Food and drink, Recipes
Sand cake with cottage cheese and apples: a recipe with a photo
Many people love homemade cakes. After all, it is more delicious than from the store. And most importantly, we know what ingredients are put there. We suggest you to prepare a unique and delicious sand cake with cottage cheese and apples. We'll talk about this in our article.
This pie can be cooked at any time of the year. It includes the most common products, so there is no special cost. Sand cake with cottage cheese and apples can be cooked not only in the oven, but also in the multivark.
Such a dessert is noteworthy in that it turns out friable and melts in the mouth. Ingredients such as cottage cheese and apples are combined with many fruits and berries. Therefore, you can easily decorate your dessert if you are waiting for guests and want to boast of their culinary arts.
Sand cake with cottage cheese and apples: a recipe with a photo
This dessert can be baked in the evening for breakfast the next day. To make it, you need to take 150 g of butter, crush it with a fork or chop it with a knife. At the same time, gradually add sugar (about 20 g).
Yolks of two eggs pour into butter. Whisk the ingredients with a blender. Baking powder (5 g) is mixed with flour (2 tablespoons) and added to the oil. The dough should be whipped until a crumb turns out. To have a better consistency, pour 10-15 ml of ice water.
One packet of cottage cheese (about 200 g) is mixed with fatty sour cream. Stir well, or blend well with a blender so that there are no large lumps. Sugar should be added to your liking. For a sweet filling, put about 35 g.
You have two proteins left. Whip them into a thick foam and very gently enter into the dough, lightly mixing with a wooden or silicone spatula. Let the dough stand for 15 minutes. Cover it with food film.
Now there are apples that need to be peeled and cored. It will be enough 3-4 pieces. Cut them as you like, just not in thin slices. It can be slices or brusochki.
Cake baking
While the dough is infused, turn on the oven. Let it heat up. Remove the silicone mold or baking sheet. Lubricate if necessary with butter. Dough evenly put in the mold. It is desirable to make skirts.
From above, beautifully spread the pieces of apples. You can add raisins, dried apricots or prunes. And on top of the fruit, pour the curd filling. Put the mold with the dough and stuffing in the oven 180 degrees. Sand cake with cottage cheese and apples is baked for about 35-45 minutes. It all depends on the oven model, the thickness of the dessert, and so on.
Watch for baking. When the cake is browned, check it for readiness. This can be done with any wooden stick. For example, take a match or toothpick. Pierce pastries. If the wooden stick remains dry and there is no dough on it, then the dessert can be removed from the oven. You got a delicious, crumbly and original sand cake with cottage cheese and apples. The recipe is quick, simple and accessible to every hostess.
Cooking a pie in a multivariate
This recipe is noteworthy in that you do not need to especially watch baking. For you all will make a multivarker. The only thing you need to cook dough and stuffing. To do this, take a deep bowl and knock in 5 eggs. Butter slightly melt, so that it is not hot. Pour it into the eggs and beat well with a blender. In a liquid mass, pour 1 cup sugar. Stir and put a little cinnamon (to taste).
Take another clean, dry container. In it, sift 4 tbsp. Flour, there you need to pour 1 tsp. Baking powder.
Now gently pour out the egg mixture, mixing with a silicone spatula. Knead a tender dough. It is wrapped in food film and sent to the refrigerator to rest for 30 minutes.
Cake filling
The filling is the simplest. Cottage cheese rub through a sieve or grind with a blender. Add sugar and a little cream to your taste. It turns out a soft curd mass, which has an unforgettable taste.
Now it remains to clean 3 apples. Cut them nicely. It can be slices or thin cubes. Now you can do the test.
Baking dessert
When the dough is in the refrigerator, remove it and divide it into two equal parts. The first piece of the dough is evenly placed in the bowl of the multivark. On it we spread a stuffing from cottage cheese. Align it so that the pie is baked equally from all sides.
On the filling in a circle we spread apples. And on top again we equalize the dough. It is necessary to try to connect the lower and upper cakes. Now you can close the multivark cover. Turn on the "Baking" mode for 40 minutes. Here everything depends on the model of the multivark. In some cases, the dessert is baked for 50 or 60 minutes.
When the time is up, the multivariate is turned off. Do not dessert at once. He has to brew for a few more minutes.
You should get a very tasty sand cake with cottage cheese in the multivark. Recipes of each hostess are different in their flavor. Therefore, you can experiment and add ingredients that perfectly harmonize with cottage cheese and apples. It can be cinnamon, raisins and much more.
Sand cake with cottage cheese in a multivark can be prepared in a different way. For example, from a batter. Then the dessert will turn out more gentle. To do this, put flour at 1.5 st. less.
To dessert was fragrant, you can add not only cinnamon, but also vanillin. He emphasizes tenderness and originality. A more intense taste gives such dried fruits as prunes, dried apricots, raisins.
When baking a sand cake with cottage cheese in a multivark, add more eggs that hold the dough together and prevent it from crumbling during baking. A hot dessert can not be taken out of the bowl. In fact then it will disintegrate. It must be obtained only after complete cooling.
Of course, if you cook a cake for breakfast or for guests, I want it to be not only tasty, but also beautiful. Try to decorate it with bright colors. It all depends on the season.
In summer it is best to decorate a cake with colorful berries. For example, blueberries, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, red or white currants. You can make mousse from fresh berries. Also there will be a very beautiful and exquisite dessert.
In winter, you can decorate the cake with any jam, banana, sugar powder or chocolate. It all depends on the preferences of your household or guests. Even ordinary caramel looks very appetizing.
Experiment, prepare delicious desserts and surprise your relatives with your culinary skills.
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