much to blame for this very active therapy: the disease can be neutralized so quickly that there simply is not enough time to form immunity.
At the first signs of scarlet fever should immediately begin treatment, because even with its mild form, complications may arise, among which the most dangerous are: purulent otitis, necrotic tonsillitis, heart, kidneys, joints, rheumatism , etc.
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