HealthDiseases and Conditions

Influenza: causes of the disease, treatment and prevention of influenza in children and adults

Each of us from year to year is frightened by an insidious respiratory infection, which is called flu. Typically, the cause of the epidemic is seasonal (regular) influenza. Difference each time only in a modified version of the virus. Then he's a bird, then a pig ... But the symptoms, the course and treatment are often the same. In the article we will consider what is the flu, the symptoms, treatment and prevention of this disease.

The main way of transmission of the virus is airborne (when talking, coughing, sneezing). Possible and contact way through handshakes, money, toys.

Influenza virus affects primarily the respiratory system. In severe cases, it affects the nervous, cardiovascular and other systems.

Symptoms of influenza in children .

General malaise. The child complains of weakness, pain in the joints and eyeballs, headache. Often he becomes sluggish, capricious, lays for a long time on the bed. High intoxication of the child's body leads to nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. The child refuses to eat.

Temperature. The disease comes suddenly. Overnight, the child's temperature rises to 39 ° C. But for a long time it does not hold, on the third or fourth day it goes down to 37.5 ° C, and soon it becomes normal.

Cough and runny nose. If cough appeared on day 2, this may be evidence of a complication of the disease. Runny nose usually does not happen, the nose feels dry and itchy.

If the temperature rises again on the fourth or fifth day, cough and sore throat, runny nose, symptoms indicate a complication of the flu. Children remain contagious to others until the seventh day from the onset of the illness.

Treatment of influenza in children . The main thing is to create comfortable conditions for the struggle of the child's organism with infection.

1. Consult a doctor about the condition of the child and the exclusion of another pathology.

2. Prepare a room for a sick child: remove soft toys and carpets from it, do a wet cleaning (it must be done daily), ventilate the room (it is necessary to do this three to four times a day, the child needs to be taken out of the room at this time). The temperature in the room should not be above 20 ° C. Moisturize the room is sure to air. Muffle the house light and provide the child peace and quiet.

3. Allow the body to fight infection and do not abuse antipyretics. Reduce the temperature deliberately and slowly to 37.8 ° C - 37.2 ° C. The use of aspirin is strictly prohibited and may lead to the development of Ray's syndrome. Mucous nose of the child periodically watered with salt solutions.

4. Do not force the child to eat. Let him eat a little, but often. As a light meal, flour products, vegetables and fruits are suitable. Offer him a large amount of drink, which will help reduce the intoxication of the body and cope with dehydration (cranberry and cranberry juice, raspberry and lime tea, etc.).

If the conditions of rest and copious drinking are observed, the disease passes approximately in five to seven days.

Prevention of influenza in children and adults .

During the epidemic, avoid crowding people. Do not be shy in such places to use disposable masks and change them every three to four hours. If there is no possibility to buy disposable masks, reusable gauze dressing should be regularly washed in soapy water and then ironed on both sides.

Prevention of influenza in children and adults is carried out with the observance of hand hygiene. Try to wash your hands as often as possible or use antiseptic napkins.

Be at a distance of at least a meter from a sick person.

If possible, do not touch the mouth, nose, eyes. Avoid handshakes, kisses and hugs. If you sneeze and cough, cover your mouth with a napkin, which should then be thrown into the garbage. In the absence of a napkin, cough and sneeze into the elbow bend.

Prevention of influenza in children with the help of immune medications. Consult with the pediatrician about the need to prescribe immunomodulators and immunostimulants for preventive purposes.

Spin. Vaccination - at the moment the most reliable prevention of influenza in children and adults.

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