
Phalaenopsis Orchid: transplant and care of a plant

Not everyone has the guts to start growing such unforgettable flowers as orchids. But meanwhile, this activity is available to any person. The easiest in care and cultivation is the phalaenopsis orchid. This view is as if specially created for indoor breeding. And having mastered the basics of his cultivation, you can safely move on to other more demanding orchids.

Phalaenopsis was discovered in 1750 by the Dutch botanist Blum on the Malay Archipelago. The scientist took the flowers of the plant behind the butterflies sitting on the buds. Some phalaenopsis species can have more than a hundred flowers.

Most of the plants in this family can be grown at home. The phalaenopsis orchid is beautifully developed on the windows with a southern orientation, it feels good on the western and eastern sides. In the summer, the flower should be shaded, and in winter, it is desirable to add additional lighting. Natural sun is useful for any flowers, but phalaenopsis develops well under artificial light.

Organizing care for phalaenopsis orchids at home, you need to consider that for health plants need fresh air, but avoid draft. The optimum humidity should be 65 -75%. In winter, various moisturizers are used in dry air.

Proper irrigation is important for plants. The roots of orchids are very sensitive to excessive moisture and salt. For this reason, plants die most often. The frequency of watering is determined depending on the state of the flower, the type of substrate and dishes, weather and humidity. Phalaenopsis orchid with pseudobulbs requires irrigation only after drying of the substrate, plants without bulbs should be moistened evenly. In the period of growth, plants need a large amount of water, at a minimum - at rest. Water the orchid in the first half of the day with standing water from the tap. It is better to use distilled or boiled liquid.

Transplanting orchid phalaenopsis requires certain experience and skills. When buying a plant is in a transport pot. From it, you must move the flower in a transparent vessel. It is in the transparent, because the roots of the orchids should be partially illuminated to accelerate the photosynthetic function. For the transplant, you will need a soil substrate designed specifically for orchids, a glass jar and decorative elements: moss and marble chips.

It is necessary to transfer the orchid very carefully, so as not to damage the root system, especially when flowering. When pulling out the plant, it is necessary to smoothly smooth the transportation pot from all directions. This will ensure that the roots of the orchid lag behind the walls.

The next step is to get the flower along with the earthen lump. Transplanting into a jar, it is necessary that the soil completely cover the stem. In other words, everything below the leaves must be closed. After that, the plant is transplanted into a jar. It is necessary to try to carefully fill the roots sticking out from the outside inside. After falling asleep, soil should be slightly compacted. Next, colored stones are taken and laid at the edges inside the container so that they are not visible. The top part of the jar is filled with moss for moisture preservation. The surface is also sprinkled with decorative stones. On this we can assume that the phalaenopsis orchid is transplanted. Next time, a similar procedure with a plant is repeated after three years.

This kind of orchids usually blooms for a long time. Each inflorescence can last for three months. At this time, the plant must be fed every three weeks with a special fertilizer for orchids. This process must be performed only in clear sunny weather.

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