HealthDiseases and Conditions

Atopic dermatitis in adults as a sentence of normal life?

Atopic dermatitis in adults is a chronic non-contagious allergic disease that occurs as a result of hereditary predispositions, disorders in the immune system or under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors.

The greatest role in the occurrence of this disease is played by vaccinations; Medicines - vitamins, pi-split derivatives, sulfonamides and antibiotics; Food products - spirits, spicy dishes, smoked products, sweets, milk and citrus. Also the risk factors in the formation of atopic dermatitis (or any other allergic reactions) in a child are his mother's bad habits (substance abuse, drugs, alcohol and smoking), chronic diseases or occupational hazards.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis:
• Periodic and / or permanent rashes on the skin;
• Severe (most often painful) itching, which provokes the desire for constant carding;
• Lesions of the skin of the neck, elbows and popliteal folds and wrists, breasts and, of course, the face;
• Increased irritation, peeling, roughness and dry skin;
• The skin has a greyish-yellow hue;
• Areas of compaction on the skin;
Dull and thin hair.

As a rule, it manifests itself in early infancy and is called "eczema", and persists in one or another of its manifestations throughout life. As the child grows, the symptoms may be weakened and not remind of the existing disease, but the diagnosis will not go away anywhere.

In some cases, dermatitis can provoke the emergence of additional complications for human health, such as allergies or bronchial asthma. Atopic dermatitis in adults occurs with alternating periods of remission and exacerbation, and it brings psychological and physical discomfort to a person, reduces its quality of life at work, in the family or at home, and also externally demonstrates cosmetic deficiencies. Secondary infection can result in continuous scratching of the skin.

The disease is especially aggravated in the autumn-spring period, but summer slows down a little. Atopic dermatitis in adults is divided into such stages, according to the nature of its course - acute and chronic. In the acute course of the disease, the skin becomes covered with papules, red spots, swelling and flaking of the skin, as well as the formation of crusts and areas of erosion. And with chronic skin, the skin thickens, the pigmentation of the eyelid becomes stronger, combings, cracks on the palms and soles, and the severity of the skin pattern are evident.

Atopic dermatitis in adults is characterized by the appearance of foci of erythhem of light pink color with papular eruptions and brightly expressed skin pattern, which are localized mainly on face, neck, popliteal and ulnar folds. Sharpen it and already an unpleasant current can plants, dry food for fish, mold, animal hair and house dust. Very often dermatitis complicates pyococcal, fungal or viral infection, and he himself is a good background for the development of pollinosis, bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases.

The main complication in atopic dermatitis is a permanent trauma to the skin, caused by scratching. This disruption of integrity causes a decrease in the protective properties of the skin and facilitates the attachment of fungal or microbial infection. The most common in people suffering from this disease are pyoderma - bacterial infections of the skin, which manifest themselves as pustular rash on the scalp, limbs and body, and drying up, turn into crusts. All this is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and as a result, the general state of health suffers.

This means that atopic dermatitis in adults requires immediate treatment. The treatment process begins with the elucidation of all the characteristics of the patient - the age phase, concomitant diseases and severity. And it is directed to desensitization of the body (decrease of sensitivity to allergens), elimination of allergic itching, itching and inflammation, detoxification of the body, prevention of recurrence of dermatitis, correction of concomitant pathology, as well as combating complications, if any.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis can be carried out by many drugs and methods, such as acupuncture, PUVA therapy, dietotherapy, intal, cytostatics, allergoglobulin, corticosteroids, specific hyposensitization and plasmapheresis. Additionally, it is recommended to supplement the treatment with a hypoallergenic diet.

But remember, unauthorized treatment with such a disease should not be started, because it is fraught with negative consequences. Only a specialized doctor will be able to recognize the true causes of dermatitis and prescribe appropriate treatment for your body.

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