
Beautiful and spectacular - juniper Prince of Wales. Planting, pruning, care of the juniper

How to create a fragrant lawn in your garden area without difficulty? Plant a juniper Prince of Wales! Like other varieties bred in Canada, this plant is incredibly resistant to diseases and diseases. Of course, most gardeners use this juniper for decorative purposes. But today we will talk not only about the beauty of this plant. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the Prince of Wales juniper, planting, care and healing properties!


This sort of juniper is the most low-growing. Its branches eventually fall on each other. Ten years after planting, a delightful green cascade with a diameter of about 90 cm is obtained. That is, it can create amazing lawns. Needles of the Prince scaly. The adult plant has a gentle blue hue, the young shoots are green. By the way, the color of needles depends on the time of year: closer to winter they become bronze, and in winter they delight in plum blossom.

Features of the Prince of Wales

Juniper of this variety is distinguished by increased winter hardiness. He also tolerates difficult conditions: he will not be harmed by gas pollution, severe climatic conditions, lack of water. Equally well the juniper Prince of Wales carries the excess and lack of sun.

Soil selection and planting

The variety is absolutely not exacting to the composition of the soil. It can be planted in salty, alkaline, moist and light soil. The juniper grows a little worse on loamy ground. The only condition for choosing a place for a juniper Prince of Wales - it should be well ventilated.

If near the site where you plan to plant this culture, pass groundwater, take care of the drainage!

Planting the plant in the ground, do not exceed the recommended density. At 1 square. M it is not necessary to plant more than two plants. The root system will need a pit of 70 cm deep. At the bottom you need to lay a brick crumb, small gravel and sand. The optimum thickness of the drainage layer is 15 cm. Immediately after planting, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly - a whole week!

After planting a juniper Prince of Wales, experts recommend periodically mulching. This process can be eased by lifting the crown, wrapping it with dense material (for example, burlap) and tying it together.

Care of the bush

Like other creeping junipers, this cute dwarf almost does not need fertilizers. From excessive feeding Prince of Wales loses an attractive appearance, can a plant and get sick. To bring useful substances costs once a year at the end of April.

If the weather is arid, it is necessary to water and loosen the plants. It is best to use sprinkling.

Adult juniper Prince of Wales well tolerates the winter months. But up to two years the plant will freeze, if not create special conditions for it. Young bushes should be covered with burlap or lapnika. After two surviving winters in the shelter, he no longer needs. You can only sprinkle the plant with peat, a layer of about 10 cm.

Another important part of care for junipers is timely pruning. It will allow the plant to gain pomp. There is also one more function for it - without correct pruning, the plant will lose its attractive appearance, and its needles will simply fade. You need to remove rotten, dry branches. You can remove those that grow in different directions.

Useful properties of juniper

Now that you are familiar with the juniper horizontal Prince of Wales, planting and caring will not be particularly difficult for you. It's time to get acquainted with the useful properties of this unique plant!

The healing effect of juniper is known for a long time. Shrub helps to get rid of a wide range of health problems: asthma, tuberculosis, skin diseases. Variety Prince of Wales has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves stress. The fact is that its needles contain valuable essential oils!

That is, having planted juniper on your site, you not only get an effective element of garden design, but also improve your health!

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