
Nasolabial triangle - a special place on the face of a person

Nosogubny triangle has long been considered a special place on the person's face. He can testify about a number of diseases. Any manipulation in this area of the face is fraught with serious consequences.

Nasolabial triangle - a place on the face, limited by the mouth, nasolabial folds and the nose of a person. This place needs to be more cautious than other parts of the face. This is due to the presence in this part of the face of a large number of blood vessels (arterial and venous). Moreover, there are no valves in this place on the veins, therefore all infections penetrating into the wound located on the nasolabial triangle can get even to the brain. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples and boils located in this zone. Often adolescents squeeze out the acne from them. Such a procedure, especially carried out with dirty hands, can lead to sepsis, which ends with a fatal outcome. Also extremely careful to be and shaving face. Doctors do not recommend without any special need to carry out any other manipulations in this area of the face. Carrying out cosmetic procedures in beauty salons, you should abstain by any means from affecting this area. Even the slightest damage there can lead to serious complications and even to the death of a person.

Distributed in medicine and diagnosis of skin tone in this area of the face. So, quite often the child has cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle. This condition can be indicative of various heart diseases. The blue nasolabial triangle in a child is characteristic of congenital heart disease, which is eliminated by surgery. But if such a sign appeared for the first time and not in the very first months of life, you should immediately consult a cardiologist. Diagnosis of heart disease is confirmed by ECG and listening to the heart. Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is often a sign of coronary disease. This condition requires consultation nevrapotologa. The final diagnosis can be made only with the help of ultrasound.

The blue nasolabial triangle is most often due to hypoxia. It can be caused by a number of diseases. These include various diseases of the heart and respiratory organs. It can cause anemia. In this case, you can not do without a blood test for hemoglobin. It is best to observe the first symptoms of cyanosis (cyanosis) in this area of the face in a child to consult a pediatrician. Only he can refute or confirm your fears and make an accurate diagnosis.

Another sign of a serious disease is the very pale nasolabial triangle. Particular attention in this case should be paid to the attendant symptoms. These include the following states of the child:

- a sharp increase in temperature;

- severe reddening of the throat;

- a bright, small-point rash of pink color;

Excessive cheeks redness;

- nausea and vomiting;

- severe headaches.

This condition may indicate a disease with scarlet fever. Its incubation period can last from 2 to 7 days. If these symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately. He will appoint the right treatment and help avoid complications.

If symptoms such as cyanosis or pallor of the nasolabial triangle are observed in adults, they should also consult a doctor in a timely manner. The correct diagnosis will be able to put the appropriate specialists after a series of tests. The most important thing is not to forget that changing the natural color of this face area always indicates the presence of a serious disease in the body.

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